07-13-82 BZA Minutes r� � �
J ULY 13, 1982
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held
T uesday, July 13, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Civic
C enter, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota
The following Board members were present:
C hairman, Mike Sell
G len Christiansen
M ahlon Swedberg
Herb Polachek
Absent by prior arrangement, Art Flannagan. Alternates were not able to
a ttend.
The first order of business was approval of the minutes of a regular
meeting held June 8, 1982, copies of which had previously been dis-
t ributed to the Board.
M ahlon Swedberg moved to approve the minutes as written and presented.
Second by Glen Christianson and upon vote carried.
82-7-18 (Map 23) Residential
525 Utah Avenue South
John R. Martinsen
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06(B) for 10.5 feet off the required 13.5 feet
s ide setback from the north lot line to
a distance of 3 feet from the north lot
line to the proposed garage addition.
The petition was in order. Present for the meeting was Mr. John Martinsen.
Also present were the neighbors directly adjacent to the proposed garage
addition, Mr. and Mrs. James Linhoff, 501 Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Linhoff had
i nitially signed the petition form in consent and subsequently changed
their approval to no.
Mr. Martinsen explained that at the present time he has a single-car
attached garage similar to many in the neighborhood when the homes were
i nitially constructed. The proposed additional garage stall would place
the structure within 3 feet of the north lot line and the 24 inch roof
o verhang would be one foot f rom the lot line.
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Mr. and Mrs. Linhoff objected to the proposed structure noting that the
bedrooms of their home are on the side next to the proposed garage and
a lso a basement room with large windows is proposed f or future use as a
children's bedroom and they felt the light to this area was very important
and that the garage addition would substantially reduce this. The Linhoff's
suggested a detached garage in the rear as an alternate.
During further discussion, Mr. Martinsen said he could reduce the width
s omewhat and still get room for a 16 feet door so two cars could fit in.
M ike Sell said he had thoroughly looked at the area and similar waivers had
been requested and approved and he felt that in most cases a two-car garage
in today's times is warranted.
Glen Christiansen asked Mr. Linhoff how he would f eel if the garage was
r educed to within f ive feet of the lot line. Mr. Linhoff acknowedged that this
is less offensive but still next to the bedrooms. Mr. Linhoff said he had pre-
p ared a letter which contained his objections such as "adjacent to the
bedrooms", "reduction in open space", and noting he had moved to Golden Valley
from Minneapolis because they liked the openness of the neighborhood. Mr.
Linhoff said most of the garages were singles in the area.
Glen Christiansen asked what type of garage Mr. Linhoff had and he stated
while it is small, it could accomodate two vehicles.
Mr. Linhoff suggested increasing the depth of the existing garage to provide
f or two cars. Mahlon Swedberg said this provides for a tunnel garage and
never works.
Mrs. Linhoff expressed her concerns and comments on the proposed garage.
M ahlon Swedberg stated he had been a resident of that neighborhood for over
20 years, he described several other waivers to provide for two-car garages
including his own residence.
Mike Sell closed the discussion and in summary Mahlon Swedberg said that
i n looking beyond the immediate subject other things that affect the entire
neighborhood such as I-394, will have a decided impact. Mahlon Swedberg
said I-394 will be disruptive to this particular area and when it is cour
p leted, he could see the potential for the neighborhood to deteriorate as
it would have the freeway adjacent and an upgraded Winnetka Avenue with
heavier traffic on the east, leaving a small pocket of homes. The entire
neighborhood would bear the hardship, if not ma.intained and up�raded
w hen possible.
M ike Sell also noted that if Mr. Martinsen so desired, he could blacktop a
p arking area and driveway up to the property line adjacent to the Linhoff's.
Sell said that it appeared to him that there is a distinct advantage to
h ave those vehicles within an enclosure.
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Swedberg stated that he sees in principal the waiver request as two
t hings:
1 . A strong and substantial variance request at three
f eet from the lot line and
2 . when considering the alternatives and the future as
p reviously noted, he would be willing to allow a
variance to allow continued upgrading of the neighborhood.
