APRIL 12, 1988
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was
held Tuesday, April 12, 1988, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of
the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota.
The following Board members were present:
Chairman, Mahlon Swedberg
Art Flannagan
Larry Smith
Kevin McAleese
Herb Polachek, alternate
Absent by prior arrangement, Mike Sell .
Chairman Mahlon Swedberg called the meeting to order and informed those present
that annually at the April meeting a new Chairman is elected for the year. All
members have been previously reappointed by the City Council . Chairman Swedberg
relinquished the chair to Secretary Lloyd Becker, who called for nominations.
Larry Smith nominated Art Flannagan for Chairman for 1988. Nominations were
called for twice more. The secretary closed the nominations and Larry Smith
moved to appoint Art Flannagan for 1988. Second by Herb Polachek and upon vote
carried unanimously
Art Flannagan assumed the Chair. The first order of business was approval
of the minutes of a regular meeting held March 8, 1988, copies of which had
previously been distributed to the Board. Larry Smith moved to approve the
minutes as written and presented. Second by Herb Polachek, and upon vote
88-4-9 (Map 17) Commercial
600 Olson Memorial Highway
Kentucky Fried Chicken
The Petition is for waiver of Section:
5.06(1) front setback and landscape, for 15 feet off
the required 35 feet along Rhode Island Avenue
to a .distance of 20 feet, and for 7 feet off the
required 35 feet of landscape area adjacent to
the north right-of-way line along Highway 55, and
for Section
5.06(c) side setback, for 4.4 feet off the required 10 feet
of landscape along the west lot line to a distance
of 6.6 feet at its closest point, and for Section
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5.06(a) side setback, for 18 feet off the required 25 feet
of landscape along the north lot line to a distance
of 7 feet of landscape at its closest point.
Purpose of the waiver requests are in conjunction
with a proposed new building on the site.
The petition was in order. Present to represent Kentucky Fried Chicken were
Mr. Anthony Coursal of the Real Estate Division, Mr. Jurij Ozga, architect and
the local manager.
Mr. Coursal explained the proposal is to remove the existing two buildings and
construct a new modern facility. He noted that Kentucky Fried Chicken had been
at that location for 18 years. It is a good location and a restaurant is needed
in the area. The proposed new building has a much better building to land
ratio than the existing site but they would still need variances so adequate
parking could be provided for.
Jurij Ozga presented a colored site plan which highlited the landscape that could
be installed. A rendering of the proposed new building was described as only
the second of its kind in the United States. The first building of this type
was built in Ohio last year and was received enthusiastically. Mr. Ozga
described in detail the parking arrangement, traffic flow and use of the
drive-thru which is expected to account for 40 percent of the business.
Larry Smith asked what is the present and proposed seating capacity. Mr. Ozga
responded the present is 16, the proposed is 35.
Art Flannagan questioned the need for variances on a new building. The response
was to provide the required parking as some spaces projected into the required
landscape. Mahlon Swedberg asked if the need for parking is generated by the
seating and the response was yes and is required by ordinance.
Herb Polachek noted the difficulty with traffic into and out of the present site
especially during rush hours and he expected worse should a new building with
more capacity be built.
The 8oard continued a lengthy discussion and exchange of responses to traffic,
acquisition of more property to meeting zoning code requirements, reduction
in building size and the possibility of redevelopment in the block which might
include an opportunity for Kentucky Fried Chicken. Secretary Lloyd Becker noted
staff had reviewed that possibility with the architect; however, at the present
time KFC Marketing requires a stand alone site. Mr. Coursal said there is a
real need for a restaurant in the area, noting the new office buildings and
surrounding retail . He said this site is one of the oldest type in their chains
and needs a new building. If denied, they would continue to exist as is. A new
building would better serve the "health and welfare" of the residents of the
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In summary, the consensus of the Board was that what was described as good for
KFC was not desirable for Golden Valley because of the variances required.
Kevin McAleese questioned the hardship that required the waivers, as it appeared
that was created by KFC and he questioned the Board's power to grant any waivers
in this situation.
