12-08-92 BZA Minutes I I I MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VALLEY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS 1~1 December 8,_ 1992 The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held Tuesday, December 8, 1992, at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. The following Board members were present: Chairman, Herb Polachek Emilie Johnson Mike Sell Larry Smith Mahlon Swedberg Lloyd Becker, Secretary/Staff Liaison The first order of business was approval of the minutes of a regular meeting held November 10, 1992, copies of which had previously been distributed to the Board. Larry Smith moved to approve the minutes as written and presented. Second by Mike Sell and upon vote carried. 92-12-35 (Map 5) Residential Lot 6, Block 1, Thompson's Bassett's Creek Addition Rosann Fischer & Michael Urbanos The petition is for waiver of Section: 11.21 Subd. 7 A front setback, for 20 feet off the required 35 feet along the east lot line abutting Legend Lane right-of-way and for 8.6 feet off the required 23.6 feet from the west lot line to a distance of 15 feet from the west lot line. (Purpose of the waiver is to seek Board of Zoning Appeals deter- mination of front, rear and side setback on this interior vacant lot.) The petition was in order and consent obtained from adjacent property owners. Rosann Fischer was present. The adjacent property owners at 4241 Legend Lane were also present. Chairman Polachek asked Lloyd Becker for a staff review. A site plan, based on a recent survey, identified the flood plain elevation on the lot and the sur- veyor drew in the setbacks as determined by staff in accordance with the Zoning Code and also proposed setbacks that the lot owners were requesting. Each board member received the site plan with their agenda packet and both the lot owner and adjacent neighbors were provided with a site plan at the meeting. The set- back lines were colored. Yellow was used to identify the petitioners requested setbacks. Red was used to identify staff's setbacks as determined by the Zoning Code. 1.27~ard of Page 2 December Zoning Appeals 8, 1992 This lot lies at the end of Legend Lane. There is no cul de sac, just a widening I at the end as it abuts this lot. The lot is approximately 400 feet long by 118 feet wide. Bassett Creek runs through the north end and the flood plain eleva- tion through the lot limits construction to basically the south half of the lot. Rosann Fischer said they have a buyer for the lot. The buyers, at this time, do not have final building plans for a proposed new house because they don't know the parameters of the area it could be placed in. The Board discussed, at length, the unusual characteristics of the lot. Mahlon Swedberg noted only a small portion of the lot actually abuts the end of Legend Lane, where specifically the 35 foot setback would apply. Mike Sell said of more concern to him is the most reasonable alignment that can be established, relative to the adjacent home at 4241 Legend Lane. The Board reviewed and very carefully described and explained the setbacks and possibilities for alignment for a home on the lot. At the close of discussion, M ah 1 on Swedberg moved toa 11 ow the setbacks as i dent ifi ed by the 1 i nes and- dimensions provided by the petitioner's surveyor and .as ident'ified by the color yellow on the site plans, and with any house constructed to be in general alignment with the adjacent home. Second by Mike Sell, who said in doing so he would like the motion considered for amendment to read "any proposed house should be in a pprox i mate a 1 i gnment with the adj a.cent house and bounded on the north by a con- tour line of 839 elevation." Mahlon Swedberg agreed to amend the motion as des- cribed. During further discussion of the motion, the Board stated the intent I of approval was conditional and subject to final building plans being brought to the Board for review and approval before any building permit could be issued. Chairman Polachek called the question and upon vote it was unanimous for approval with the amended motion and conditions as described. Chairman Polachek and the property owner signed the site plan for City records as "Exhibit A" of the Board's action and a similar site plan was signed by the Chair and property owner for their record. The adjacent property owners at 4241 said they understood the Board's action and were satisfied with the setbacks as determined. They were provided a site plan. Chairman Polachek, speaking for the Board, noted to Rosann Fischer that when final building plans are brought to the Board, whenever that may occur, no additional fee shall be charged because the plans required are part of this meeting's determination. There being no further business to come before the Board, it was upon motion, second, and vote to adjourn at 8:30 P.M. Herb Polachek, Chairman ~p~ I