05-14-96 BZA Minutes I I I 14d-5 Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals May 14,1996 The regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held Tuesday, May 14,1996, in the Council Conference Room, City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chair Herb Polachek called the meeting to order at 7pm. Those members present were: Chair Herb Polachek, Members Mahlon Swedberg, Mike Sell, Robert Shaffer, and Planning Commission representative Gary Prazak. Also present were Staff Liaison Mark Grimes and Recording Secretary Eve Lomaistro. I. Approval of Minutes ~ April 9, 1996 MOVED by Swedberg, seconded by Sell, and carried unanimously to approve the April 9, 1996 minutes as submitted. II. The Petitions are: 1304 Tyrol Trail South (96~S-1 0) Dianne "'. Yanovic~ Request: Waiver of Section 11.21, Subd. 7(C)(2) Side Yard Setback -- 10.31 feet off the required 14.80 feet to a distance of 4.49 for the proposed structure. Purpose: The applicant is proposing to. construct a solarium/screened porch on the west side (rear) of the existing house. Mark Grimes told the Board that they had granted a variance request a year ago to construct a conforming structure onto the house; the house WaS found non-conforming. The construction project from last year has not been started because the owner wants to do the solarium/screened porch and addition at the same time. The solarium/screened porch will go into the setback and therefore a new variance is needed. The neighbor, most affected by the solarium/screened porch, have agreed to the request. Dianne M. Yanovick stated that the house was built in 1938 prior to established side setback regulations. In response to questions from the Board, Ms. Yanovick explained that the solarium/screened porch comes in a kit which has the same width as the living area. This new addition will be heated. MOVED by Swedberg, seconded by Sell, and motion carried unanimously to approve the request for waiver of Section 11.21, Subd. 7(C)(2) for 10.31 feet off the required 14.80 feet to a distance of 4.49 feetto allow for the construction of a solarium/screened porch. 1.426 Minutes of the Board of Zoning Appeals May 14, 1996 Page Two I 2513 Meridian Drive (96-5-11) Patricia Jasper Request: Waiver of Section 11.21, Subd. 7(C)(2) Side Yard Setback - 5.35 feet off the required 11.25 feet to a distance of 5.9 feet for the existing house on the north side; and Waiver of Section 11.21, Subd. 7(C)(2) Side Yard Setback - 4.35 feet off the required 11.25 feet to a distance of 6.9 feet for the existing house on the south side; and Waiver of Section 11.21, Subd. 7(C)(2) Side Yard setback -- 4.35 feet off the required 11.25 feet to a distance of 6.9 feet for the proposed garage addition and workshop addition on the west and east side of the house. Purpose: To make the existing house legally non-conforming and permit the construction of the proposed additions to the west and east of the house. I Mark Grimes stated that the applicant's request, to add a two-car garage and a workshop area, is self-explanatory. Staff Liaison Grimes explained that the existing garage would be used for storage, with a two-car garage addition to the front and a workshop area to the rear. The garage addition will not project into the front yard setback. Patricia Jasper was in attendance and responded to the Board during their discussions. MOVED by Sell, seconded by Prazak, and carried unanimously to approve the requests for the following waivers of Section 11.21, Subd. 7(C)(2) Side Yard Setback: (1) 5.35 feet off the required 11.25 feet to a distance of 5.9 feet for the existing house on the north side; (2) 4.35 feet off the required 11.25 feet to a distance of 6.9 feet for the existing house on the south side; (3) 4.35 feet off the required 11.25 feet to a distance of 6.9 feet for the proposed garage addition and workshop addition on the west and east sides of the house. III. Other Business A. Review of the revised BZA application I The Board discussed the proposed BZA application revisions and made suggestions. I I I 1427 Minutes of the Board of Zoning Appeals May 14,1996 Page Three B. Planning Commission Representative to the BZA The Board discussed the issue of a representative from the Planning Commission attending the BZA meetings. Mark Grimes read the rule from the By-Laws and indicated that State law requires the Planning Commission to approve decisions by the BZA. Therefore, it is easiest to have a representative from the Commission as a participant in BZA meetings. The vice-chair of the Planning Commission, currently Paula Pentel, is the designated representative. Ms. Pentel has stated her interest in attending as many BZA meetings as possible. In her absence, an alternate would attend. C. Revisit Change of Meeting Night The Board discussed changing the meeting night as requested by Mark Grimes at its last meeting of April 9. Mr. Grimes has to attend HRA meetings which have been changed from 5:30pm to 7pm on the second Tuesday of each month. After some discussion, it was agreed to change the meeting night to the fourth Tuesday beginning in August, 1996. This will be written into the By-Laws. D. Clean-up of By-Laws The Board reviewed the By-Laws thoroughly and made revisions as follows: Article II. Officers and Staffing 1. The Chairperson shall be nominated in April of each year from the four members of the Board Of Zoning Appeals. who are appQinted by the City Council. and elected by the members of the Board of Zoning Appeals. ~ The Vice-Chairperson of the Planning Commission shall be the fifth member of the Board, appointed each year at the annual meeting of the Planning Commission. Any other member of the Planning Commission may serve as an alternate member of the Board in the absence of the Vice-Chairperson. 3. The Director of Planning and Development oOhe City of Golden Valley 9f his/her designee shall serve as staff liaison to the Board. Article III. Meetings 2. A regular monthly meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals for the hearing of cases shall be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7pm unless no cases are pending. 1428 Minutes of the Board of Zoning Appeals May 14,1996 Page Four I 3. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson whenever he/she deems the same expedient, and shall be so called whenever three members request the same iR '::riting. Each member and affected petitioner or property owner shall be notified at least five (5) days previous to any Special Meeting, of the time, place, and purpose of the. same. Article IV. Conduct of Business t Approval of minutes Hearing of petitions or business carried from a previous meeting Hearing of new petitions Communications Hew GtReF business or bushiness carried from a previous meeting Adjournment 4. ~ a. b.... 9.~ G.~ Q.~ Article V. Records 5. A file of all materials (including surveys and petitions) and decisions relating to I each case shall be filed in the Inspections Department, in the address files kept as official records with the City. MOVED by Prazak, seconded by Swedberg, and motion carried unanimously to adopt the By-Law changes as indicated in bold face and underlined. E. Reschedule June Meeting It was determined that three members of the Board would not be able to attend the June 11 BZA meeting. MOVED by Swedberg, seconded by Sell, and motion carried unanimously to reschedule the June 11 meeting to June 18, 1996 due to the lack of a quorum. V. Adjournment ~~ I Chair Polachek adjourned the meeting at 8: 1 Opm. Herb Polachek, Chair Mark Grimes, Staff Liaison