Chairman Flannagan closed the discussion and asked for a motion. Mahlon
Swedberg moved to deny the waivers as requested. Second by Herb Polachek and
upon vote, motion to deny carried unanimously. The appeal process to the City
Council was explained to the proponents if they elect to do so.
88-4-10 (Map 14) Commercial
7775 Medicine Lake Road
The Petition is for waiver of Section:
5.06(1 ) front setback, for 15 feet off the required 35
feet of landscape along Medicine Lake Road to
a distance of 20 feet as it now exists.
Purpose of the waiver request is to provide for
a fully conforming addition and parking to be
added to the existing building.
The petition was in order, consent had been obtained from adjacent properties.
Mr. Terry Duffy, engineer for the VFW building addition, was present. Several
members of the VFW Building Cornrnittee were also in attendance.
Mr. Duffy noted the VFW now owns the building they are in and he described the
proposed addition to the south of the structure. The present building was
granted waivers when it was constructed and they included the present front set-
back. Mr. Duffy said they would lose parking spaces vital to the other retail
tenants if they now had to establish the full 35 feet in front. They would also
be short of spaces to meet the new code.
The Board reviewed the site plan. All the new construction would meet the
Zoning Code. The present gravel parking areas would all be brought up to
current standards of curb and gutter and asphalt surfaces. The landscape would
meet current standards. At the close of discussion, Larry Smith moved to
approve the waiver as requested, noting the previous waivers granted for
construction of the original building and the major improvement the proposed
construction would make to the site. Second by Kevin McAleese and upon vote
carried unanimously.
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88-4-11 (Map 21) Industrial
710 Mendelssohn Avenue
Northwestern Bell
The Petition is for waiver of Section:
7.06(1)-(2) Parking, for 60 spaces off the required 170
spaces for the existing building and the
proposed addition.
The petition was in order and consent obtained from adjacent properties. Ms.
Alma Fitzloff was present to represent Northwestern Bell . Ms. Fitzloff
described herself as an employee of Northwestern Bell and represents the Real
Estate Department.
Ms. Fitzloff described the present building and current use. There is a large
administrative function with approximately 100 employees and two massive cable
vaults that provide for all the telephone switching, monitoring and communica-
tions equipment for a very large portion of the metro area. There is a large
amount of cables, fibre optics, etc. , that all must meet and match with the
existing and proposed new equipment. They are not adding people. The addition
would house only solo electronic gear. Ms. Fitzloff described other property
near Ridgedale that had been acquired from Dayton-Hudson some years ago. This
would have been the site for a new building; however, it was lost through con-
demnation for Highway I-394. For security purposes, any facility must be a
hardened facility to insure continuity of communications and public safety.
Ms. Fitzloff continued a lengthy and detailed description of the function of
the equipment, space needs and their review of alternatives. Larry Smith noted
that by her description their needs have the appearance of a crisis. Ms.
Fitzloff said that with the loss of the other property, the expanding needs and
growth in the area, crisis" would be an appropriate description.
Mahlon Swedberg noted a staff inemo to the BZA which described a previous meeting
betweer► staff and Northwestern Bell representatives where the possibility of an
agreement was discussed. If approval was granted, Northwestern Bell would agree
to take whatever means necessary, including removal of portions af the building,
to bring the property in compliance with the zoning code should Northwestern
Bell ever vacate the building, sell or lease to another owner/occupant or reduce
its needs for space in the building. Ms. Fitzloff said that this could be
agreed to as part of any approval .
The Board questioned if the present area used for administrative purposes could
be converted to equipment area and the employees moved out? Ms. Fitzloff
responded that they were definitely looking at that but because of the need to
locate the equipment in specific relationships to cabling, etc. , they are not
sure that its physically possible. If it does prove possible, they would pursue
that rather than the second floor addition.
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In any event, if construction occurs on the site, they are going to have to find
another site for some of the people while it takes piace.
