02-11-92 BZA Minutes I I I 1227 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS February 11, 1992 The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held Tuesday, February 11, 1992, at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following Board members were present: Chairman, Mahlon Swedberg Mike Sell Larry Smith Linda McCracken-Hunt Herb Polachek The first order of business was approval of the minutes of a regular meeting held January 14, 1992, copies of which had previously been distributed to the Board. Mike Sell moved to approve the minutes as written and presented. Second by Herb Polachek and upon vote carried. Chairman Swedberg and the Board welcomed Herb Polachek as a full member of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Mr. Polachek had served as an alternate for the past 8 years and recently was appointed by the City Council to fill the vacancy created by previous Board member Art Flannagan who retired. Chairman Swedberg noted that Mr. Polachek had served many times over past years during the absence of a Board member and his past experience is very valuable to the Board. Chairman Swedberg described for the proponents and the audience the procedure the Board will follow for the meeting. 92-2-3 (Map 18) Industrial 8925 Wayzata Blvd. Wilkins Pontiac 11.36 Subd. 6 (A) The petition is for waiver of Section: 11.36 Subd. 6 (3) for 22 feet off the required 35 feet of landscape along 1-394 service lane to a landscape area 13 feet in depth, and for 10 feet off the required 35 feet of landscape along Miller Street to a landscape depth of 25 feet for 180 feet along the south lot line, and for Section side setback, for 3 feet off the required 10 feet of landscape along the west lot line to a land- scape depth of 7 feet, and for 3 feet off the required 10 feet of landscape along the east lot line to a landscape depth of 7 feet for 210 feet beginning at the north lot line. jL~~oard of Zoning Appeals Page 2 February 11, 1992 The petition was Mr. Mark Wilkins Wilkins Pontiac. Porche Audi, was in order and consent obtained from adjacent properties. was present with another unidentified representative of Mr. Terry Trickett, General Manager for adjacent Carousel also present. I Chairman Swedberg asked Secretary, Lloyd Becker, for a staff overview of this proposal. Lloyd Becker noted that the proposed Auto Dealership had received a unanimous recommendation from the Planning Commission for approval by the City Council; however, several setback variances on the site plan require Board of Zoning Appeals attention. Copies of the Planning Commission minutes had been previously provided to the Board members. Lloyd Becker had discussed the original site plan with Mr. Wilkins and as a result of several discussions, the site plan before the Board of Zoning Appeals has lesser variances proposed. Mr. Wilkins made the presentation. The proposed Dealership would require demolition and removal of the present Plywood Minnesota building. The Dealership building approximates 20,000 sq. ft. and is located in the south east corner of the site. The site is a little over 3 acres. Four acres would be the desirable size; however, no sites of that size are available in the area. The original proposal included a lower basement level that could accomodate 70 to 80 vehicles; however, poor soil conditions and high water table makes this impossible. Mr. Wilkins said their hardship is a 351 foot setback on two sides, poor soil conditions, high water table, a required drainage ditch on the west I and restricted visibility from 1-394 because of the grade of 1-394 on the north. The Board began a lengthy review of the site plan. Mr. Wilkins described the operational characteristics of the proposed Dealership and in detail the parking on the site for new car delivery, display, customer service and employees. Linda McCracken-Hunt questioned the aisle width between the rows of stacked cars. Mr. Wilkins said that area would be for new car storage upon receipt of delivery and only employees would operate in that area. Chairman Swedberg asked if the site appears that tight why not consider another location? Mr. Wilkins said they are being moved from their present site because of redevelopment. They are bound by the factory to specific area limits. They have looked for four years and this site is the best available. He noted the substantial improvement of a new building and related landscape. Larry Smith suggested taking 10' feet off the display area adjacent to the building and meeting the 351 feet of landscape at the southeast corner. Mr. Wilkins noted this would dramatically reduce the radius of the driveway into the building making it very difficult to drive into the building. The Board discussed the proposed north side landscape. This area matches the landscape width of Porche Audi which had received a similar waiver several years ago because of taking of right-of-way and construction of the high retaining wall for 1-394. Terry Trickett of Carousel Porche Audi said they had no major objection to the proposed 71 feet rather than the required 10. feet of landscape adjacent to I I I I Board of Zoning Appeals Page 3 February 11, 1992 1229 their property but they did have concerns for snow removal. Mr. Wilkins assured the Board and Mr. Trickett they would cooperate and basically their plan for snow removal includes trucking from the