Herb Polacheck concurred with Mahlon and f elt the consideration of the effects
to the neighborhood, as described, was well put.
Glen Christiansen moved to approve a waiver of 8.5 f eet off the required
13.5 feet sideyard to a distance of 5 feet from the lot line to the
proposed garage addition.
Herb Polacheck seconded the motion and upon vote carried unanimously.
82-7-19 (Map 14) Industrial
2420 Nevada Avenue North
Mueller Sales Corporation
The Petition is for waiver of Section
7 .05(C) sideyard setbacks for 15 feet off the
required 20 feet setback from the north
lot line to a distance of 5 feet from the
north lot line to the proposed addition
(building now exists at 5 f eet),
a nd for 5 feet off the required 10 f eet
green area of 5 feet between the proposed
addition and the north lot line.
The petition was in order and consent obtained f rom adjacent properties.
No adjacent owners were present at the meeting.
Mr. Guy Mueller was present and explained the proposed addition was
approximately 650 sq. ft. of additional warehousing which would relieve
present overcrowding and allow for further growth of business.
Mr. Mueller said there would be no loss of green area, that he does meet
the required parking and that they would rather add to their present
location than move from Golden Valley.
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M ahlon Swedberg asked if Mr. Mueller or anyone knew the history of the
e xisting building and how it came to be constructed within 5 feet of the
north lot 1ine. Mr. Mueller did not know and the secretary said he reviewed
the files and the building had received an approved permit back in the 60's
when built. Mr. Mueller emphasized that the proposed addition is in line
with the existing.
G len Christiansen asked if the Mueller's would be willing to establish a
10 foot green strip along the south lot line which now exists as a black-
t opped drive around the building and is blacktopped to the south lot line.
Mr. Mueller said he would if he could, but he couldn't get around to the
rear of the building then for parking and deliveries.
Mr. Mueller said he would provide additional shrubbery and plants in the
e xisting green areas as they now exist.
M ahlon Swedberg said he had no difficulty with this proposal and moved to
approve the waiver as requested, subject to the additional shrubs and
p lantings as noted.
Glen Christiansen seconded the motion and upon vote carried unanimously.
82-7-20 (Map 12) Industrial
1114 Zane Avenue North
Shwnacher Meats, Inc.
The Petition is for waiver of Section
7 .05 of the Industrial Zoning Code, for 10
f eet off the required 20 feet building
s etback to a distance of 10 f eet f rom
the north lot line to the proposed
addition to the e�sting building.
Mr. John Shumacher was present with his architect, Mr. Fran Schuck.
Approval had been obtained from the adjacent properties. (Mr. Alvin
Okens of Zane Properties and Mr. John Richter, 5905 Golden Valley Road. )
Noting previous neighborhood concerns and interest in zoning and construction
within this area staff sent notices of the Board meeting to the following
Norbert Friedma.n, 1121 Welcome Circle
Ivan L. Kadiesky, 1117 Weldome Circle
D onald J. Casperson, 1113 Welcome Circle
Dean Knutson, Jr. , 1109 Welcome Circle
Jeffrey Carlson, 1105 Welcome Circle
M arvin Knichman, 1101 Welcome Circle,
Robert C. Teitelbaum, 5705 Phoenix St. ,
C arl and Ann Wilson, 1123 Welcome Circle.
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Most were in attendance. The architect described the proposed addition
as for the purpose of improving production f low and for adding new work
area and cold storage. He described that the area where the variance was
requested was necessary for the mechanical refrigeration equipment which
must be separated from the freezer and work area. While the compressor
equipment is inside, a condensing unit outside would be in the corner along
the north wall next to the proposed addition and it would be screened and
the equipment is designed to meet required sound decibel standards.
Drawings of the proposed addition and the site plan which showed the parking
and landscape were displayed and reviewed. The addition would be brick similar
to the existing. The structure would be approximately six feet higher than
the existing building and it was described that this additional height would
f urther screen the noise and equipment on the present roof.
