June 12, 1990
The regular mee ting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held
Tuesday, June 12, 1990, a t 7:30 P.M. , in the City Council Chambers, City Mall
7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota.
The following Board members were present:
Chairman, Mike Sell
Art Flannagan
Mahlon Swedberg
Herb Polachek, alternate '
Absent by prior arrangement, Joan Russell and Larry Smith.
The first order of business was approval of the minutes of a regular
meeting held Tuesday, May 8, 1990, copies of which had previously been
distributed to the Board. Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the minutes as
written and presented, second by Herb Polachek and upon vote carried.
90-6-7 (Map 6) Residential
1445 Unity Avenue North
Gregory D. Niemela
The Pe tition is for waiver of Section:
11.21 Subd. 7C (1) side setback, for 3.89 feet off the required
15 feet from the south lot line to a distance
of 11.11 feet from the south lot line to the
proposed addition.
The petition was in order. Consent had been obtained from all adjacent pro-
perties. Mr. Niemela was present. No others were in attendance.
Mr. Niemela reviewed his proposed garage addition which is an additional
stall 14 feet wide to the existing two-car attached garage. Mr. Niemela
said he needs the space now for lawn equipment, snowmobiles, trailer and
general storage. He has access to skilled labor a t this time and the size
of the proposed addition is to prevent having to consider further space in
the future. He plans to live in the house and retire there. At the present
time, his children are below the age to drive automobiles, but in the future
he expects the need for the space for an additional car or cars.
Mahlon Swedberg questioned the dimensions of 14 feet by 22 feet in depth.
Mr. Niemela said he wanted to add adequately now and he reviewed the struc-
tural characteristics of the proposed addition. The additional space would
be set back from the existing front line of the house by 1 foot 6 inches.
T his offset prevents the appearance of a long front expanse of stucco and it
also reduces somewhat the amount of variance needed because the side lot
line widens at an angle toward the rear and the variance requested is only
at the closest point in front. Mr. Niemela reviewed his lot configuration and
topography and noted no other reasonable alternatives are feasible.
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Mike Sell noted that if the garage was downsized in width by two feet, it
would reduce the side variance needed by about a foot because of the side
lot line angle. Art Flannagan questioned the hardship in this case noting
a two-car attached garage already exists which appears adequate by today's
standards. Mahlon Swedberg said his position on this supplementary space is
that he could look reasonably at a 12 foot width with a nine foot door
width. Mr. Niemela s tressed the importance of the 14 foot width both for
appearance and practicality now. The Board continued a lengthy discussion
and exchange of views and alternatives both for use and structural charac-
teristics. Mr. Niemela stressed the importance of the 14 foot width. Mike
Sell noted the concerns of the Board appeared to be a maximum width of 12
feet and asked the proponent if he wanted the Board to vote on his 1� foot
width or would he be open to amending his request to a 12 foot width at
this time.
Sell also noted the appeal procedure available should a 14 foot width be
denied. After further discussion, Mr. Niemela amended his proposed request
to a maximum width of 12 feet for the addition. Mike Sell noted that
because of the lot angle computa tion of the exact distance from the side lot
line is difficult, that the surveyor should define the closest corner distance
of the 12 foot addition for the record.
Mahlon Swedberg called the question on this proposal and moved to approve a
waiver that provides for a 12 foot addition with the surveyor to define the
final side distance a t the closest point for record. Second by Art
Flannagan and upon vote carried.
90-6-8 (Map 8) Residential
212 Sunnyridge Circle
Mike and Connie Beach
The Pe tition is for waiver of Section:
11.21 Subd. 7C (2) side setback, for 3.5 feet off the required
13.5 feet from the west lot line to a distance
of 10 feet from the west lot line to the
proposed addition; and for 6.5 feet off the
required 13.5 feet from the east lot line to
a distance of 7 feet from the east lot line
to the proposed garage a ddition a t its
closest point.
Mr. Beach was present with his architect. Several adjacent property owners
were present. Secretary, Lloyd Becker, noted the petition did not contain
the signatures of adjacent property owners. The architect said he had con-
tacted most of them and requested their approval by signa ture on a site
sketch of all the lots within that subdivision.
