12-02-37 PC Minutes b�I�TU`I'ES OF �EETII�G OF �ILLAGE PLANNIITG OO�iISSI0B1 !JF GOLI3E�' VALLEY -000- �inutes of ineeting of 4illage Planning Commission of Goldea galley, �dinneBO�a, held IIeoer�ber 2, 1937 at the iTill�ge Hall. �ember� present �ere Pa�7. Sesrr�an, Rober� Buz�elle, John Gaffneg, Bea '�. Ste�art, Otto �'ick�tro�, Donald J• �'I'U.PII �s,rtin Larsen, Sylveeter �oontz, Cl�.renae Tolg, Ju�,nita Finn, �. F. �it�, Hermaa �. Held �.nd Jean El�er. �dembers not present �ere Martin achondgber�, John Johnsoa, Olaude Jone�, Gertrude Lamm �nd E3larke Farner. �r. 8eeffian, a,eting as Tempora►y aha�ir��,n, pr�sided. � The report of the Committee on Hp-La�s ��,� rea,d by Il�r. �3uz�e1�. � , IIpoB mo�ioa �f �.r. �olg, seeonded. bg �tr. F�rt��n, to �,00ept the repor°� � of the Qom�aittee as re�,d, the �rote of inembers present Was as fol- � lo�s: Tolg Yes 1�iakstrom Ye� �eema,n Yee Fruen Yes Fleld Yee 1ar�ea Yes . �itt Yes goontz Yee Bu.z�elle Yes Eleer Yes G�ffneg Yes Finn Yes Stewart Yes Y,� ,�.�� �herenpoa the Hy-Laws set � rth in the report ��re unanimc�.sly e.dopted bp the me�bera pre�ent. �a�iog by �r. �olg, seca�ded bp I+��. Elver, �h�,t the preseat _ officers be conti�ued temporarilp un�il regula,rlg eleeted officere �,re qual if i�d, w�,s earried. �r, �eeman reported t�at the �quipment fr4m the �FPA offioe a�ould arri�e an� dag a�ad the ma,pping progr� we�1d be sts.rted. �r. 8eeman appointed the prea�nt S�an.d3n� d�ommi�tee �,s e Oorr�alatiom C�znmittee for �e purpo�e of invest3.g�,tin� the best p�o- cedure for making ffia,pe, etc. , followin� whi.ch �here �aa discussion� re a building ardinanc� and inspector and prvpo�s�ls to b e con- eidered by the (7orrelat io� Committse. . �ffr. �eeman st�.ted he �vou7.d eontae� absentee �ne�bers before the Il8R't meeting. i: �r. Bueeelle euggested t��t the Chairma� be i�structed �o see whether or not he ec�ld �eeure the serv�.cee of Mr. Sohilplin for the n�at meetin� aad t��,t he 'be reques�e:d to come a� 8 :30 P�t eo �,s � to give one ho�r for the conduct o� the �e�tine busineBS of the Cor�mission. � �lotioA b �ra Buztielle was dul seco�ded b �r Flel e - Y y y . d �hat th Ohairman �,ppoin>i� �, �ot�it�Gee of two and the Ohairr�a.n far the �- ��'' i -�' �✓: � �, ' � � � � purpoee of laying out the work of the various committees to be ap- poin�ed at the nezt meet3.ng axid tl�at the Oha,irman and that the President pro te�t be, as the By-L•aws provide, an e� off icio member of �hat Committee. I�esers. Buazelle and Tol� voluateered �o serve on such Com- mittee. � January 13, 1938, �t 7:30 P.�. , �as �8et as the date of �he negt regular meeting of the Commiseion. Upon m��t io�. duly ma de an d secodded,t�.e me et in� was ad�ournsd. � � �' �� � � , � Temporary Seeretary � bt te�t : � � � � Tempor�,ry Chairma� ; � � - - � ;