05-14-91 BZA Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE � � � ` GOLDEN VAL�EY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS May 14, 1991 _ �. � The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held Tuesday, May 14, 1991, at 7:30 P.M, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall , 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following Board members were present: Chairman, Mahlon Swedberg Linda McCracken-Hunt Mike Sell Larry Smi�h Art Flannagan The first order of business was approval of the minutes of a regular: meeting held April 9, 1991, copies of which had previously been distributed to the Board. Larry Smith moved to approve the minutes as written and presented. Second by Mike Sell and upon vote carried. 91-5-9 (Map 12) Residential 26 Paisley Lane Darlene V. Markson The petition is for waiver of Section: 11.21 Subd. 7 (B) rear setbaek, for 18.8 feet off the required 37.8 feet to a distance of 19 feet to a pro- , posed deck and ,room ad�ition. �. , ,r, . The petition was in order. Consent obtained from adjacent properties. Darlene Markson was present. No others were in attendance for this proposal . Ms. Markson described the proposed addition of a family room and deck at the rear of the existing home. 7his is a large lot typical of others in this subdivision. All of the homes are placed well back from the front lot line. In this instance, any additional construction at the rear would require a variance. An existing bedroom would have a l0 foot addition at the rear and be converted to a family room. A deck, adjacent to the family room, would provide access to the outside. The Board reviewed the floor plans and discussed several structural charac- teristics. Linda McCracken-Hunt noted the substantial existing landscape around and on this and other properties. Mahlon Swedberg said this is an unusual and very large lot. However, placement of the house limits any options without a waiver to the front only. Mike Sell moved to approve the waiver as requested, noting the large and unusual lot configuration, placement of the existing house and the topography of �he area. S�cond by Larry Smith and upon vote carried. ,i � � � Board of Zoning Appeals Page 2 May 14, 1991 - 91-5-10 (Map 9) Residential 117 Turnpike Road Mark A. Hove The petition is for waiver of Section: 11.21 Subd. 7 (A) front setback, for 13.9 feet off the required 35 front setback to a distance of 21.1 feet - to the proposed garage addition, and for Section: 11.21 Subd. 7 C (2) side setback, for 6 feet off the required 12 feet to a proposed distance of 6 feet from the north lot line. _ `- The petition was in order. Consent obtained from three adjacent properties. A fourth, located at 109 Turnpike signed as not given. -. Mr. Mike Hove was present with his contractor, John Petri . Mr. and Mrs. Ohleman, 109 Turnpike Road, were also present. Mr. Hove said he owned the home approximately three years. The present garage is single-car, tuck-under with retaining walls on both sides. Years past, the retaining walls had a roof structure and side panels `added without any permits. The existing retaining walls are crumbling and the entire assembly deteriorating badly. The proposal is to remove the present retaining walls, roof and side assembly and replace it with a new garage. A recent survey had been done which showed the proposed garage as 22 feet wide and 24 feet in depth. A concrete stairway was proposed on the north side of the garage and steps on the south to meet the sidewalk to the front entry of the house. Mr. and Mrs. Ohleman expressed their concern for possible damage to their property and new retaining wall and the possible loss of landscape which presently screens the existing structure'. As the discussion continued, confusion developed from the owner's and contractor's description of what was going to be garage wall and what was retaining wall along the the north side. Numerous references were made to the pictures provided of the existing conditions. A consensus of the Board developed that further detailed drawings and an adjusted structural footprint- - should be required, particularly for the north side and that the present and future landscape be clearly defined. Mike Sell moved to defer this matter to the next regular meeting to be held June 11, 1991. The owner and contractor to provide new elevations of a downsized garage and`.details of the retaining''wa{lls and landscape. Second by Art Flannagan and upon vote carried. � 19 ?� Board of Zoning Appeals Page 3 May 14, 1991 91-5-11 (Map 14) Industrial 7105 Medicine Lake Road Michael B. Pierce The peti.tion is for waiver of Section: 11.36 Subd. 6 C (1) side setback, for 40 feet off the required 50 eet o lan scape adjacent to open zoning property to a di stance of ]0 feet, of _ landscape along the west lot line. The petition materials were in order but did not contain signatwres of all adjacent property owners. Mr. Michael B. Pierce was present. No others were in attendance. Mr. Pierce explained some of the other properties were corporate owned and not available. Secretary, Lloyd Becker, said notices were mailed to al� adjacent properties. City staff received a letter from Mr. Gerald R. Baskfield, an adjacent property owner to the south. Mr. Baskfield said he would be out of town on the meeting date, but expressed his concern for possible run-off and damage to his property as a result of the additional parking area. Chairman Sw�dberg asked for further staff information. Lloyd Becker noted the present building and parking were approved by the Board in 1979. At that time, a waiver of setback along the west lot line was requested because it abutted an open zoning parcel that had a residential house on it. All other adjacent properties are light industrial or industrial . The owner of the home at that time did not care to sell and move but had no objection to a waiver at that time. An adjusted parking site plan was agreed to and a waiver conditioned on the plan as amended. The home has recently been purchased by Egan and Sons, Inc., and will be demolished. Either Egan and Sons, Inc. or the City of Golden Valley will initiate rezoning shortly and the present waiver will be moot. However, Mr. Pierce finds it necessary to develop the rest of the lot in accordance with the present Industrial Zoning Code because a proposed new tenant needs the parking. Mr. Pierce said that there is no surface drainage from this area onto adjacent properties, and he will assure that final grades direct the runoff to Medicine Lake Road. Art Flannagan moved to approve the waiver as requested. Seconded by Linda McCracken-Hunt, who noted the waiver in the near future will no longer be required. Upon vote, motion carried. '( 19 4 Board of Zoning Appeals Page 4 May 14, 1991 91-5-12 (Map 8) Residential 212 Sunnyridge Circle Michael Beach Administrative review of petition previously granted June 12, 1990. This matter was brought by staff to the Board of Zoning Appeals for review and affirmation that final plans submitted for the building permit were consistent with the previous action of approval by the Board. __ _ Adjacent property owner, Rick Moore, had complained that final plans had deviated too much from the original materials. Mr. and Mrs. Moore were present and provided an opportunity to make their presentation. Mr. and Mrs. Beach were afforded the same opportunity. At the close of discussion, Art Flannagan moved that the Board's determination is that final plans upon which the building permit has been issued reflect the Board's previous approval of the side setback variances granted June 12, 1990, second by Mike Sell and upon vote carried. There being no further business to come before the Board, it was upon motion, second, and vote to adjourn at 10:10 P.M. , ,� Mahlon Swedberg, Chair n L oyd G. Becker, Secretary