Larry Smith noted that the Zoning Code is designed to be applicable to industry
but this type of use is unique with large areas of the building housing equip-
ment and no employees. Smith also noted the poor soils and drainage problems
on the present site.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the waiver as requested, subject to
Northwestern Bell entering into an agreement with the City as noted herein as a
condition of approval and said agreement duly recorded to run with the property
until such time as no longer necessary. Second by Herb Polachek and upon vote
carried unanimously.
88-4-12 (Map 9) Residential
801 Meadow Lane South
Dexter J . and Mary E. Marston
The Petition is for waiver of Section:
3A.06(2) rear setback, for 12.5 feet off the required
26 feet (20 percent of lot depth) to a distance
of 13.5 feet from the north lot line to the proposed
garage addition.
The petition as submitted did not contain the signatures of the property owner
directly across the street nor the property adjacent on the north. Those pro-
perty owners were present at the meeting and presented a petition signature form
signed as not given. Mr. and Mrs. Marston were not present as they had a long
standing commitment out of town. They were represented by their architect and
the builder.
Mr. Chris Wilson, the architect, explained the proposed garage addition. They
tried several design alternatives because of the topography and unusual iot con-
figuration. This placement of the attached garage does not require any waivers
of the front setback because of the shape of the lot and the placement of the
existing house. The lot line adjacent to the proposed addition has every
appearance as being a side lot line and as such would need a variance of only a
foot or so at the closest corner. Secretary Lloyd Becker explained how, by
ordinance, the front, side and rear of a lot is determined. This lot is a
corner lot with a long radius that requires a 35 foot setback for almost 50 per-
cent of the lot.
The survey was reviewed with the City Engineering Department and in the applica-
tion of the Zoning Code this area on the side of the house for the proposed
addition is actually the rear of the lot. This requires 20 percent of the lot
depth as a setback rather than a side setback at 15 feet. Mahlon Swedberg
questioned the width of the garage at 26 feet and whether it could be reduced.
The architect noted that because of construction characteristics such as block
foundation walls and 2 x 6 construction, the interior approximates 24 feet. In
addition, another three feet is lost to a stairway to provide access into the
house. This leaves an interior of 21 feet which is a minimum for two cars.
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Mrs. Marilyn Lipshultz, who is the property owner directly across the street,
objected to the proposed garage addition because it would block her view through
the property to other houses and green area at the rear of this home. The
architect described to her and the Board that the proposed garage would not
intrude and that was very carefuly considered. Mr. Thomas Kersten, adjacent
neighbor to the south said his elderly parents live with them and they are home
all the time and they wouldn't like looking at the proposed addition.
Mahlon Swedberg said the Board is dealing with a lot of a highly unique con-
figuration and topography. The interior area is minimal and the garage would
bring the house up to more reasonable current standards. The Board reviewed
again any possible alternatives. Any other configuration would require a
front setback waiver as well as along the rear lot line.
Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the waiver as requested and in doing so noted
the topography of the lot, the hardship of a large 35 foot setback along two
sides because of the lot configuration and that any design alternatives were
worse as they infringed front and rear. The motion was seconded by Larry Smith
and upon vote carried unanimously.
88-4-13 (Map 21) Residential
1149 Orkla Drive
Terry L. Steen
The Petition is for waiver of Section:
3A.06(1 ) front setback, for 11 .2 feet off the required
35 feet from Orkla Drive to a distance of
23.8 feet to the proposed garage addition
at its closest point, and for Section
3A.06(3)b side setback, for 2.1 feet off the required
14.4 feet from the north lot line to a distance
of 12.3 feet from the lot line to the proposed
garage addition at its closest point.
The petition was in order and consent obtained from adjacent properties.
Mr. Steen was present. He described his home as being on a lot with a curving
front lot line. The existing home varies from 47 feet to 50 feet back. Orkla
Avenue is a long curving street at this point with no other adjacent homes in
alignment. His proposed addition would not project into adjacent alignment.
The north and west side of the lot abuts City open property sometimes referred
to as a tree farm.