Mr. Shumacher noted the neighborhood concerns and said he had met with many
of the residents and felt tha.t when completed, the overall structure would
provide better esthetics, sound control, inside storage, etc. , than the
s ite now has. Mr. Shumacher explained his verbal agreement and assurances
that he gave to Mr. John Richter regarding noise and appearance when seeking
his consent as the adjacent property owner to the variance.
Mr. Carl Wilson spoke as representative of the neighbors in attendance and
he described and presented to the Board a set of conditions the neighbors
would like addressed as part of waiver approval. These were for assurance
that all noise of equipment would meet all required standards and that a
p arking agreement initiated in 1973 between the City and Okens Properties
be reinstated for the 60 foot parcel thafi Mr. Shumacher now has where part
of the addition is proposed and also additional parking for vehicles is
p lanned in order to meet City requirements.
Secretary, Lloyd Becker, explained the parking agreement referred to and
described the area from a plot plan on file. This agreement, as noted,
p rovided for additional parking for Zane Properties across f rom what is now
Continental Foods. In this agreement among other conditions, required that
parking be limited to automobiles and passenger vehicles and no trucks.
W hen Mr. Shumacher purchased the 60 feet in August of 1974, this requirement
w as waived for the portion.
Throughout further discussion, Mr. Shumacher described that he would put the
e xisting fence back up along the east lot line. That outside storage that
now exists would be contained in the building. That one existing roof top
unit, which is apparently the most noisy, would be removed f rom the existing
r oof. That for as long as he owns and operates the structure and business,
he would make every attempt to comply with the agreement that originally
applied to his 60 f oot parcel, which limits parking in that area to passenger
vehicles only.
Ann Wilson, in expressing the neighbor's concerns, asked if the Board couldn't
make this parking requirement a condition of the waiver approval or make a
recommendation against truck parking on the east 60 feet.
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Board of Zoning Appeals
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July 13, 1982
Mr. Norbert Friedman expressed his concerns if the property is ever sold
a nd would like the Board to recommend to the Council that if ever this
p roperty is sold, conditions of the original agreement be reapplied.
J ackie Greeman questioned zoning requirements and Board of Zoning Appeal's
decision possibilities and questioned how long that this residential
neighborhood would have to defend itself.
In summary, the Board noted that the concerns f or sound requirements had
been addressed by the architect as meeting all state and federal requirements.
Mr. Shumacher said regarding trucks, that he didn't plan to have refrigerated
u nits parked and running at night.
The Board described that the building could be built without the waiver if
M r. Shumacher so decided and could meet all requirements with no direct
consideration for neighbors. Mahlon Swedberg said that by all his comments,
Mr. Shumacher appeared conscious of a responsibility to the neighbors and
that he would view the waiver request favorably on Mr. Shumacher's assurances
that his intent would be to utilize the parking spaces in the east 60 feet
f or passenger vehicles only.
Herb Polacheck described the new zoning changes that have been adopted the past
year and described that subsequent changes of ownership or occupancy might
require a conditional use permit in some cases and that it appeared that
there were adequate measures that could be taken at that time to address
the concerns of the neighbors as discussed.
G len Christiansen moved to approve the waiver as requested, subject to the
minutes reflecting the neighbor's concern for noise and parking and Mr.
Shumacher's assurances regarding same.
Second by Mahlon Swedber� and during discussion on the motion the Board further
directed that it be noted in the minutes that it encouraged Mr. Shumacher
a nd for any subsequent owner of the property that the intent of the previous
agreement that applied to passenger vehicles only in the easterly 60 feet be
adhered to. Upon vote, motion carried unanimously for approval.
82-7-21 (Map 14) Industrial
2330 Louisiana Avenue North
General Sheet Metal Corporation
The Petition is for waiver of Section
7 .05 of the Industrial Zoning Code for 10 feet
off the required 10 feet green area along
t he south side of the building as it now
exists and for 15 feet off the required
25 feet green area along the east lot line
t o along the east lot line to a green area
of 10 feet width and for waiver of Section
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Board of Zoning Appeals
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July 13, 1982
7 .06 parking for 5 parking spaces off the
required 58 spaces to a total of 53
spaces on the site.
