05-14-85 BZA Minutes ��� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS May 14, 1985 The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoniny Appeals was held Tuesday, May 14, 1985, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following Board members were present: Art Flannagan Mike Sell Herb Polachek (alternate) Absent by prior arrangement, Chairman Larry Smith, Margaret Leppik and Mahlon Swedberg. As past chairman, Art Flannayan convened the meeting. The first order of business was approval of the minutes of a regular meetiny held April 9, 1985, copies of which had previously been distributed to the Board. Mike Sell moved to approve the minutes as written and presented. Second by Herb Polachek and upon vote carried. 85-5-7 (Map 15) Residential 1620 Florida Avenue James and Margaret Valkevich The Petition is for waiver of Section 3A.06(1) front setback for 13.7 feet off the required 35 feet to a distance of 21.3 feet from the north lot line (Hampshire Place) to the proposed garage addition at its closest point, and to provide for a fully conforming room addition at the rear of the existing structure. Mr. and Mrs. Valkevich were present. Consent had been obtained from all adjacent neighbors. No others were present. This is a corner lot on an unusual intersection. The lot is large especially in depth. However, the lot lines curve and narrow toward the rear. The 35 foot setbacks on two sides substantially limit any other construction on the site. Approximately 65 percent of the lot comprises the required setback area. The site was checked by the City engineering personnel for corner visibility if the proposed addition was added and it is not a problem. Mr. Valkevich explained that the addition to the rear is actually in place and was built in conformance with the Zoning Code. Board of Zoning Appeals ��� Page 2 May 14, 1985 Mike Sell noted he was familiar with the area and the corner intersection. He felt the 6 feet added to the garage was reasonable as it would provide for only the minimum in width for a two-car garage. (Present garage is single stall ) . Art Flannagan agreed and it appeared to be a definite improvement of minimum proportions. Noting the configuration of the lot and the topography and the hardship imposed by this plus the required 35 foot setback on two sides of the lot and the lack of any reasonable alternative, Mike Sell moved to approve the waiver as requested. Herb Polachek seconded the motion and acknowledged Mike Sell 's observations, Upon vote, motion carried to approve. 85-5-8 (Map 20) Residential 4414 Sunset Ridge Leslie Erickson The Petition is for waiver of Section 3A.06(3)A side setback for 5.4 feet off the required 15 feet side setback to a distance of 9.6 feet from the east lot line to the proposed garage addition. Mr. and Mrs. Erickson were present. Consent had been obtained from all adjacent properties. No others were present. Mr. Erickson explained to the Board that his present single-car garage is a "tuck under" of minimum proportions. The existing house is built on a lot with extreme topography to the rear which drops rapidly to a pond below and prohibits any other construction alternatives on the site. The proposed addition to the existing "tuck under" requires excavation and remo- val of a three-tier retaining wall . The yarage is set on an angle and the waiver request is only to the closest point, and parts of the garage actually would be in compliance. Mr. Erickson's ad,�acent neighbor most affected fully approves and he feels with the wall removed it would have the appearance of more open area along the side lot line. Herb Polachek noted the placement of the existiny home, the hardship of the extreme topography to the rear and with the lack of any other alternatives, he felt the request was reasonable. Mike Sell said he agreed with Polachek's com- ments and observation. Herb Polachek moved to approve the waiver as requested. Second by Mike Sell and upon vote carried. �;�,� 3 �.