06-09-92 BZA Minutes
JUNE 9, 1992
The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held
Tuesday, June 9, 1992, at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall,
7800 GOlden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota.
The following Board members were present:
Chairman, Herb Polachek
Mahlon Swedberg
Emilie Johnson
Mike Sell
Linda McCracken Hunt (alternate)
Lloyd G. Becker, Secretary/Staff Liaison
Absent by prior arrangement, Larry Smith.
Chairman Polachek called the meeting to order promptly at 7:30 P.M.
The first order of business was approval of the minutes of a regular meeting
held May 12, 1992, copies of which had previously been distributed to the
Board. Mike Sell moved to approve the minutes as written and presented.
Sell noted the detail and accuracy of the minutes and in particular the
matter of Capital City Investments (Ruperts). Chair Polachek and the Board
concurred. Second by Mahlon Swedberg and upon vote carried unanimously.
92-6-10 (Map 6) Residential
4945 Winsdale Street
Mark Hendrickson & Keith Flaby
The petition is for waiver of Section:
11.21 Subd. 7 B(2) side setback, for 7.6 feet off the required
13.5 feet to a distance of 5.9 feet from the
east lot line to the proposed garage addition.
The petition was in order. Consent obtained from adjacent properties.
Mark Hendrickson and Keith Flaby were present. No others were in atten-
dance for this petition.
Mr. Hendrickson described the existing single-car attached garage that
exists. The proposed addition was designed as conservative as possible.
The outside dimensions in width is only 22 feet with an interior about 20
feet. Mr. Hendrickson described the temporary driveway on the west side of
the property. This has been used to allow off-street parking. The garage
addition would provide shelter for both vehicles.
Board of Zoning Appeals
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June 9, 1992
The Board discussed the topography of the site and the design of the addi-
tion. Mahlon Swedberg said other homes in the area have similar design
characteristics. Mike Sell said the existing single-car attached garage is
typical of the 1950's and today's standards have changed. Sell moved to
approve the waiver as requested noting the topography of the lot, placement
of the existing home and the lack of other reasonable alternatives for
additional garage space. Second by Mahlon Swedberg, and upon vote carried
92-6-11 (Map 4) Residential
2901 Perry Avenue North
Dean & Ruby Van Horn
The petition is for waiver of Section:
11. 21 Subd. 7 A
front setback, for 13.4 feet off the required
35 feet from Culver Road to a distance of 21.6
feet to the house at its closest point as it
now exists; and for 14.3 feet off the required
35 feet from Culver Road to a distance of 20.1
feet to the detached garage as it now exists~
The petition was in order and consent obtained from adjacent properties.
Mr. Van Horn was present. No others were in attendance for this waiver.
Secretary, Lloyd Becker, noted that other homes to the west and east appear
to have similar setbacks from Culver Avenue. Apparently when the sub-
division developed, some right-of-way was acquired along the north side for
Culver Road. Mr. Van Horn said he has lived at this address for 30
years. The three-season porch would be attached and in line with the
existing house with no further encroachment toward Culver Road.
Mahlon Swedberg noted the 35 feet setback required on two sides and the
existing setbacks of other homes to the east and west. Swedberg said the
porch, as prpposed, has no negative impact on this or surrounding properties.
Swedberg moved for approval as on the agenda. Second by Emilie Johnson who
concurred with MahlonSwedberg's observations. Upon vote the motion
carried unanimously.
92-6-12 (Map 11) Residential
5900 Wolfberry Lane
Ell i ot Royce
The petition is for waiver of Section:
11.21 Subd. 7 A
front setback, for 15.5 feet off the required 35
feet from Wolfberry Lane to a distance of 19.5
feet from the front lot line to the proposed
garage addition at its closest point.
Board of Zoning Appeals
Page 3
June 9, 1992
The petition was in order and consent obtained from adjacent properties.
Royce was present. No adjacent property owners were present.
;')1; ,
Lloyd Becker noted this property had been before the Board in August, 1988. The
original owners, at that time, were selling the property and when a survey was
done it showed the existing attached carport as encroaching into the front set-
back. A waiver was granted for the existing conditions. The present proposal
is to enclose the carport and add to its width to provide for two cars. Because
of the radius of the cul-de-sac, the proposed addition further encroaches into
the front setback.
Mr. Royce described the existing carport. After one winter, the open CaTifornia-
style was not compatible for garage space. The house is at the end of the cul-
de-sac and even with the existing carport and proposed construction, it will
still be well back from the front of the adjacent home. Mr. Royce said the
existing pool at the rear of the house will be removed and landscape es.tablished.
The existing shed at the northeast corner of the property is about 50 percent
over the lot line. This will be moved entirely onto the lot and in compliance
with setbacks required for accessory structure.
The Board discussed in detail the depth and width of the garage. There was a
concern that the plans did not provide for sufficient depth for a full-size car.
After comparison with the survey data and the plans, it was determined that the
plans were reduced in copying and that the survey dimensions were correct as 22 I
feet in width and 20 feet in depth. At the close of discussion, Mike Sell moved
to approve the waiver as on the agenda, subject to final approval of the Bassett
Creek Commmission and the shed being moved into conformance. Second by Linda
McCracken-Hunt and upon vote carried unanimously.
92-6-13 (Map 11) Residential
1601 East Constance Drive
Willis & Charlotte Moberg
The petition is for waiver of Section:
11.21 Subd. 7 A
front setback, for 3.8 feet off the required 35
feet to the attached garage at its closest point
to the southwest corner as it exists; and for
3.5 feet off the required 35 feet at the north-
west corner at its closest point; and for
11.21 Subd. 7 C
side setback, for 0.2 feet off the required 15
feet side setback to the house as it exists at
14.8 feet from the north lot line.
Purpose of the waiver requests are to allow for
construction of a fully conforming deck at the
rear of the house.
Board of Zoning Appeals
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June 9, 1992
The petition was in order and consent obtained from all adjacent properties.
Mr. Moberg was present. No others were in attendance for this petition.
Mr. Moberg described the existing conditions as a deteriorating concrete patio
slab at the rear of the house with a picket-type fence enclosure around it.
When Mr. Moberg inquired at the Building Department for a permit, survey infor-
mation showed the existing home withno~-cbnformingsetbacks. The home is on a
corner lot on curving streets and about 80 percent of the lot requires a 35 foot
setback. Mahlon Swedberg asked how high off the ground would the deck be. Mr.
Moberg said about 10 to 12 inches in order to match the level of the existing
patio door. Mr. Moberg said they would have railings around the deck. Linda
McCracken-Hunt said this is a very straight forward proposal with front setback
conditions almost all around. An error evidently was made when the home was
built. The proposed conforming deck has no impact on anyone and is an improve-
ment over existing conditions.
Linda McCracken-Hunt moved to approve the waivers as on the agenda. Second by
Mike Sell and upon vote carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the Board, it was upon motion,
second, and vote to adjourn at 8:25 P.M.
o ~ G - eeke . S'e re ar:!
Herb Polachek, Chairman