07-11-89 BZA Minutes e� � � � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS JULY 11, 1989 The regular meeting of the Golden Valley 8oard of Zoning Appeals was held Tuesday, July 11, 1989 a t 7:30 P.M. in the lower level of the Public Safety Building, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following Board members were present: Chairman, Larry Smith Mike Sell Mahlon Swedberg Kevin McAleese Herb Polachek, alternate Absent by prior arrangement, Art Flannagan. The first order of business was approval of the minutes of a regular meeting held June 13, 1989, copies of which had previously been distributed to the Board. Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the minutes as written and presented. Second by Nerb Polachek and upon vote carried. 89-7-19 (Map 8) Residential 330 Na tchez Avenue North Peggy C. & Dwight W. Anderson The Pe tition is for waiver of Section: 11.21 Subd. 7(B) rear setback, for 20.5 feet off the required 29 foot rear setback to a distance of 8.5 feet from the rear lot line to the proposed porch and for Section 11.21 Subd. 7 C(1 ) side setback, for 3.5 feet off the required 15 foot side setback from the south lot line to a distance of 11 .5 feet to the proposed porch at its closest point. The petition was in order and consent obtained from adjacent properties. Mr. Anderson was present with ,i�is contractor, Mr. Cal Jacobson. No others were present. : Mr. Anderson had a large picture board of the existing screen porch and the area around it. The existing porch has a screen roof to allow light into the kitchen However, the flat screen collects leaves, tree debris, etc. and has started to deteriorate. y � 2 � Board of Zoning Appeals Page 2 July 11, 1989 This home was constructed in 1977. To reasonably align with adjacent homes, this home is set at approximately 80 feet back from the front lot line and the rear of the home is a t the 20 percent rear setback line. The topography a t the rear lot rises rapidly with the abutting home a t the rear having the basement floor elevation at approximately the height of the roof of the home below. The Board examined the full set of plans. The present porch is 14 by 14 feet. The proposed new addition is 16 by 16 feet, with a slight separation from the main house to provide for a skylight at the kitchen. Mike Sell noted that this rear area is the only private area on the lot because of the large front set- back. Mr. Anderson said that is true and typical of the other adjacent homes. Mahlon Swedberg said he would be uncomfortable with the 16 by 16 foot size if it weren't for the topography a t the rear, the large front setback, which limits alterna tives and also the placement a t an angle of the existing home. Having noted those conditions, Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the waiver as requested. Second by Mike Sell , who also felt the topography and existing home 1 imi ted al ternati ves and a 1 so that across the street i s open Breck School pro- perty and that any area of privacy is at the rear of this home. In discussion on the motion, Larry Smith said if not for the topography it would be difficult for him to vote favorably on this waiver. Chairman Smith called the vote and it was unanimous for approval . 89-7-20 (Map 20) Residential 1521 Zealand Avenue North Peter Olver - Chehrzad Shakiban The Pe tition is for waiver of Section: 11.21 Subd. 7 C (1 ) side setback, for 1 .5 feet off the required 15 feet from the north lot line to a distance of 13.5 feet to the proposed room addition at its closest point. The petition was in order and consent obtained from all adjacent properties. The proponents were present, no others were in attendance. Chairman Smith asked Secretary, Lloyd Becker, for any staff information regarding this proposal . Lloyd Becker not�d that the existing home is set 72 feet back from the front lot line and the topography up to the house is very extreme. The house is placed at an angle and only the very corner projects 1 .5 feet into the side setback. Peter Olver said this home was the original farm house before the property was subdivided. It has been substantially remodeled over the years so it has a much newer appearance. Chehrzad Shakiban further described the topography of the lot and reviewed the drawings for the addition. She said they have owned this home for 8 years and now they need the additional bedroom. `� 12 � Board of Zoning Appeals Page 3 July 11, 1989 Mike Sell moved to approve the waiver as requested noting the extreme topography of the lot, the split angles of Zealand Avenue in front of the house and only the slightest corner of the proposed addition requires a waiver. Herb Polachek seconded the motion and upon vote carried unanimously. 