05-08-84 BZA Minutes ���
May 8, 1984
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was
held Tuesday, May 8, 1984, at 7 :3U P.M. in the Council Chambers of the
Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota.
The following Board members were present:
Chairman, Art Flannagan
Lloyd Tubman
Mike Sell
Mahlon Swedberg
Donald Nuyhes (alternate)
Absent by prior arrangement, Larry Smith.
The first order of business was approval of the minutes of a regular
meetiny held April 10, 1984, copies of which had previously been dis-
tributed to the Board.
Mike Sell moved to approve the minutes of the April 10, 1984 meeting
as written and presented. Second by Mahlon Swedberg and upon vote
84-4-6 (Map 9) Residential
5201 Circle Downs
Richard Kaitz (Deferred from April )
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.10(1) for 3 feet off the required 5 foot side and
rear setbacks to allow a detached garage to
be constructed within 2 feet of the south
and west lot lines.
Mr. Kaitz was present and further explained his proposed detached garage
This item had been deferred from the previous meeting to allow the pro-
ponent to prepare further details and to explore alternatives for the
location of the structure.
The property had been surveyed to accurately locate the maple tree that had
interfered with placement of the garage. Elevations were also provided
alony with additional pictures of Mr. Kaitz's property and the abutting
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May 8, 1984
The property to the rear is a large open space zoned multiple dwelling and
there are two apartment buildings located there. The land is low and at the
present time standing water is in some areas. Mr. Kaitz's lot slopes quite
rapidly toward the rear lot line and he described that for every foot he
moved forward from the rear lot line, the elevation of the garage came up
about a foot and he was concerned about the appearance and height. He said
he could not have a commercial tree firm come in on his property to move
the tree because the soils are so soft and wet they cannot support that
type of equipment.
Followiny further discussion by the Board on the size of the garage, the
proposed storage within and etc. , Mike Sell moved to grant a waiver of two
(2) feet off the required five (5) foot setback from the south and west lot
lines to a distance of three feet on both sides to the proposed garage.
Sell noted the topography and soil conditions affecting the site. Second
by Lloyd Tubman.
During discussion on the motion, Mahlon Swedberg asked Mr. Kaitz to review
the elevations and soil conditions. Swedberg subsequently noted that on
the basis of keeping the profile of the yarage lower and on the topo-
graphy, soil conditions and at present, standing water, he could support
the waiver as now amended to three feet from the lot line.
The chair called the vote and the motion to approve the waiver for two (2) feet
off the required five (5) foot setback carried unanimously.
84-5-11 (Map 9) Residential
820 North Tyrol Trail
Wendell E. Holmquist
The Petition is for waiver of Section
14.02 of the Zoning Code (non-conforming structures)
to allow a kitchen addition that fully conforms
to be added to the rear of the existing house.
Mr. Holmquist was present. Consent had been obtained from all adjacent
Mr. Holmquist explained the proposed addition to the kitchen which is very
minimal (20 inches at maximum) and to the rear of the house.
The Board noted that this waiver is more of a technicality of the Zoning Code
for non-conforming structures. Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the
waiver as requested, notiny there is minimal if any effect, on any
properties. Second by Mike Sell and upon vote carried unanimously.
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May 8, 1984
84-5-12 (Map 16) Residential
1111 Idaho Avenue North
David P. Leba
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06(3) side setback for 7 feet off the required 15
feet sideyard setback to a distance of 8 feet
from the south side lot line to the proposed
garage addition at its closest point.
Mr. and Mrs. Leba were present. Also present was Mr. John Quist, the adjacent
neighbor at 1101 Idaho Avenue and Mr. Bruce Jeide, a neighbor directly across
the street at 1100 Idaho Avenue North.
Mr. and Mrs. Leba explained their proposed addition to the Board and that it
was minimal to provide for two cars. The present single garage area is approxi-
mately 12 feet wide. Mrs. Leba described a closet area that presently projects
into the yarage and limits the depth for an automobile.
Mr. Bruce Jeide said while he doesn't object to a variance, he felt the garage
could be made smaller and that there was more room in the present garage than
had been described. He also said that the addition would block some of his
view around the present house to the golf course behind.
