02-10-38 PC Minutes � "f �IRiU�'ES OF M�TIR1(� GOL,D�T �T�LLEY PL�Iv'NTNG CO�ISSIC�N Vill�.ge of Golden Valley Hennepin Countv, Bdinnesota �Iinutes of ineeting of Planning Cornmission o� tYse Village of:Gold.en Va11ey, �iarinepin Coun�y, �innesota held Febru�.ry 10, 393$ in the Ville.ga Hall. Membere prasent taerea Dr. Sy1�es�ter �oontz Clarenee Tolg John E. Jehnson Robert B. Buzzelle Ber� Ste�evart John Gafney H. Fi. Held O�to ��ickstrom Gertrude Launn Jean �. �lger J. Dona,ld �ruen , Minutes� ��f l�,st me.ating read and secepted. H. ��. �eNama.ra, J�,mes �. Spriager, oPfieers oF ��est Tyro1 Iiills. Tn�. , Pe.u1 Enghiauser and I�r. Nov�a of Egan F'ield 8c Nowak, cieil engineers, wexe present in connec�on w ��on on proposed plat of �1'est T�rol Hi11s submi�ted to Plaxulirtg Commisaion, and letter to Village Council dated Februe.ry l0, 1938 as followa. "The Honorable Village Counrsil Village of Golden Va11ey Gentlemeaz The undorsi�ned as off�.cers of' 1�'Test 'I'yrol HiI1a In�orpor�.ted, a corparatio� h�.ving f i3sd a. pla� tivi.th your body f'or its consideratiox� �.nd. ap�rova7. and authorized on behalf of the3r corporation to adv3ses 1. That -�hi:s corpor�,tion, apon approve.l oF its plai�, mril]. immedi�.-�ely spend the sum of Ona Thousand dollars ($1,000.00) on road eonstruc�ion in this subdivision. The balanae of° the roa,ds necessQry will be completed as necessity dem�.�ds, lout in no event l�.ter th�.n five yea.rs #'ram date.• A • satisf'a.etory bond will be posted �r1.th you to insure completion of the roa.c3.s w3thin f,he preseribed. 'cime. �11 roads to.consi�t o� a b0 foot emsment wi�h 25 ft, gr�.ded snrf'a.ce, 5 �t. shoulders �.nd gr�veled top. 2. An easment voill be given �ou to �ermit the extension oF the �inneapolis water mains tio gUest T�rol Hills thru Lots eight (8) and nine (9) of Block . eight (8). It being understoo.d tliat the property will be plaeed baek ?n its original condition af'ter excavation. 3, The f�ollowing restrictions �+ill be plaaec� upon �the �roperty which �ill govern buiSd3.n.g, e�c.: a. No dv�elling to be built at a cost of les_s then $7,540.00. ; - b. Gare.ges: must be under the sa.me roof or �:ttached to the house, �. All. Iots restricted to one f'a.mily dwe113ngs. d. TJo excav�.tion dirt she�11 be �noQed f'rom .the subdivision s�vithout permission ` � oP the corporation. �. �7.1 bui.l'ding o�n.ers �nust contribute equ.al shares on fire bond posted �rith �he Minneapolis Fire �epartment. � . -1- � ---- —-- -2- 2-10-38 �Teeting I f, ill buildings orected ori t�.ese premises shall be completed tivithin s�.x �nonths �,f'ter starting and tar �aper or .�building paper shall not const�tute outside finish. g, That the premises conveyed shall no� at a.ny time be sold, mortga�;ed or leased to any person or pe-rsons of Chinese, Japanese, �loorish, B�angolian or Af'rican blood or descen�. h. All buildings to be true to thoir particular s�yle o� architocture. ia All buildings to be construeted in �.ccorde.nce with the I�pls. Building Code. '� i j, Combine.tion of.cess-pool �nd septic te.nk wi11 be used. i Ycurs truly, (signed� Ti, u'l. �3cNaznara, 1'res. J�mes E, Springer, Sec-Tree.s. i 5625-�.2 Av. N, Robbinsdale, �inn. 221 Sherican Av. S, Mp1s, I�inn. ' ; Hy. 2610 or Ge. 6761 �enwood 7058. n . ;I �'dillic�m S. Johnson, V.Pres. 2.556 IIpton Av. S* Ti�p1 s, �inn. Br. 2231 � ' �otioa duly m�.de a.nd seconded that the Gomrnissian reco?nmend to the Village Council �; that f,he plat submi-tted of the degelopment knovan. as ��Vest Tyr�l �ii11s, also known as � the SE 1/1� of the NE 1/1�, Section 30, Township 29, Range 2L,., Vill�ge of Golden Va17�t, � Hennppin County, b�Iinnesota, be �.pproved subject to the followi.ng restrictions to i qualifiea�ioas 1, 2 and. 3. `� �� 1. Reco�►end that th� o��mers of th3s p1s� post �. bond in the su�a of Four 1^housand � t�oll�.rs ($4,000) � gu�.rantying the completion of' �the streets in this addition �ev:ithin five ye�.rs f'rom da�e, and that a premium be prepaid Por the five year period, such streets to be constructed in a m�.nner satisf�.ctory to the Iisanepin County Road Engine�ring Department as to gener�.l cons�ruction, drainage, e tc. �� Par�. r�. h '1 of their letter to the Vi11a e Council be amenrled to reo.d ti�at all streete � P � � to consist oP a 60 f't. easment vaith 35 ft. gra.ded and graveled surf ace, and ,� Pt. shoulders. I 2. Recorcanend the accepta.nce of the plat of '�!fest Tyro1 Hi11s sub�ect to the granting of an ea.sment for v�r�.ter m�.ins, gas �►aias, sewer, and other public improvements along I the north 15 ft, of' Lot #8 in Bloek #8, �.nd aloag the south. 15 f'�`�of' Lot �9 in Block �8. � 3, Restrictions as proeid.ed. t'or in paragraph �3 to be embodied in the general d.eed. i In viev�r of—�he fact that a number of building pro,jects �.re contemplated mn this pla� the Com�nission request prompt �ctioa on these recommendations. I T�otio�, made by �r. �o1g and seconded by Mrs. La�rn th�t the Villag� Council gr�.nt the e petition for the 4acating of Anna Avenue, with the provision th�.t the petitioners �.ssume the cost of leg�.l proceedings. 0�'ficers ti�ere elected - 1'aul .�.. Seema� unenimousl� elected president, Clarence Tolg � �as eleeted Vice Pres. �.nd Jean H. E1ver Secretary-Treasurer. I � T:�otio n made �,nd seconded that aneeting a.d journ. Att � ' J;' Se y�-Treas. d residegt ' `, a. . .�.. .___ , ... , . . . . . ..� .