06-11-85 BZA Minutes �;`��
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J une 11, 1985
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held
Tuesday, June 11, 1985, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Civic
Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota.
The following Board members were present:
Larry Smith
Margaret Leppik
Mahlon Swedberg
Absent by prior arrangement, Mike Sell and Art Flannayan. (No alternates
were available for this meeting due to prior commitments.)
The first order of business was approval of the minutes of a regular meetiny
held May 11, 1985, copies of which had previously been distributed to the Board.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the minutes as written and presented. Second
by Margaret Leppik and upon vote carried.
85-6-14 (Map 15) Residential
6540 Plymouth Avenue
Thomas J . Turney
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06(3)b side setback, for 1.9 feet off the
required 13.5 feet to a distance of
11.6 feet from the east lot line
to the proposed garaye addition
and for,
3A.06(1) front setback, for 1 .7 feet off the
required 35 foot front setback to a
distance of 33.3 feet as the house
now exists from the front lot line.
The Petition was in order. Consent had been obtained from all adjacent proper-
• ties. Mr. and Mrs. Turney were present with their contractor. No adjacent
property owners were present.
This lot is 90 feet in width. The required side setback is 13.5 feet. The pre-
sent sinyle-car garage is 19.6 feet from the side lot line. The proposal is to
add 8 feet in width to provide for a two-car garage.
Board of Zoning Appeals
Paye 2
June 11, 1985
Mr. Turney described in detail the present tuck-under single garage. The
addition would be a full basement construction and would also correct the
present east wall which is cracking under present soil conditions. The
addition would also provide on the upper level for a larger dininy space. Mr.
Turney said he has a van truck that he presently parks outside and if approved,
he could also put this vehicle inside.
Mahlon Swedberg asked how wide the garage door is. Mr. Turney said it was
proposed at 18 feet. Margaret Leppik questioned the door width and why it
couldn't be 16 feet in width. Mahlon Swedbery asked what the total width
of the garage would be. Mr. Turney described it as the very minimum for
two cars at 21 feet. He further described the existing interior concrete
wall and noted that one side of the yarage door framiny could be attached
to that surface and three feet on the east side of the proposed addition
would provide for the framing for the other door side. Based on this con-
figuration he could utilize a door 18 feet in width while maintaining the
yarage width at 21 feet.
Following this discussion and clarification, Mahlon Swedberg noted that the
21 foot width is normal and reasonable for a two-vehicle garaye and in addition
the proposed construction would provide for new footings and block wall to
replace the existing cracked foundation.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to approved the waiver as requested includiny the set-
back for the existing house from the front lot line. Second by Maryaret
Leppik. Duriny discussion on the motion, Margaret Leppik questioned Mr.
Turney on the existing crab tree and whether trimming the tree and any
possible damage had been discussed with the neighbors. Mrs. Turney replied
that they had discussed the tree with the neighbors. They are aware of the
trimming that is required and the possibility the tree may be lost. Maryaret
Leppik said she was not really comfortable with the addition, however, their
being a lack of any other reasonable alternatives because of the topography, she
seconded the motion.
Chairman Smith called the vote and it was unanimous for approval .
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Board of Zoning Appeals
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June 11, 1985
85-6-15 (Map 1) Residential
2515 McNair Drive
Douglas Marsh
The Petition is for waiver of Section
3A.06(3)b side setback, for 5 feet off the
required 11.2 side setback to a
distance of 6.2 feet from the side
lot line to the proposed garage
extension to the rear.
The petition was in order. Consent had been obtained from all adjacent
properties. Mr. Douglas Marsh was present. No others were in attendance.
This is a lot 74 feet in width. The existing attached garage was constructed
in 1966 and at that time had received a waiver of side setback from the Board
of Zoning Appeals to allow it to be constructed within 6 feet of the lot line.
Mr. Marsh described his present home and the topography of his lot in detail .
His pro�osed addition is to extend the garaye in depth by 22 feet, but in
line with the existing structure. This would provide additional room for
his truck and also his woodworking hobby. His present garage has lawn and
snow equipment stored in it and provides limited room for one vehicle.
