05-09-89 BZA Minutes f� � � �
May 9, 1989
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held
Suesday, May 9, 1989 a t 7:30 P.M. in the lower level of the Public Safety
Building, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota.
The following Board members were present:
Chairman, Larry Smith
Mahlon Swedberg
Mike Sell
Art Flannagan
Absent by prior arrangement, Kevin McAleese, who as Vice Chair of the
Planning Commission was a ttending a joint meeting of the City Council and
Planning Commission.
The first order of business was approval of the minutes of a regular
meeting held April 12, 1989, copies of which had previously been distributed
to the Board.
Art Flanagan moved to approve the minutes as written and presented. Second
by Mike Sell . Mahlon Swedberg asked that on page three, third paragraph,
his further comment be added and the paragraph read, "Mahlon Swedberg
questioned the use of the area below the deck noting the possibility for
enclosing it with lattice work because it is so open to public view". Art
Flannagan amended his motion for approval to include Mahlon Swedberg's
amendment, Sell his second and upon vote carried unanimously.
89-5-6 (Map 22) Commercial
8950 Olson Memorial Highway
Rapid Oil Company
The Pe tition is for waiver of Section:
11.30 Subd. 7(A) yard requirements, for 16 feet off the required
35 feet of landscape a t the northeast corner
of the parking a rea a djacent to the Golden
Valley Road entrance to a landscape area 9 feet
in depth at its closest point; and for 15
feet off the required 35 feet of landscape
a t the northwest side of the Golden Valley
Road entrance to a landscape area 20 feet in
depth at its closest point; and for 35 feet
off the required 35 feet of landscape along the
south lot line adjacent to the highway right of-
way beginning 10 feet from the west lot line and
east for 220 feet. Purpose of the waivers are
to provide the required parking spaces on this
triangular lot.
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Board of Zoning Appeals
Page 2
May 9, 1989
The petition was in order. Present for the meeting was Mr. John Kosmos, archi-
tect, and Mr. Bob Mikulak, Project Manager for Rapid Oil . No adjacent property
owners were present.
Mr. Kosmos reviewed his site plan and landscape with the Board. He noted the
Planning Commission had previously recommended approval for a Conditional Use
Permit for the Rapid Oil Change operation. Mr. Mikulak described how they
operate. The customer stays in their vehicle and is pulled thru over an oil
change pit and then released out the opposite end when the service had been
completed. There are no hoists and the customer staying in the car does not
require a parking space but rather is in a waiting line. Mahlon Swedberg
suggested eliminating one parking space a t the northeast corner and adding
further landscape. Mr. Kosmos said those three spaces are for employee parking
and they would like to keep the employee parking away from the customer area.
Mahlon Swedberg questioned the total spaces required and the total spaces pro-
vided. Mr. Kosmos responded that the Planning Commission recognize that the
specific ordinance for service stations with bays and hoists is not completely
applicable to this type of opera tion as the customer stays in the car and there-
fore does not park but waits in line to enter. As such, the Planning Commission
recognized the stacking lanes as spaces for the required parking. There is no
tow truck on site with this type of operation.
Secretary, Lloyd Becker, noted the Planning Commission and City Council are
looking a t certain amendments to the Zoning Code and a review of standards
applicable to this type of service may be pending.
Mike Sell noted the substantial improvement done to this site several years ago
and the new building proposed along with the further upgrade of landscape would
further enhance the area. Sell described the lot configura tion as very dif-
ficult to work with as it is roughly a triangle with a 35 foot setback and
landscape area required on most of the lot.
Mr. Kosmos agreed and said his first consideration was to fit the building on
the site so it would conform to the setbacks and it was only when trying to fit
the parking that the waivers became necessary. Mike Sell moved to approve the
waivers as requested, second by Art Flannagan and upon vote carried.
The Board discussed several non agenda items and adjourned a t 8:40 P.M.
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