� Board of Zoning Appeals Page 3 May 14, 1985 85-5-9 Map 20) (Residential ) 1301 Mandan Loren S. Sederstrom The Petition is for waiver of Section 3A.06(2) rear setback for 20.8 feet off the required 28.8 feet of rear yard to a distance of 8 feet from the rear lot line to the proposed yarage addition. Mr. Sederstrom was present. Consent had been obtained from adjacent neighbors. None were present. Mr. Sederstrom explained that he built his house in 1978. The Board of Zoning Appeals approved a waiver of the requirement for an area for a garage when this house was built because of the extreme topography. The house is 35 feet above Mandan to its living room floor. The present access is now from the rear (Boone Avenue) . After building the present home, Mr. Sederstrom obtained some additional property adjacent to him and while too small to be buildable, it provided him vehicle access to the property. He now proposed to attach a garage to the house. The house, because of topography, is placed toward the rear of the lot from Mandan and the requirement for 20 percent of the lot depth creates a "hardship" and without a waiver prohibit building a reasonable garage. Mr. Sederstrom said he hired an architect who drew plans so the attached garage would be compatible both in materials and appearance to the present house. He showed the construction plans and elevations to the Board. Mike Sell said he knows the property and it was almost an unbuildable lot to begin with. He said it appeared to him that Mr. Sederstrom had done a lot of work to construct there and there is no other place to build on the lot. Sell also pointed out that the size of the garage is minimum for two vehicles. Herb Polachek said this is probably one of the most extreme examples of difficult topography built on in the city. Mike Sell moved to approve the waiver as requested. Second by Mike Sell and upon vote carried. �j�,,s� C�v��-> Board of zoning Appeals Page 4 May 14, 1985 85-5-10 (Map 15) Residential 1430 Kelly Drive Dan and Karen Albrecht The Petition is for waiver of Section 3A.06(3)b side setback for 6.9 feet off the required 12.7 foot side setback to a distance of 5.8 feet from the south lot line to the proposed deck and addition at its closest point. The petition was in order. Consent had been obtained from adjacent properties. Mr. and Mrs. Albrect were present. The existing house has a deck to the rear approximately 12 feet by 12 feet. The lot slopes on the sides and to the rear a�most to the depth of the basement. Mr. Albrecht explained that presently to reach the rear deck you have to go through the house and living room. Ne proposes adding a deck and walkway on the side. Patio doors would open onto the side deck and the walkway would provide access to the rear deck also. He described that he wanted the side deck for a picnic table and sunning and possibly enclose at sometime the rear deck with screening similiar to a three- season porch. Mike Sell suggested, rather than such a substantial intrusion into the side setback with the proposed deck, that the patio door be installed and a walkway built to reach the rear deck and then expand the size of the rear deck. Mrs. Albrect described the trees to the rear and the nuisance of leaves, insects, etc. , from them and they would like to enclose the rear deck but have a side deck open. Art Flannagan questioned whether the atmosphere was really that different in the distance between the rear of the house and the proposed side deck. Herb Polachek felt he would look favorably on a 3 foot wide walkway to the rear deck but would find it hard to justify as a hardship such a wavier as requested. After considerable more discussion, Mike Sell suggested possibly the Albrecht's consider reversing the figures requested in the waiver to a deck 5.8 feet in width and a 3 foot wide walkway to the rear. After some further deliberation and consideration by the Albrects, Mike Sell moved to approve a waiver to allow a deck 5 feet in depth to be constructed to within 8.8 feet of the side lot line including a walkway 3 feet wide to the existing rear deck. Herb Polachek seconded the motion and upon vote carried. �.::�� Board of Zoning Appeals Page 5 Mary 14, 1985 85-5-11 (Map 8) Residential 401 Meadow Lane (Empty corner lot at Beverly Avenue & Meadow Lane northwest corner) Robert Lang The Petition is for waiver of Section 3A.06(1) front setback for 15 feet ofif the required 35 feet f rom Beverly Avenue to the front porch of the proposed dwelling to a distance of 2U feet from the lot line at its closest point, and for 10 feet off the required 35 foot set- back from Meadow Lane to a distance of 25 feet from Meadow Lane to the proposed dwelling at its closest point, and for 15 feet off the required 35 feet from Meadow Lane to a distance of 20 feet from Meadow Lane to the detached garage as it now exists. (Previous house on this lot was destroyed by fire.) The petition was in order. Consent had been obtained except from the adjacent neighbor at 4108 Beverly. This is an empty corner lot. The previous dwelling was destroyed by fire several years ago. An existing detached garage exists at the north end of the lot and received a waiver in 1959 to construct the garage at 20 feet from Meadow Lane. The property consists of two lots of approximately 40 feet in width each. The previous house existed previously