10-13-38 PC Minutes - _ .__ . __
$ennepin County. l�inuesot�
The regular monthly meetfng of the Planning Comm3ssion �ue.s held in
the �illage Hall Oetob�r 13, 1938 �,t 8:00 P.I�.
�embe rs present:
Robert B. Buzzelle
Jean H. Elver
JuanitQ F'inn
J. Donald Fruen
Jok�r► GafPney
Hermsa Held
John E. Joluison
Dr. Sylvester goontz
I�r. l�artia Larsoa
�r. Pau,l A Seemaa .
�e�. �te�rt
C1Qre�ace Tolg
C. E. �'itt
�r. Leubner of the �idland National Bank wa� heard - he represented
� the bank in the interest of trying to �ork soffiething out with the
Planning Commission to further the sale oP bank property in the form '
of small lots in the Glea�ood Addition. I�o aetioa takea. ;
�r. �I�,rtin Larsoa inPormed the Commiseion that no building permits
had been re�ected so Par. I�r. Seeman repmrted that about $260,000 ;
�orth of building permit� had been ,�ranted since the r�e�r ordinaace �
�uant in �.nd there h�d b�sn no complQ3nts. �
. �
Building fnspactcr Martin I�arson presented an �pplication �'or pexmit �
f'rom �r. Horsaker �t the Phillip 66 station on �ayzata Eoulevard and �
' '�'innetka Avenue to build Pive tourist cabins. RePerred to special
cos�itt�e to he.ndla in aecordance e�ith zoning erdinance. ;
Pdr. Fruen reported a speeial lot problem ia T��rol $ills because oP
the topography oP the land. Moved, seeo$ded and mutually agreed that ,
r�e recommend a special permit b� �raated ot� lot �11, b3.ock {�2, T�rol
Hill�, �ub�ect to flbtainin� �eritten �raiver for �ide lo� line from
ovmer oP lot ,�10. j
• The fbllowing names �uere suggested for a Sp�eial Lilae C$mmittee: i
Lcuis Boeglin (Supt.Pk.Bd.Nurseries) I
Clereaee Tolg :
Dr. �lee�tar Hooatz
Dr. �t. B. Riley
� Hub Sehueller
The next meetfng of Commission to be held at the regular time in '.
� Novembe►r. i
' n daly m e and seeonded that me�sting ad�oura.
� .
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