10-12-82 BZA Minutes r�;7�d�
0 CTOBER 12, 1982
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held
T uesday, October 12, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Civic
C enter, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota
T he following Board members were present:
Chairman, Mike Sell
Mahlon Swedberg
Herb Polachek
Glen Christiansen
A rt Flannagan
The first order of business was approval of the minutes of a regular
meeti ng hel d September 14, 1982, copi es of whi ch had previ ously been di s-
t ri bu ted to the Board.
A rt Flannagan moved to approve the minutes as written and presented.
Second by Glen Christiansen and upon vote carried.
82-10-33 (Map 10) Residential
2 South Tyro rai
Charles M. Wally
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06 (1 ) f ront setback for 10 feet off the required
35 feet front setback to a setback of 25
f eet f rom the f ront lot line to the pro-
p osed garage addition at its closest point
(front lot line angles) and for waiver of
3A.06 (3)b. for 0.5 feet off the required 14.5 feet
sidey ard setback from the east side lot
line to a distance of 14 feet from the
e ast lot line to the proposed garage
a ddi ti on.
M r. Charles Wally was present. Also present was Mr. Claude Lowenthal ,
a ttorney, representing Mr. Wally and Mr. Smuckler, of the construction
company, who propose to do the work if approved.
M r. Lowenthal made the presentation and began by stating that the architect
will adjust the garage so not even the .5 feet of a foot is needed on the east
side of the garage and they request no waiver for that side and would main-
tai n a 15 foot setback.
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October 12, 1982
Mr. Lowenthal said he did not have all the adjacent property owner' s signatures
on the petition form. However, he stated he had tried to obtain them several
times and found no one home. He di d talk to Mr. Oppegaard, the property owner
to the rear, and who face Wayzata Bl vd. The Oppegaard's object to the proposal
and had previously mailed a letter to the Zoning & Inspection Department which
stated so, noting the aesthetics as the primary reason. A similar letter of
objection was also received from Mr. Terry Rath, an adjacent neighbor of the
Oppegaards. Mr. Rath resides at 4111 Wayzata Blvd. and a letter was received
f rom Mr. Wynn Noren, the adjacent nei ghbor on the east si de of Mr. Wal ly.
The architect had a complete scale model of the entire dwelling including
the proposed garage and also it included to scale Mr. Noren's home on the
e ast side. This model was complete including the steep hill and surrounding
p roperty to the rear. It was explained that the proposed two-car garage was
dug into the hillside and was no higher at the top than the present black-
top driveway.
The architect e�lained the shape of the lot noting the front lot line angles
and that the waiver requested is to the closest point along this line. The
measurement is also to a wing wall that protrudes approximately 30 inches and
a t the east end of the garage, i t almost corrp 1 i es wi th the requi red 35 feet.
The Board noted that directly across the pond Dr. Sweet had constructed a new
h ome last year and he had originally requested a waiver of front setback because
of the extremely steep hillside. This had been denied and Dr. Sweet constructed
in conformance. Mr. Lowenthal said he would like the Board to understand that
D r. Sweet's home was new and could be adjusted to the lot although at con-
siderable expense, however, Mr. Wally's home exists , also against a steep hill-
s i de and there i s no physi cal or f i nanci al ly reasonabl e way to move the house
b ack. Mr. Lowenthal also noted that Dr. Sweet approves of Mr. Wally's plan
and has signed the petition in favor, recognizing Mr. Wally has no other
M ahlon Swedberg noted that the garage as proposed is flat-roofed, set into the
ground, is at the mi nimum size for a two-car garage, 21 feet by 22 feet, and
S wedberg also said he was in favor of this proposal the last time it had been
before the Board and he was still in favor of it. (The Board of Zoning
A ppeals denied a previous waiver request in October of 1979 that was similar,
e xcept the waiver requests were larger and included the east side) (denied
o n a 2 to 1 vote. ) Af ter considerable more discussion, Art Flannagan
stated that this present proposal is a vast improvement to the previous
p roposal and based on the scale model, he could not see that it had any effect
of significance to any properties inclu ding Mr. Noren. He also stated it is
a n overall imp rovement to the property.
M ahlon Swedberg said if there ever was a case of hardship that was so clearly
defined by topography, this was it and he moved to approve the waiver of
f ront setback as requested only.