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Lloyd Becker said the architect was informed by Administrative Secretary,
Gail Johnson, that the petition form provided for signatures is required.
Lloyd Becker said he called the architect and was told he would meet with
the neighbors for their signatures and would submit the proper form. This
was not done prior to the meeting. The architect and the Board reviewed the
required adjacent signa tures and clarified one erroneous address. Lloyd
Becker noted that official notice had been mailed to all affected properties
and this item can be heard.
Chairman Sell reviewed the site plan and waivers as requested. The archi-
tect reviewed in detail the proposed addition to the existing single-car
tuck-under garage on the east side of the house, noting a single-car garage
by today's standards is not adequate. He described this house as the
homestead of the subdivision. It was built in 1926 and the intent architec-
turally is to maintain the existing appearance on the new addition which is
wood shakes. The home is only two bedrooms now and on the west side the
addition would provide for a master bedroom. The overall appearance would
embellish the existing small home and give it an appearance of substance
consistent with the other homes built in the subdivision.
The question was raised regarding moving the proposed tuck-under garage
addition further to the rear to reduce or eliminate the need for a variance.
The architect noted as you move it back, it requires further depth and wall
height which could be as high as 14 feet. After further review of the
entire proposal and structural alternatives, Chairman Sell opened the
meeting for adjacent property owner comments.
Mr. and Mrs. Pe ter Grant, 210 Sunnyridge Circle were present. Mr. Grant
said they had just moved into their new home which is adjacent to the side
of the proposed tuck-under garage addition. He felt the greatest effect of
the whole proposal was to them. Mr. Grant noted further they were 15-year
residents of Golden Valley and had designed their new home to retain the
woods and topography characteristics of the area. To project to within 7
feet of their lot line is a great effect on them. Mrs. Grant expressed her
concerns about future construction above the garage. This would further
impact them. The architect noted most of the tuck-under garage would pro-
ject very little above the existing ground. He again emphasized his opinion
of the impact if the garage were moved further back.
Secretary, Lloyd Becker, noted that where variances are granted, they are
for conditions that are proposed and exist a t the time of approval and do
not provide for further construction on or to the s tructure within the
variance parameter automatically in the future. Additions would require
subsequent review by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Mr. Rick Moore, a property owner at 214 Sunnyridge Lane was present. Mr.
Moore is an architect and recently completed his home which is on the west
side of this proposal . Mr. Moore said he had met with Mr. Beach, his archi-
tect and the Grants and Mr. Moore said he has no objection to the waiver
request facing him but he thought there might be some alternatives or con-
ditions possible on the Grant side.
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Mr. Warren Klukas, 208 Sunnyridge Circle expressed his concerns and noted
the size of the lot is almost 22,000 sq. f t. Mr. Beach said his existing
house is there and he doesn't have the opportunity to start with an empty
lot. Mr. Klukas said he objects to any waivers on this lot even if the
house is existing. The Board continued a lengthy period of comment and
exchange of views after which Mahlon Swedberg described the unusual charac-
teristics of this neighborhood for lot configurations, topography, architec-
turally designed homes built to represent the owner's desires on almost each
lot. Swedberg said considering all that he doesn't find the proposed
variances out of order and moved for approval as requested on the agenda,
second by Herb Polachek.
The audience asked for further opportunity to comment before the vote is
taken. During this discussion, the architect and Mr. Beach agreed and
clarified that the deck on the garage would be a flat deck not a three-
season porch or some other type screen or wall structure but a "flat deck
with perimeter railing of a height only as required by building code".
Chairman Sell called for the vote on a motion for approval and upon vote it
was unanimous for approval . Chairman Sell subsequently noted that three of
the adjacent property owners who had expressed concerns on this proposal,
Mr. Rick Moore, Peter Grant and Pa trick 0'Meara had previously requested and
received variances on their properties because of lot configurations,
topography and other hardship related conditions unique to each parcel .