on one lot closest to Meadow Lane. Mr. Lang described his proposed house using both lots for a combined width of approximately 80 feet. Because of the topography and because of several large trees and also the requirements of a 35 foot setback on two sides, he is requesting a variance of 15 feet off Beverly Avenue to a distance of 20 feet at its closest point to the proposed house (lot line on Beverly is on an angle), and for 10 feet off the required 35 feet from Meadow Lane to a distance of 25 feet from Meadow Lane. Mr. Lang discussed the trees he would like to save on the lot that were in the area of the previous house. He reviewed the con- struction plans. The proposed dwelling has 1 ,000 square feet on first floor and approximately 900 square feet on the second floor. ��� Board of Zoning Appeals ��.?�a Page 6 May 14, 1985 Followiny a lengthly discussion about the topography and existing trees and the relationship of the existing garage that fronts on Meadow Lane, Herb Polachek moved for approval of a waiver for l0 feet off the required 35 feet from Beverly to a distance of 25 feet from the ]ot line at its closest point and for 10 feet off the required 35 feet from Meadow Lane to a distance of 25 feet from the lot line to the proposed house. There was no second but discussion continued. Mike Sell noted that the existing garage basically sets the line from Meadow Lane and suggested moving the house 5 feet further north from Beverly and approving the waiver as proposed from Meadow Lane. Sell noted that the proposed house has an 8 foot offset on the Meadow Lane side and not the whole house would be that distance. Herb Polachek subsequently withdrew his previous motion and moved to approve a waiver for 10 feet off the required 35 feet from Beverly to a distance of 25 feet from the lot line to the house at its closest point and for 15 feet off the required 35 feet from Meadow Lane to a distance of 20 feet to the proposed house at its closest point. Mike Sell seconded the motion noting the topography of the lot, the 35 foot setback on two sides and also that the setback from Meadow Lane is consistent with the existing garage. Art Flannagan called the vote and it was unanimous for approval . 85-5-12 (Map 8) Residential 3906 Glenwood Avenue (Note: This house located at rear of 3900 Glenwood and currently provided access by easement at that address) Warren Martin Stellmacher The Petition is for waiver of Section 3A.06(1 ) front setback for 8 feet off the required 35 foot setback from the north lot line to a distance of 27 feet from the lot line to the proposed garage addition. Mr. Stellmacher was present. Consent had been obtained from all adjacent properties. Several days prior to the meeting, Mr. Stellmacher had submitted a modified proposal that substantially reduced the waiver requested. As noted on the agenda, the present home is located on a lot to the rear of 3900 Glenwood. This lot also abuts a portion of Roanoke Circle on the north side. On this north side, there is a 20 foot wide by 75 feet deep utility drainage easement along the neighbor's lot line abutting Mr. Stellmacher. This is a gravel surface and is used as driveway by the neighbor. Mr. Stellmacher has reached agreement with the neighbor to acquire access to his property also over this easement. Mr. Stellmacher has approval from the City Engineer for street access over the utility easement provided all costs and improvements are assumed by the pro- ponent. � °�r`�� c:_�� �' Board of Zoning Appeals Page 7 May 14, 1985 Mr. Stellmacher described his present proposal to construct a 24 x 24 foot attached garaye on the west side of his existiny house and his revised request is for 2 feet off the required 15 feet from the west lot line to a distance of 13 feet to the proposed garage. Based on revised survey data, he said it probably would be only 11 inches that he would need but he wanted to be sure he had adequate approval . The Board thoroughly discussed this revised proposal . The adjacent neighbors are in full agreement and sugyested this revised proposal to Mr. Stellmacher. Noting the existing topography as the house is situated and the hardship of no other reasonable access and that if approved, this brings the house actually in more conformance for access from a street, Mike Sell moved to approve the waiver as now requested for 2 feet off the required 15 foot sideyard setback from the west lot line to the proposed garaye. Second by Herb Polachek and upon vote carried. Acting Chair, Art Flannayan, siyned the revised survey and plot plan as Exhibit A and it will be placed on file as the approved plan. 85-5-13 (Map 11) Business & Professional 1710 