12-14-82 BZA Minutes ��� �� � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE G OLDEN VALLEY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS D ECEMBER 14, 1982 The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held T uesday, December 14, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Civic C enter, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following Board members were present: Chairman, Mike Sell A rt Flannagan Herb Polachek M ahlon Swedberg Absent by prior arrangement, Glen Christiansen. T he first order of business was approval of the minutes of a regular meeting held October 12, 1982, copies of which had previously been dis- t ributed to the Board, (No meeting was held in November. ) A rt Flannagan moved to approve the minutes as written and presented. Second by Herb Polacheck and upon vote carried. 82-12-38 (Map 17) Residential 6 5 0 son Memoria Highway J ohn J . Hegbl om The Petition is for waiver of Section 3A.06 (3) si de setback for .75 of a foot off the required 15 feet side setback to a setback of 14.25 feet from the west lot line to the corner of the existing house at its closest p oint to allow a permanent founda- tion to be installed that conforms to all zoning requirements. The Petition was in order, consent had been obtained f rom all adjacent p roperties. Mr. Hegblom was present and explained that when his existing h ome was built one corner of the house adjacent to the west lot line was placed approximately 9 inches closer to the line than allowed. The lot line a ngles at this point and it appears that an error in placing the survey limits occurred at that time. The home is approximately 12 years oid and is constructed on a foundation with a crawl space underneath (no full basement) . Mr. Hegblom proposes to dig out under the present structure and install a full basement. However, he did not w ant to do this if the structure did not conform in any manner. At a future date, Mr. Hegblom plans to add a small room addition to the rear that would c onform to all required setbacks. `-��� � ��= �.,� v `. Board of Zoning Appeals December 14, 1982 Page 2 Art Flannagan noted that this is a very small error at only the corner of the existing home and does not appear to have any specific significance to any a d,j acent properti es. M ahlon Swedberg noted the changes in the lot configuration at this point and said the installation of a full basement was not expanding any non-conforming p orti on . A rt Flannagan moved to approve the waiver as requested. Second by Herb P olacheck and upon vote carried unanimously. 82-12-39 (Map 16) Resi denti al 6 F ori a Avenue North D aniel F. and Debbie K. Grossman The Petition is for waiver af Section 3A.06 (1 ) front setback for 11 feet off the required 35 feet front setback to a distance of 24 feet from the front lot line to the e xisting house at its closest point and to allow a conforming room addition to be added to the rear of the existing s tructure. The Petition was in order. Consent had been obtained from all adjacent property owners, none of whom were present at the meeting. M r. Grossman explained that the addition they propose is to the rear of the home and conforms to all setbacks. However, in having a survey of the property done, it revealed that the existing home is 24 feet from the front lot line. It appears from City records that this home was one of the earlier dwellings constructed in Golden Valley and possibly when Florida Avenue was installed, some front footage was lost from this parcel to provide proper street alignment and right-of-way. M ahlon Swedberg said this is probably the least controversial request, noting it is an existing home and that the proposed addition totally conforms and is to the rear of the house. The Board noted it would be an extreme hardship and expense to require that for any addition 11 feet would have to be removed from the front of the existing h ome. M ahlon Swedberg moved to approve the waiver as requested. Second by Herb Polacheck and upon vote carried unanimously. ����j�� F; �, _� Board of Zoning Appeals Page 3 December 14, 1982 Secretary L1 oyd Becker i nformed the Board of recent legi slati on he became aware of that requires all variances, special use permits, etc. , to be recorded with the property beginning January, 1983. The City Attorney has been asked to research this legislation and provide the staff with copies and appropriate recommendations and direction in this matter. Copies when received will be p rovided for the Board members. The Board discussed several administrative matters and as no further business w as scheduled to come before the Board, it was moved, seconded and upon vote c arried to adjourn at 8:45 P.M. <�,1��' �_� �� M i ke Sell , Chai rman 1 oyd G. Bec er, ecretar