01-12-39 PC Minutes i
� �TNU'�ES �f�' fidEETIRTG
Hennepin Coun'��, �inn.
i I
The regale,r monthly mee�ing of the Cornmission �.s Iaeid in �he V311age Hal.l
; January 12, 1939• �embars prosent:
Buzzelle* Robert B.
� Elve�°, Jeaa �.
I F`ir�, J�anita �
I Fpuen, J. Done�ld
Held, Herman �.
� Johnson, John E.
� �oaatz, Dr. Sylvaster
; �arson, �dart3.n
� Seeman, Pa ul A.
; S�e�art, Ben
' Tolg, �l�.rence
V�3 t$, C. �.
� A suggos�ed form of the �Golden Va11ay Annual", a small booklet com��ining
��e names of Villc�ge officers, members ofl the Planning Commissiott and other
� perti�ant infb rmatio�. to be printed and d3s�ributed to the Vill�ge resideats,
ivas prepared and brough.t in by Jne,nita Finn of the Publieity Committea.
� This wa.s discussed in detail and minor ch�nges s�.ggested.
j This being the first meeting ia tho nev�r year electio� of' o�'f icers took pl�.ce.
i �r. Robert B. Buzzel7.s r�Ceiving nine (9) votes ou'c of tvaelve (12) �eoas
eleeted Preside�►-� for the ye�.r 1939 and/or wntil a suecassor is elected a�,d
j qu�.li�fed.
' Viee President � C1ar�r�ce Tolg - receiving nine (q) votes.
i Secrotary - J�.anita Finn = reeefving nine (9) �ates.
I IVlotion duly made and seconded tha� the Seeretary direct � letter to P�r. Joe Scheid,
Hylanc� St�'cion, Rou�e 7, l�inneapolis, askiug hi.ria -�o a�pear before the Pl�nni.ng�
; Commission and v�e will be glad �o hear what his dif'f'icu.lties are.
i Some discussion on t�.e conditions in t7elph3axa Heights on delinquent taxes�
� �ollo�e3ng whfeh a commi-�tee vua.s appointed by tha Ch�.ix� to look' into the ma�-�er.
� �}�fs committee consists of' 'tPae iollc�rl.ng - ��ssrs J. bonald Fruen, acting ae
j cha.irman, Clarence 'Polg and Ben Stevuart.
i Upon motion duly m�.de �nd seconded ihe m0eting �.a�aurnaa.
i r, ,
� A`PTE�I'a ;'�3'" �-�� ���� � cre'�ary ,
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