Douglas Drive North Pace Laboratories The Petition is for waiver of Section 10.051 front setback for 20 feet off the required 35 foot landscape area along St. Croix Avenue to a distance of 15 feet from St. Croix Avenue to the proposed parkiny area on this lot at its closest point, and for Section 10.052(B) side setback for 16 feet off the required 30 foot setback from the interior east lot line to a distance of 14 feet f rom the lot line to the proposed building addition at its closest point, and for Section 10.052(A) for 15 feet off the required 50 feet to the existing building to a distance of 35 feet from the south lot line at its closest point, and for 15 feet off the required 25 feet landscape along the south lot line to a landscape area if 10 feet in width as it now exists along the parking area, and f or 7 feet off the required 25 foot landscape area along the east lot line to a landscape area of 18 feet at its closest point to the existing blacktop parking lot. �oard of Zoniny Appeals ��� Page 8 May 14, 1985 The petition was in order. Present for the meeting were Mr. John Pope of Pope Architects, Mr. Steve Vanderbloom, President of Pace Laboratories and Mr. Phillip 0' Conner, Vice President. Also present were Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Mapesak, 6145 St. Croix Avenue. Mr. Pope had architectural graphics of the building with the addition and new exterior. There was also a site plan that covered the complete area, the proposed additional parking lot, the small office building owned by others between Mr. Vanderbloom's building and the proposed parking lot on the corner. Access is achieved by easement from the parking lot to the Pace Laboratories. Mr. Pope explained the small waiver area at the east end of the parking lot on St. Croix and Douglas Drive. He noted the praperty with the 35 foot requirement on two sides and the angle of the lot along St. Croix Avenue. To desiyn two rows of parking, you cannot follow the lot angle because it narrows and prohibits two full rows of parking with adequate drive space between. Mr. Pope also brought attention to the varied lot lines and angles of the area of the present building. There are several different zoning catagories that abut this property and they create different setback requirements. The proposed addition to the building includes an enclosed garage area for some of the special laboratory vehicles. A relatively small corner on the north- east side projects into the required 30 foot setback at this point. The existing small office buildiny between the two properties is presently vacant and for lease. Art Flannagan asked Mr. Vanderbloom if he had attempted tQ acquire that property. Mr. Bloom responded that he had done so, however, the purchase price was many times more than practical or prudent for him to purchase it. The Board discussed several alternatives and parking con- figurations. Mr, and Mrs. Mapesak felt the proposed addition would further detract from the residential area to the east. They said at the present time loudspeakers as communication are used outside and are an annoyance especially at 7 :00 A.M. They also said the proposed addition would eliminate their view from their house throuyh Pace Laboratory property to Douglas Drive. Mr. Vanderbloom said they would discontinue use of the loudspeakers and also would do a more substantial job of maintaining the green area of their property on the side f acing the Mapesaks. Art Flannagan said he was concerned that the proponents were trying to build too much on the present site and he had difficulty with the parkiny area. Mr. Pope said they would do heavy landscaping along St. Croix and Douglas with ber- mings and etc. He proposed depressing the parking area in conjunction with �he landscape and berming. This would lower the visibility of the parked vehicles. There is storm sewer available on St. Croix and a catchbasin couid be installed in the lot to collect the rainwater. The present area is low. ����� �;t �,_ Board of Zoning Appeals Page 9 May 14, 1985 Followiny additional comments by Mr. and Mrs. Mapesak and further clarification by the architect to their questions and concerns, Herb Polachek moved to approve the waiver as requested noting the hardship and loss of use.able area of the parking lot because of the 35 foot setback requirement on two sides and the combination of mixed zoning abutting the property and the difficult lot line angles. Second by Mike Sell and upon vote carried. There beiny no further business to come before the Soard, it was upon motion, second, and vote to adjourn at 9:45 P.M. , � � �/ ��^-' � ��L�. Ar F n a , Cha an Pro Tem oyd , eck� r, Secretary