Mahlon Swedberg expressed his concerns about the size of the proposed addition
and questioned if there is any intent to use the addition for commercial wood-
working or cabinetry. Mr. Marsh said he was a lithographer by trade and had
no intention for a commercial use.
Maryaret Leppik asked if the present house had a basement and Mr. Marsh
replied that it had. Ms. Leppik said she was concerned about the noise of
the woodworking equipment in the garage should it become a nuisance to the
neighbors. Mr. Marsh said this has never been a problem. The present
garage is insulated. The proposed addition is insulated and most of his
work is in the winter with the doors and windows closed. The Board dis-
cussed in further detail possible options for reducing the size of the
addition and other alternatives. The conclusion as expressed by Mahlon
Swedberg was that �here are no other reasonable alternatives and that
while extending the garaye in depth was unusual , it was probably the
best solution for additional space.
Margaret Leppik said her concern was more for the esthetics and she was not
really enthusiastic about the proposed addition. However, when weighing
the possible alternatives, this may have the least impact. Mr. Marsh said
he also was concerned about the appearance and said the sidiny would match
the existing building and the painting would be done complete so it would have
no appearance of an add on. He said he had discussed the addition with the
adjacent neighbor and as noted on the petition they had no objection.
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Board of Zoning Appeals
Page 4
June 11, 1985
Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the waivers as requested which includes the
existing front setback of the house. Swedberg noted the topography to the
rear and the existing placement of the home which left no other reasonable
alternatives. The motion was seconded by Margaret Leppik and upon vote
85-6-16 (Map 17) Commercial
7810 Olson Highway
(Reed Olson) Reed Drug of Golden Valley
The Petition is for waiver of Section
14.02 non-conforming structures or uses, to allow
alterations and occupancy changes to an
an existing non-conforming structure.
(Change lower level from retail to
office occupancy.)
This Petition was in order and consent had been obtained from all adjacent
properties. None were present. Mr. Reed Olson was present and explained his
proposal .
The proponent had met previously with the Planning Department and he has done
a complete parking analysis of the shopping center. The center as constructed
and presently occupied would require 379 parking spaces to conform to the
current Zoniny Code. Presently on site are 297 spaces.
The building, with the parking, is presently non-conforming. Mr. Olson
described the lower level of the drug store that is no longer used for retail
space. He proposes to change the lower level area to office use which is
permitted in the Commercial Zoning Code. The present Zoniny Code requires
one (1 ) parkiny space for each 150 square feet of retail space. One (1 )
parking space is required for each 250 square feet of office area. This,
in effect, reduces the parking requirements from what was previously required.
The proposed offices would be approximately 12 feet by 12 feet used by one
individual such as an insurance agent, factory representatives, etc. Twenty-
eight (28) parking spaces at the north side of the building would be assigne�
for this office use and a separate entrance provided for them. The entrance
through the existing upper level would continue to be available.
Secretary, Lloyd Becker, explained to the Board that the proposed office is
a permitted use. However, because the parking at the present time does not
comply, the site is considered non-conforminy. To change the occupancy and
continue to use the lower level requires either the parking spaces be waived or
the provisions of Section 14.02 be addressed by the Board.
The property is also in the Area "C" of the Valley Square Development Plan and
to permanently waiver approximately 100 spaces would not be prudent at this
�oard of Zoniny Appeals
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June 11, 1985
Following further detailed discussion by the Board on the proposed offices,
Margaret Leppik moved to approve a waiver of Section 14.02 to allow change of
occupancy to office use in the lower level , further noting the actual decrease
in parkiny requirements and also that there is no permanent waiver yranted to
the site for parkiny.
Mahlon Swedberg seconded the motion noting this seemed to be a good approach
at this time to the parking pending any future development.
Upon vote, the motion to waive Section 14.02 to allow for a building permit
to be issued for the lower level to offices as described carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the Board, it was upon motion,
second, and vote to adjourn at 9:00 P.M.
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Larry Smith, Chairman !, loyd . c er, Secretary