04-07-38 PC Minutes �IVUTFS OF I�L�T.�NG, PLA"TNIPdG CO�ISSIQN � Village of Golden V�.11ey Hennepin Count.v. B�innesota � ^ihe Co�unission met ia the �lillage Hall April 7, 1938. I �inutes af l�.st meetin� read �nd aacepted as r�ad. � I �e�bers present: i �Iessrs. Seeman, Buzzelle, Gaffney, Johnson, L�.rson, �ruen, �oontz, Tolg �.nd �desdames E1v�r and �inn. P�ir. Fruen reported to the �ommiss3on the find3ngs of his committee on ''i ordinances - that a 2onirsg ordinance ca�ne Pirst and wo�xld hava to be '� ado.pted before consid.eratioa could be given to a building ordin�.nce, � .n ''I GeaerQl discussion on �.d�.p�ability o£ Edinr�.'s zoning ordineince t,a the ';� Vill�.ge of' �olden V�lle�. ' H�r. Seem�..n reported he took up ordin�nc�s svith Federal �ousing who st�ted they h�.d er�gineers availsble and that there probably wras a �ssibility of getting the� in h�re. Mr. Seeman to see about this further. 'i �Ir.. Seeman recom�ended holding over present co�ittee to further study an this subject to see wh�.t co�ld be done. �r. Bnzzelle suggested a new eo�ittee be appointed 'to bring in e. def'inite recommend,�:tion �.t the � next meeting and seibsequent meetings, and moved that inasmucla �.s this committee hes not been appointed as a zoa�ing oammitt�e th�.t a committee on ioning be appointed for the purpose of bringing in a praposed zoning ordinance. This was duly seconded. Committee - �essrs. Fruen, 3�oontz and Tolg. P�r. Buzzelle reported on present condition o�' railroad building �esrhiah the �inneapolis, I�orthf'ield end Southern requested permissior� to move into the Glenwood �ddition in Gold.en Valley. �ome disetaesion on com- � mercializing the section now oceupied by railroad property in the j �lendvvood Additi�a�: D�r. Bnzzelle requested permission to hold over i present comg►ittee COIIS�.S'tilri� of' lhimself and Mr. Fie1d until next m�eting � to gi�e them a chance to�rin� in further report. �toaed �.nd seconded + that report of aommittee be accepted and that committee be held over for Purther report. � Duly mo�ed �.nd seconded �hat meeting ad3ourn, � ���� ' ecret.�,ry ' ATTES�': � President. � , -- ---- -- �