08-11-38 PC Minutes 11�CLNUTES OF MEETING �` GOLDEN V1�.LLLEY:PT t�TII�TG Ca11�ISSIORT „ Village of Golden V�,11ey � �� A�g�a.s� ll,1938 The regular monthl.y moeting� of �he Village Plaxua3:�.g Com�.ssion. �ras he]:d a� the V311a�e Ha�.1 August 1.1� 1938 at 8a00 p.m. ll�3�u.tes o� the Ju1� meeting re�.c and e.caepted. �'o11cr�,ng are the members �resent a � Robert Buzzelle Juani ta. Finn J. Donal d Friae�i: _ � , - Jo1�. �a£ne� - > . , , ;: �� : John. '�. John.son � _ � Sylvester Koontz ; _ , Gertrtade La�m � _ l�a.�-�3.n L�axsexa. - . _ . _ Paul Seemab, Ben Stewa.r� Clarence To1g � Ot-co �0'icks-�rom � C. F. Vditt � fl�r. Se�n.an. diseussed generally -�he subj+��t of side �,.rds and lot areas as set �ox�t1� i�, the Zon,in� Ordi�c�e, s�ta.�ing the Buildir�g Inspeeto� ha.d been having d,if fidul-ty i�: �3.nne�ka and Belmont .A.ddi.tions. Fo11o�.n.g the di.scussio�, motioa w�.s duly m.ade and seaonded that -�he ch�ir appoint a committee on Zoning as;d that this cormnittee be g3ve�. f'u17. authority 'by the Plar�ning Co�.ssion to r�co�mo.en.d to the Bu3:ldin� Inspea�o� and the Caune3.1 the wai�.n.g o: lot an.d side y�rd �..reas in additio�s �.ich were � ' pla'�teel prior -�ca the adoption o�' the Building �m.d. Zon.ing Ordi�.ances, in, a1.1 cases of' speQial 'per.mits. Mo-�ion e�.rried una�iraousl�r. : . { The csommittee �ppvi�ted by the ahair, to b� 1�7.o�m a.� the Zo�.ing Com.mi-�tees is as followsa J. Donald Fru.e� end C1a�enee Tolg �rol Fil1s to 6th Ave. No. Robert Buzzelle �lcsN�,i.r Dd�nor �.nd. adjaQe�t John E. Johnsor� Acs�.demy Hi7.1 ar1.d e.djacent Bs�. Stewar� Win�:etk�, a� Glen�sood Av�.� A11 reports o�' -�he a.bove Zor�ang Coa�i��ee �o be 3n. �riting. : Motivn. duly made �d seconded. th.at the Pla.n.nin� Commissio�a recommerscl tci the Vi11a.�e Cour_ci7. �ha-� the sid.e yard requirement in �o�.eetion with Zot 289 _ �'` Belm.ont A.dd3tio�., o�med,by Edtivi.n Nelson Ba='�.s ba f'7.xed at eleven (11) s'ee�t, �.d �cha� the side yard requirement in aon�:ecst3:on �rith Lot 294,:Be1�n.on� Adcii- -�io�., auvned by �rnest Lund, be fixed at twelve (12) feet. �otiora. ca.rr�.ed �n.an.imous�y. i August 11, 1938 DiscL�ssion. of' -Ehe ma-�ter of adopting �he Li1a.c as the offi.�ial f�:ower of the � vi I Ia ge. �o-�ion d.uly m��i.e and seco�ded th�t -t3�.e chair �.ppoint 2 commit•tee to study the advisability of a.d.opting �he Lil.ac as the off ic3.al flawer of �the Vi11€zge. 1 i Fal7.owing �.re the members of -this commit-tee; � -I Be� Stewa.rt � Clarencse lolg i Sylvester Koontz Gertrude Lamm , � Motion du1 made �.nd secon.ded that the Commission �oe t wi.�. thanks the in�3.tation of � T�r. ��Vi-�t to have a speeial meetin� of' �the Commission t his home on B�Ie�do� Lane on k September 1 �,-� 6:34 sh�.rp. Husban.ds a.nd wives of inembers �xere invited to et-�end. f � ' Fo11o�a�ing report by Mr. Seemar�. on the convention o£ Planning Boards held at the T�icollet � Hotel in June, upon motion, -the ra.eeting �a.s ?djourned. f- - � i , , '� < � �� �� ____� �� � � Secxetar�T Pro Tem � . �� � Attest: ; � , j �_~� cna.irm.a.n. . ;', . � ,� ,, '� � i � I �� ; � � I . � - :I F i - �'I .