89-7-21 (Map 6) Residential Gary Anderson 5025 St. Croix The Pe tition is for waiver of Section: 11.21 Subd. 7 C(1 ) side setback, for 1.3 feet off the required 15 feet to a distance of 13.7 feet from the east iot line to the proposed garage addition a t its closest point. (Previously approved 3/8/88, lapsed after one year because of no construction.) The petition was in order and consent obtained from adjacent properties. Mr. Gary Anderson was present. No others were in a ttendance. Secretary, Lloyd Becker, noted that this waiver had been approved on March 8, 1988, but no construction had taken place within one year and the waiver had expired. The existing house is set at an angle on the lot. It was built in 1955 and at that time through error was constructed within 10 feet of the west lot line at its closest point. This error was subsequently addressed by the Ci ty Counci 1 i n 1955 and approved and that i s why i t i s not noted on the current agenda. Mr. Anderson said he had a broken living room window and last year replaced it with a new bay window. This required removal of brick facing on the lower front of the house. If granted approval , he would replace the brick and also face the garage to ma tch. Mr. Anderson said he did not proceed with construction when the previous waiver was granted because he had a falling out with his contractor and this time he would act as his own constractor. Secretary, Lloyd Becker, noted he had received several calls from adjacent properties regarding the unfin- ished appearance of the existing front of the house where the window had been replaced. Mr. Anderson said the garage projects into one corner of the required setback by four (4) square feet. He had considered building on an angle to meet that corner but it would ruin the physical appearance of the structure. Mr. Anderson provided the Board with an additional sketch of the proposed garage. Mahlon Swedberg said he was swayed to look favorably because only a small corner a ctually projects into the required side setback. Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the waiver as requested. Second by Mike Sell . During further discussion on the motion, Mahlon Swedberg said the minutes should reflect the concerns of the neighbors and his motion for approval is predicated on timely completion upon issuance of a building permit. Chairman Smith called the vote and it was unanimous for approval with the conditions as noted. fi � � � Board of Zoning Appeals Page 4 July 11, 1989 89-7-22 (Map 4) Residential 2820 Lee Avenue North Christopher M. Dargay T he Pe tition is for waiver of Section: 11.21 Subd. 7 C(2) side setback, for 7.1 feet off the required 13.9 feet to a distance of 6.8 feet to the house as it now exists and for waiver of Section 11.21 Subd. 12 A accessory building to allow a detached garage to be placed along side of the existing house because of lot topography. The petition was in order and consent obtained from adjacent properties. Present for the meeting was Mr. Dargay's father and one other unidentified per- son. The existing house is located to one side of the lot and does not meet the current side setback requirements. Because of topography (the lot slopes to the rear) Mr. Dargay proposes to build a detached garage along side the existing home. The Soard discussed the topography, the potential for zoning conformance if the garage were a ttached to the house, possibly in the form such as a breezeway. As a result of this discussion, Mike Sell moved to grant the waiver to the existing side setback for the house, second by Kevin McAleese and upon vote carried. Mike Sell moved to deny the waiver for the detached garage as proposed, second by Kevin McAleese and upon vote carried. It was the consensus of the Board that if Mr. Dargay applied for a building per- mit with plans showing the garage as attached and meeting all other building and zoning requirerr�nts, Mr. Dargay would have one year from the date of this meeting to make the house to garage a ttachment with a t least a permanent roof if not fully enclosed. 89-7-23 (Map 17) Residential 7 360 Na 1 f moon Dr i ve Alan Ingber The Pe tition is for waiver of Section: 11.21 Subd. 7 A front setback, for 13 feet off the required 35 feet to a di stance of 22 feet from the front lot line to the house as it now exists at its closest point. Purpose of the waiver is to allow a fully conforming three-season porch and deck a t the rear of the house. Board of Zoning Appeals � � �� Page 5 July 11, 1989 The petition was in order and consent obtained from adjacent properties. Mr. Ingber was present with his contractor. No others were in attendance. Secretary, Lloyd Becker, described his review of the files, including the original building permit, which showed the front setback as 25 feet a t the closest point. However, there is no record of any waiver granted. Mike Sell noted that on the survey the road curves in front of this house much like a cul de sac and it appears an average front setback was used at the time the permit was issued because a t each side the setback is about 40 feet. The proposed addition to the rear fully con- forms. The consensus of the Board was to correct what appears to be an adminis- trative error a t the time the home was built. Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the waiver for the existing front setback at its closest point. Second by Herb Polachek dnd upon vote carried. There being no further business to come before the Board, it was upon motion, second, and vote to adjourn a t 8:40 P.M. r.._ ,. , � ' � �— Larry� Smi , hai rman , 1 oyd . Becker, Secretary I