06-09-38 PC Minutes � _ .. ------ ---------- - _ - - ---- ------- --- -- ---
; Villaga of Golden Valley
� � Hennepahn Gountv, Ntinnesota
! Minutes o� meeting oP Planaing Commission, Village of Goldea Valley,
' :dennepin County, �inuesota held � June 9, a93s in the gillage He.11.
ItiTinutes of l�.st meeting ree.d and accepted as re�.d. �
ri�embers present= R. B. Buzzelle
Jee.n H. Elver
� Juanita. Finn l
J. Donald Fruen i
� John Gaffriey' i
Herman H. Held
' Gertrude Laman ��
; Martia Larson 'i
Pau1 A. See�a.n i
! Clarence Tolg '
. Otto �?3ckstrom ��
. • !i
� Tnvitatio� �'rom �Iinneapolis Planning Commission to attend National !
Conference on Planning at Nicollet Hotel June 2�, 21 and 22. 'Those
; �rrho could spa�e the time to attend this meeting.
� �
Suggeste@ �the.t ordinance be supplemented by addi ng a cl�use
i � �o limit the income of building inspeetox. Decided to omit ;for no�r. �
The folloc�i�g are cor�eetions made to the reeo�ended building ordinanee:
; 1. Page 3, seetion 8, par. 2 - eliminate wordls a�vithout permit, or" �.
, par�.graph thus re�.ding ��tructures hereafter ereeted not in confbrmity i
� �vith this ordina.ace shall be re�o�redn.
; 2. Page 5, sectior� ��, paragraph 1 and 2 - change size of' �bsthroom window j
� f.rom �3 sq.�t." �1:o Q6 eq.f i�." area. ;;
3. Page 5, Section 13, Par�.gre.ph 3 add �and pro��i.dixag uot less than texi ':;
; (10) comple�e �.ir �b.anges par hour".
: 1}. Page $, �ection 26, Paragre.ph 10 - elimi�.�.te �ord "grade" �nd incor-
porate �P3rst floor joists�.
.5. �age 10, Seetion 33, Paragraph 1, 7th line - eliminac,e naord �or9 and
, incorporate words �and/or be" imprisoned, etc.
� Petition submitted by Alf Paulson, Glenwoo d Avenue �,nd Lilac Drive, f'or
f illi�.g station permit. I�otion �nc�..de e.nd duly s econded that the petition '
be tabled �or tha ti�e being. i
� 'I
; lt2otion by B�rr. �olg, seconded by Mr. Held that buiSding ordinsnce be sub-
i � mitted to -�he Vill�.ga Council with r�eom�endation for adoption as
' applying to the Vill�.ge oP Golden Valley.
i �otion made a�.d s con�ed th�.t meeti�.g ad jour3�. �
E Ts j
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