03-13-90 BZA Minutes �� � � �
MARCH 13, 1990
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held
Tuesday, March 13, 1990, a t 7:30 P.M. in the lower level of the Public Safety
Building, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota.
The following Board members were present:
Chairman, Larry Smith
Mike Sell
Mahlon Swedberg
Kevin McAleese
Herb Polachek
Absent by prior arrangement, Art Flannagan.
The first order of business was approval of the minutes of a regular meeting
� held October 10, 1989, copies of which had previously been distributed to the
Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the minutes as written and presented. Second
by Mike Sell and upon vote carried.
90-3-1 (Map 11) Residential
2405 Vale Crest Road
William and Jean Downey
The petition is for waiver of Section:
11.21 Subd. 7C (1) side setback, for 2.5 feet off the required 15
feet side setback to a distance of 12.5 feet
from the south lot line to the house as it
exists at it's closest point. Purpose of the
variance request is to correct the existing non-
conforming status so a fully conforming addition
may be added on the north and west side of the
existing home.
The conditions as listed in the petition were read by Chairman Smith. Consent
had been obtained from all adjacent properties. The acting Secretary, Jay
Ipsen, was called upon to describe the conditions. This house as well as
several others in the block is slightly tipped from the side property lines to
follow the curve of the s tree t. The proponent, Christopher powney, described
his plans which do conform to the setback requirements, no adjacent property
owners were present. Mr. Sell said that the problem wasn't caused by the pre-
sent owner. As the discussion ended Mr. Sell moved to grant the waiver as
requested, with Mr. Polachek seconding. Upon vote the motion was carried.
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Board of Zoning Appeals
Page 2
March 13, 1990
90-3-2 (Map 8) Residential
524 North Lilac Drive
Wayne and Connie Wagner
T he Pe tition is for waiver of Section:
11.21 Subd. 7C (2) side setback for 9.5 feet off the required 14.5
feet from the north east 1 ot 1 i ne to a di stance
of 5 feet from the iot line to the proposed
upper wood deck and steps at their closest
The petition was in order with consent from the adjacent property owners.
Mr. Wagner was present with no other adjacent property owners in attendance.
Chairman Smith read the petition request and called upon acting Secretary, Jay
Ipsen, to explain the conditions. The property has an old patio (raised
concrete parking area) beside the garage to the east, almost to the line. The
proposal is for the deck to 7.5 feet from the east line and the steps to 5 feet.
As Mr. Wagner had not brought the landscape plans along, he described his plans
for the deck and landscaping. The Board felt uncomfortable with the distances
and the possible impact. Both Mr. Sell and Mr. Swedberg felt that he should
have some deck eievations to go with the landscaping plans. Mr. Swedberg
seconded Mr. Sells motion to postpone any action until the April 11, 1990
meeting so the Board could see some plans and to possible cut down the setback
request where the steps come to 5 feet from the line. The motion carried.
The Board members expressed their good wishes to Kevin McAleese whose term of
three years on the Board has come to an end.
T here being no further business to come before the Board, it was upon motion,
secon and vote to adjourn at 8:15 P.M.
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Larry Smith,- C airman U. Ipsen, cting Secretary