03-10-38 PC Minutes �I�tTTEB QF �IEET��G
village oP Golden Valley
Henn�pin Cowat;�, �int�.eso�a
�inutes o� �eetirsg o� P�a�uiing Co;�mission, �Tille.ge of Golde�n
�a.11e�, Henriepia Co�►�, �inneso�e. �aeld ��.rc�i l�, 1938 ia the Village
�all. �
�e�ubers prese��: �
Bttzzelle, Rabert B,
Elver, Jear�. �, �
F3�., �'ttax�ita. •
Fruen, J, �oaald
Gaffney, Jck�. �
Held, Hex�uan 3.
�Jo�uisox�, John E.
Koon�z, 1}r. Syl�res�eer '
La�, Ge�trude N.
See�, �'au7. �.
� St�ewe.r�, B�n
To1g, �larence
P�inutes of' last �ee�ing read and �.ecep�ed.
� �r. 5eer�.n presented �. letter Prom the T�innee.polis, ATort�f'ield
�c Southerx� Ra.il�ay Comp�.� dated �arch. 8, i93a request3n� per�ission �o
me�e a -ta�c►-stor�r f'rame bui.lding nov�r loeatad in, �iane�.polis 3.ntc Gol�.en
Valley to ba add.ed fi� �ieir present buildings in f,he Glen�raor3 Addi�ion.
I�r. Les�er F. Johnso�, a re�icient in �he Gler.�rood Additio�a,
expressed his aiet�rs on ma�ing o.ddition�.l r�.ilroad proper�cy into th�
adc�i tio�.
l�otion dulg m�.de e.n.d seeonded thav �he rm�.t-ter oP permission �or
�oviag this build3rag ontQ lot �8 in Glen�rood gddition be lai.d a�aer �.nd
that a ecmanittee be �.ppoittted to investig�.te th� matter attd repor� a.�
tha next meeting. �r. Btxazella a.nd ��r. �le1d apg�oiated on this comanittee.
G��er�.1 d�seussion, on. building coxaditiotts in the �T311�.g�, a.nd
advis�,b3.13.�� o�' r�vising e.n.8 e.doptin� some sor� of s, health ordir��e.
�dotios� by �r. �.iex�., secoaded '6� �r. Buzzelle that a �ommi�t�e
be �.pgaotntad for the atudyixig oP build.ing orc�3n�..n.ces t'rom the sta.ndpoiat
o£ health, sani�ation, �t�. , a�d reporting back to �he Co�missiott at
the �.exi� meeting.
Co�mittee on building ordinances:
�$r. Fr�e� .
�dr. �olg
� Dr. I{oesn�z .
He�lth: �lr. See�
Nloe�d aritl secn�ded the.t t�ae r�ext meeting ba he�d .April 7 3�s�ea.d
. of the r�g�xl�ar d�,te .�,pril, 1!}, 1938• • `���� /
�tte ^��
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