site. Mr. Trickett said they are excited about the possibility of another Dealership and the substantial improvement a new building would make. Larry Smith said overall he felt the proposal is a good use for the site as this is a unique pocketed area and other uses such as restaurant, medical or office is limited because of access and visibility. Noting the previous hardships relative to the site as described by Mr. Wilkins, Larry Smith moved to approve the waivers as requested on the agenda subject to the proponent identifying on new site plans the specific areas of parking for new car receipt or storage, display areas, customer service and employee parking before this goes to the City Council for consideration of the Conditional Use Permit. Second by Herb Polachek and upon vote carried unanimously. A site plan was designated exhibit "A" and signed and dated by Chairman Swedberg and Mr. Mark Wilkins and will become a permanent record of this approval. 92-2-4 (Map 4) Industrial 7155 Medicine Lake Road Gerald L. Egan The petition is for waiver of Section: 11.36 Subd. 6 (A) front setback, for 19 feet off the required 35 feet of landscape along Medicine Lake Road to a proposed landscape depth of 16 feet beginning at the west lot line and east for 145 feet; and for 15 feet off the required 35 feet of landscape along Nevada Avenue North to a landscape depth of 20 feet, and for Section parking, for 6 spaces off the required 36 spaces to a total of 30 provided. 11.36 Subd. 7 The petition was in order and consent obtained from adjacent properties. Present for the meeting was James Rivard, Egan & McKay, Ken Benson, Benson Orth Construction and John Nisson of Bernard Herman Architects. No others were in attendance. Mr. Nisson made the presentation and described the proposal as construction of a new office and warehouse building which would incorporate the existing former service station. The service station would have matching exterior and the appearance would be as one new building. Mr. Nisson had renderings of the building and a landscape site plan. John Rivard described their use of the building as primarily warehousing for their electrical products and equipment. Board of Zoning Appeals Page 4 February 11, 1992 1230 The service station portion would continue to be used for service and main- tenance of their related equipment. While they have attempted to provide all the required parking, in actuality they would have only four or five employees I at most on this site. Mahlon Swedberg questioned the maneuvering area for semi's getting to the two loading docks. Mr. Rivard said while parking spaces are shown along Nevada Avenue there wouldn't be any parking in that area because of the limited amount of employees. Semi-trailer deliveries approximate one every two weeks. Other deliveries or shipments from the site are by smaller vehicles. Mahlon Swedberg said he observed 17 pieces of equipment and vehicles on site several days ago and questioned if this type of condition would occur with the new building. Mr. Rivard said emphatically no, that that equipment was brought in because of a very large MNDOT contract and was serviced and going out shortly. Mr. Ken Benson noted that substantial property was taken on two occasions for widening of Medicine Lake Road and also with a 351 foot landscape requirement on that side as well as Nevada Avenue they have tried to strike a balance of adequate landscape while meeting parking requirements. During further discussion of landscape the offset in the south lot line was noted and the Board suggested for continuity and, as Mr. Rivard said they have limited parking requirements, would he be amenable to landscaping those two spaces along the south lot line? Mr. Rivard said they could and would. Chairman Swedberg said with the present site plan it would provide proof of parking in that area and if at a subsequent time as needed or upon change of occupancy would Mr. Rivard agree to establish the spaces? Mr. Rivard agreed and the additional landscape would enhance the site. At the close of discussion Mike Sell moved to approve the waivers as requested on the agenda with the two parking spaces landscaped as agreed. Sell noted the requirement of 351 feet of landscape on two sides, the several takings for I right-of-way which further limited the site and the surrounding topography. Second by Larry Smith and upon vote carried unanimously. The Board acknowledged receipt of Linda McCracken-Hunt's resignation as Vice Chair of the Planning Commission. Linda noted her extremely busy workload at this time made it impossible to continue as Vice Chair and also as a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals. During further discussion Larry Smith asked if it would be possible for her to continue as an alternate as replacement for Herb Polachek. After some thought Linda agreed and said she would inform the Mayor and Council of that possibility. Chairman Swedberg said it was the time of the year to poll the members on their availability for reappointment in April. After discussion on individual commitments the Board members all agreed they would consider reappointment for another year. Chairman Swedberg said he would inform the City Manager, Mayor and Council. There being no further business to come before the Board, it was upon motion, second, and vote to adjourn at 9:25 P.M. )~~~ Mahlon Swedberg i!:z~rY I