M r. James McCarthy, owner, and Mr. Larry Malmin, Architect, were present.
Consent had been obtained from all adjacent properties. No others were
p resent.
This property abuts on the east side a parking lot for Sandburg School. The
p arking is zoned institutional and requires a 50 foot setback to any building
and 25 feet of green area. If the parking lot was zoned industrial, anly a
20 foot setback is required with 10 feet of green area.
To provide the required parking for the proposed addition, the architect
has had to utilize the additional green space in the required 25 feet on
the east side.
The existing building on the south side has a driveway and parking area
w hich is blacktopped to the lot line and requires a waiver if it is to
continue to exist.
Mr. McCarthy described that he owns that additional property to the north
which is where the e�ansion is proposed and that it will be combined with
the existing property which provides for a lot size of 225 feet in width
by 290 feet deep.
The architect felt there was a hardship along the east lot line and as it
w as only a parking lot with no structure he couldn't see any real impact if
the regular requirements for the industrial setback and green area were
complied with rather than institutional.
During discussion, it was noted that the existing driveway and parking was
necessary both for access and to meet the required parking to within the
f ive spaces short as requested.
M ahlon Swedberg suggested that the 10 feet green area be established along
the south side as a condition of the waiver. It was subsequently agreed
to that for 35 f eet from the front lot line plus an additional two parking
spaces as shown on the site plan be planted as a 10 f oot green strip. The
s ite plan with this area defined was signed by Chairman Sell and Mr. McCarthy
and noted as Exhibit A, for the record.
G len Christiansen moved to approve the waiver as requested subject to the
additional landscape on the south side as noted. Second by Herb Polacheck
and upon vote carried.
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82-7-22 (Map 20) Residential
1354 Boone Avenue North
Mr. and Mrs. Lee
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06(1) front setback for 10 feet off the required
35 feet front setback to a distance of 25
f eet from the front lot line at Boone Avenue
t o the proposed deck.
Mr. Ching-De-Lee and his wife, May Lee, were present. Consent had been
obtained from adjacent neighbors.
This is a dead-end street on Boone Avenue located directly across from the
General Mills James Ford Bell facility.
This lot is only 40 f eet wide and most of the other houses are on similar
lots with narrow side yards and limited back yards.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee described their proposed deck and noted somewhat similar
construction on adjacent houses. The house has two bedrooms at the rear
and to place the deck there would be inaccessible and unworkable. The
tuck-under garage is below the kitchen and living room and the deck would
be over the driveway.
Mr. Reubin L. Duerksen of 1361 Mandan Avenue was present and spoke in favor
of approval for the Lee's deck. However, he expressed his concern for the
methods of construction and especially that at no time in the future could
t he area below the deck be enclosed or that the deck area itself would
ever be reconstructed into an enclosed room. The Lee's emphatically stated
this would not be done.
The Lee's had numerous photographs of their existing home and pictures of a
typical deck as they propose.
The Board noted how carefully they guard the f ront setback areas. However,
they also considered the dead-end street and the specific area of General
Mills wherein there are no other homes across the street from the Lee's.
Mrs. Lee stated that on her petition form she had received permission from
General Mills.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the waiver as requested and called attention
to the hardship of this narrow 40 foot lot for locating any recreational area
_ on the property and also that the area is isolated f rom other residential
p roperties and has no significant impact as may occur in another situation.
Second by Herb Polacheck and on vote carried.
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Board of Zoning Appeals
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July 13, 1982
The secretary reviewed an appeal of a Board of Zoning Appeal's denial at its
June 8, 1982 meeting for Mr. A. J. Poppelaars for an addition to his office
building at 2485 Winnetka Avenue North.
Chairman Sell said he would represent the Board at the Appeal before the
City Council.
The fees for Board of Zoning Appeals applications were again discussed and
the Board recommended that the fees be amended to $35 for residential and
$150 f or all others.
There being no further business to come before the Board, it was upon
motion, second, and vote to adjourn at 10:45 P.M.
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M ike Sell, Chairman Lloyd G. Becker, ecre ry