90-6-9 (Map 8) Institutional I-3
5400 Glenwood Avenue
Minnesota Center for Health & Rehabilitation
Alan Bensman, Jerrold Winters
The Pe tition is for waiver of Section:
11.46 Subd. 8 yard requirements, for 15 feet off the
required 25 feet of landscape area along
the north lot line to a distance of 10 feet
of landscape from the north lot line to the
proposed parking area; and for 15 feet off
the required 25 feet from the west lot line
to a distance of 10 feet of landscape area
for a distance of approximately 35 feet
south from the north lot line; and for
22 feet off the required 25 feet of
landscape along the west lot line to a
distance of 3 feet along the existing six
(6) spaces on the west lot line.
The petition was in order consent obtained from adjacent properties. Mr. �
Jerrold Winters was present with his architect. No others were in
a ttendance. Mr. Winters described this building as previously the original
Meadowbrook School administration building.
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He said they purchased the building in 1983 and rezoned it to institutional to
be sure it was correct for clinic use. At that time, he said he was under
the impression that certain areas of existing parking were addressed and
approved; however, if as they are now listed as a variance request, they
provide final clarification upon approval he has no problem with that. Mr.
Winters described his meetings with Meadowbrook School staff because they
are going to be doing a new parking lot on their site.
Mr. Winters also discussed the school 's 30 foot driveway easement through
his present property. That along with the constraints of severe topography
on his lot constitute a hardship for any improvements on the site. The
architect described the structural details on the proposed addition and
expanded parking. In particular, he noted the parking lot grades would not
exceed 5 percent to facilitate handicap or injured patients.
The Board discussed the clinic activities, traffic and frequency of patients
and clinic hours. After a summary by Mr. Winters, Art Flannagan moved to
approve the waivers as on the agenda, second by Herb Polachek and upon vote
carried unanmimously.
90-6-10 (Map 21) Light Industrial
8121 lOth Avenue North
Red Line Medical Supply
The Pe tition is for waiver of Section:
11 .35 Subd. 7 (A) front setback, for 5 feet off the required
35 feet from Lewis Road along the west lot
line to a distance of 30 feet of landscape
from the west lot line to the proposed
parking lot expansion; and for 3 feet off the
required 35 feet from Lewis Road on the east
side to a distance of 32 feet of landscape
area along the proposed elderly parking
and handicap access.
The petition was in order and consent obtained from all adjacent properties.
Ms. Rose Owens, Facility Manager for Red Line Company, was present with
another unidentified company representative. No others were in attendance.
Secretary, Lloyd Becker, noted this property fronts lOth Avenue on the north.
The south, east and west sides all abut Lewis Road; therefore, the entire pro-
perty requires a 35 foot setback. Nortronics, the previous owner, received a
waiver in 1987 along a portion of the south side down to 20 feet of green
area, so a parking area could be developed in conjunction with a building
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Ms. Owens explaaned the proposed parking lot expansion, noting it is for only
5 feet off the required 35 feet along the west side abutting Lewis Road and
on the east side for only 3 feet off the required 35 feet to provide for a
handicap accessible parking area for their clients. Ms. Owens said there is
no retail sales of inedical items but some handicap come to select products
recommended by physicians, therapists, or other health consultants. She also
noted with her proposal a landscape plan which includes berming and plantings
along this proposal and previous approval .
Mahlon Swedberg questioned the existing parking as meeting zoning code.
Secretary, Lloyd Becker, said a recent analysis of use within the building
had not been presented; however, based on overall square footage of the
building computed for office area, it appears it exceeds requirements. Ms.
Owens noted their rapid expansion and number of employees and said irrespec-
tive of code minimums, they need additional parking. She noted that from
lOth Avenue, this proposed parking would hardly be visible because of
topography and landscape.
The consensus of the Board was that it was desireable to have adequate
parking on site and the proposed landscape is an upgrade to existing con-
ditions. Mahlon Swedberg moved to approve the waivers as requested, second by
Art Flannagan and upon vote carried unanimously.
A site plan of the approved parking and landscape was designated Exhibit "A"
and was signed by Ms. Owens and Chairman Mike Sell . This will be filed as
record of approval .
There being no further business to come before the Board, it was upon motion,
second, and vote to adjourn at 9:50 P.M. .
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Mike Sell , Chairman loyd G. ec er, Secr ry