Motion seconded by Herb Polacheck and upon vote carried with four ayes and
o ne nay (Ch ri sti ansen) .
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October 12, 1982
82-10-34 (Map 1 ) Residential
t Avenue ort
Edward and Doris Garbacz
T he Peti ti on i s for wai ver of Secti on
3A.06 (3) sideyard setback for 1.8 feet off the
requi red 5 feet si deyard setback to a
di stance of 3.2 feet from the west lot
to the proposed brick chimney. (Note:
this lot is 50 feet wide and the side
setback is correct for the structure
a t 5 feet f rom the lot line.
M r. Garbacz was present. The petition was in order and consent had been
obtained from all adjacent neighbors.
Mr. Garbacz said this was for a brick chimney in order to burn wood and
e xtended no further than the 30 inches which is allowed for eaves.
H i s 1 ot i s only 50 feet wi de and the house i s set exactly at the requi red
s etback.
Art Flannagan said this was almost an administrative matter as it is not
something like a deck or a habitable room, however, it is a projection
i nto the setback although very mi nimal. Art Flannagan moved to approve
the waiver as requested.
Second by Glen Christiansen and upon vote carried.
82-10-35 (Map 20) Residential
1514 Gettysburg Avenue
Larry and Randee Melander
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06 (3) sideyard setback for 8.3 feet off the
required 12.5 feet sideyard setback to
a distance of 4.2 feet from the south
lot line to the proposed deck.
M r. and Mrs. Melander were present. Consent had been obtained from adjacent
p roperties.
M r. Melander explained they are on a steep hill with no real useable back
y ard. The proposed deck would provide some seating area and then would
c ontinue along the side of the house and allow access from the rear door
a 1 so.
Board of Zoning Appeals
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October 12, 1982
After considerable discussion on the method of construction and confirmation
by Mr. Melander that the area under the deck would not become a storage or
trash area, Glen Christiansen moved to approve the waiver as requested for
the deck only. No construction or storage below and in doing so he also
noted the hardship of topography with the steep hill to the rear and sides
of the structure.
A rt F1 annagan seconci�d �ti�e moti on and upon vote carri ed.
82-10-36 (Map 20) Re si denti al
340 Patsy Lane
M r. and Mrs. Joseph Tschader
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06 (3) sideyard setback for 6.5 feet off the
required 15 feet to a distance of 8.5
f eet f rom the west lot line to the
p roposed garage addition.
Mr. Tschacher was present. The petition was in order. Consent had been
obtained from all adjacent properties. Mr. Tschader explained his present
single garage and noted the difficulty for any other alternative such as a
detached garage.
The present single car garage has no provisions for any storage and no
additional space even for a small area. Mr. Tschader presently has a con-
crete area where he now parks his cars outside and this area is where the
garage addition is proposed.
Following further discussion on any other alternatives, Art Flannagan
moved to approve the waiver as requested. Second by Herb Polacheck and
vote carried.
82-10-37 (Map 19) Residential
980 Wynwood Road
Penny & Mark Ziessman
T he Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06 (3) sidey ard setback for 2.2 feet off the
required 15 feet sidey ard setback to
a distance of 12.8 feet f rom the west
lot line to the proposed room addition.
M r. and Mrs. Ziessman were present. The consent had been obtained f rom
all adjacent properties.
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Board of Zoning Appeals
P a ge 5
October 12, 1982
This lot is a cul-de-sac type. The part of the lot where the construction
is proposed is a vacated alley area. Th ere had been some utility easements
which the Ziessman' s have obtained letters releasing them. This lot is
unusual in shape, has rising topography in the rear and the house is placed
on an angle so it fronts property on the curved area of Wynwood. It is
only at its closest corner that a variance is required as the side of the
house as extended becomes further f rom the lot line and conf orms at the
Glen Christiansen moved to approve the waiver as requested noting it is
minimal at one corner and also considering the location and shape of the
lot, the topography and placement of the house as it exists now on the lot.
Second by Herb Polacheck and upon vote carried.
There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved,
seconded and upon vote carried to adjourn at 8:30 P.M.
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Mike Sell , Chairman Lloyd G. Becker, Secretary