The Board discussed the proposed dimension and construction characteristics
and that the garage size proposed was a minimum for two vehicles. Noting the
configuration of the lot, the placement of the existing house which limits any
reasonable alternatives and the curving street to almost a 90 degree turn at
this location, Larry Smith moved to approve the waiver as requested. Second by
Kevin McAleese and upon vote carried unanimously.
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88-4-14 (Map 12) Residential
222 Hanley Road
Thomas R. Bauer
The Petition is for waiver of Section:
3A.06(1 ) front setback, for 14.4 feet off the required
35 feet to a distance of 20.6 feet from Hanley
Road to the proposed addition to the existing
garage, and for Section
3A.06(3)b side setback for 6.5 feet off the required
11.2 feet from the north lot line to a distance
of 4.7 feet to the proposed garage addition at
its closest point.
The petition was in order. Consent had been obtained from adjacent neighbors
except for the neighbor to the north, Mr. Roger Nelson. There is an existing
attached single-car garage, which was provided for by waivers from the BZA in
March 1979. The minutes of that approval had been provided to the Board in
their agenda packet.
Mr. Thomas Bauer was present. He had purchased the property approximately one
and a half years ago. His family has two cars and the single garage is inadequate
He had looked at the alternative of building a driveway along the north side of
his house and constructing a detached garage in the rear of the lot. This would
require an expensive retaining wall , would bring the driveway to the lot line
and the total cost is prohibitive. Mr. Bauer noted he has a very deep lot which
on the west side abuts the Brookview parking lot. There is no access available
to him from that side. Mr. Roger Nelson was present. He said he objected to
the previous waiver which was a substantial projection into the front setback
alignment. He noted the previous owners had described the former tuck-under
basement garage as a real problem including flooding. In their previous petition
they had noted health problems and the need for a useable garage. Not long
after the existing improvements were made the "for sale" sign went up and they
Secretary Lloyd Becker noted that when this property had been up for sale again
about a year and a half ago, the Building Department had numerous inquiries
about the feasibility of additional garage space and the possibility of detached
construction to the rear. Those inquiries were responded to as recognizing the
possibilities were slim, at best, for any expansion as now proposed. Mahlon
Swedberg said he is very .familiar with this area and has always been sensitive
about the waiver for the existing garage. While he noted he was not present at
the meeting where it was app.roved, in restrospect he felt he would have had an
awful time considering approval and the proposed expansion to within 5 feet of
the lot line would only make matters worse.
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In summary, Mr. Bauer said he feels his lot has a hardship, he intends to stay
in Golden Valley, likes the area and will raise his family here and needs more
garage space. Chairman Flannagan closed discussion and asked for a motion on
this proposal .
Kevin McAleese moved to deny the waiver as requested. Second by Mahlon Swedberg
and upon vote carried unanimously. The Chair informed Mr. Bauer of his right to
appeal to the City Council .
88-4-15 (Map 10) Residential
800 Douglas Avenue
David M. Gottlieb
The Petition is for waiver of Section:
3A.06(3)b side setback, for 5.9 feet off the required
12.3 feet to a distance of 6.4 feet from the
north lot line to the proposed deck at its
closest point.
The petition was in order and contained consent from all adjacent properties.
Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb were present. Mr. Gottlieb described his proposed deck.
He noted he is on a corner lot with two 35 foot setbacks required. The place-
ment of the existing house and topography of the lot leave no other
The Board discussed in detail the deck and existing conditions at the rear of
the house. During discussion, it was noted that on the current survey provided
with the petition, the house is turned slightly on the lot and one corner is
shown as 34.8 feet from the front lot line.
At the close of discussion, Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the waiver as
requested for the deck and for .2 feet off the required 35 feet to a distance of
34.8 feet from the front lot line as the house now exists. Second by Larry
Smith and upon vote carried.
There being no further business to come before the Board, it was upon motion,
second, and vote to adjourn at 9:40 P.M.
Art Flannagan, Ch rma - oyd G. B cker, Secretary