Mr. John Quist, the neighbor who directly abuts the side of the proposed
addition, said he basically did not object to it. However, he was in atten-
dance to make sure he fully understood where the limits of construction were
and to see if it may be reduced to within minimum practical limits. During
this discussion, it was agreed by the proponents to reduce the variance requested
by a foot and a half to a proposed distance of nine and one half feet from the
south lot line which would allow a 12 foot addition.
Following additional discussion by the Board with Mr. Quist, Mr. Jeide and
Mr, and Mrs. Leba, Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve a waiver of five and one
half feet off the required 15 foot side setback to a distance of nine and
one half feet from the south lot line to the proposed garage addition at its
closest point. (Lot line angles and about mid point garage conforms) . Second
by Mike Sell .
Further discussion occured and Donald Hughes moved the question on the motion.
The chair called the vote and it was unanimous for approval .
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May 8, 1984
84-5-13 (Map 4) Residential
3048 Kyle Avenue North
John E. D. Moreira
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06(1 ) front setback for 15 feet off the required
35 foot front setback to a distance of 20
feet from the front lot line to the proposed
new dwelling.
84-5-14 (Map 4) Residential
3100 Kyle Avenue North
Thomas Barnes
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06(1) front setback for 15 feet off the required
35 foot front setback to a distance of 20
feet from the front lot line to the proposed
new dwelling.
John Moreira and Thomas Barnes were present. No adjacent property owners
were in attendance.
The two lots abut each other and have similar extreme topography problems.
Chairman Flannagan suyyested addressing both requests simultaneously as
they were identical in topography and in waivers requested. The proponents
agreed and the Board concurred. Staff liason, Lloyd Becker, provided the Board
with surveys of adjacent properties that presently have homes built on them.
Waivers were previously granted for front setback along most of the east side of
Kyle Avenue in that area. The waivers on record were an averaye of 10 feet of.f
the required 35 feet to a distance of 25 feet from the front lot line.
Mr. Moreira described the proposed construction and said he will use
structural and soils engineers for design and supervision, Mike Sell
said he observed the lots and they have the most severe drop off to the
rear in that area, will be very difficult to build on and should result
in a house befitting the expense of piling and structural considerations
necessary. To get a home of quality he would support a setback of 2U feet.
Sell described his observation of the grade going up Kyle Avenue to the north
and noted that the lot line angles so the combinations of both should not
make the proposed homes stand out or upset a1ignment with adjacent properties.
Don Hughes noted the homes across the street are up on a hill and would overlook
this proposal .
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May 8, 1984
Mike Sell moved to approve the waiver as requested for 3048 Kyle Avenue (Lot
17) . Second by Donald Hughes and upon vote carried.
Donald Hughes moved to approve a waiver as requested for 3100 Kyle Avenue
(Lot 18) . Second by Mike Sell and upon vote carried.
84-5-15 (Map 17) Residential
582U Kinyston Circle
Robert and Terri Cox
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06(1) front setback for 24 feet off the required
35 feet setback from the south lot line to
a distance of 11 feet from the south lot line
at its closest point to the proposed swimming
pool . (South lot line abuts Highway 55 service
road and requires a 35 foot setback.)
Mrs. Cox was present. Also in attendance was the contractor for the proposed
pool . No adjacent neighbors were present. Consent had been obtained from
all adjacent properties.
The contractor described the pool and the hardshi� of a 35 foot setback
required on both the front and back of the property for a total of 70 feet
of the lot restricted by setback.
A previous waiver had been granted for the existiny home alony the north side
of the lot that abuts Highway 55.
The Board noted that the area for the proposed pool is totally enclosed by
decorative masonry walls and there is no visible effect to any adjacent pro-
perties. Mahlon Swedberg said he had also viewed the site and found it totally
non-controversial . Adjacent properties have similar wall enclosures. Mahlon
Swedbery moved to approve the waiver as reyuested. Second by Lloyd Tubman.
The Board discussed several administrative items. The secretary gave an update
on current and proposed construction in the city.
At 9:15 P.M. , Mike Sell moved to adjourn. Second by Mahlon Swedberg and upon
vote carried.
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Art Flannagan, Chair n Lloyd G. Becker, Secretary