03-09-39 PC Minutes _------ - --- -- - -- ----_ --- ---- _
Miautes o�' Mee�3ng ,
(�olden '�a11e� P7.�.nn3ng Co�i�sion i
'� � The re�v].ar monthly meeting of the Pla,�ning Oommiss3on was held a.t the home of Ger�r�ui.e
� L�nm oa March 9, 1939. Members preseat w�re= - �
Bv.zZell�, 8obert B.
e Elver, Jean � t • '
Fin�, Ju�nita •
�ra.ea, J. Donald
Gaffne�r, Joha
Held, Herma�s
�oontz, Dr. Sylvester
La.mm, Gertru.d.e '
Zarsen, Martia -
Seeman, P�ul. A. - �
�tewart, Ben a �
Mr, �'�nen of the bn3l,ding orc�.i.�,ace eommittee reported or► �he fee �ectioa of the ord�.nance, !
as •follm�sa �
� Mr. �'s�ea contaet�ed ��ro or three appra,isers and peop9.e f�ai.liar with �
real es�e.te, etc., to determiae how they would i�rterpret this orc'�.na.nce. �
Thes� appra3�ers were at t�e D. B. Eell Oompari.�. He aZso cheeked with ;
.�ttorne� Pete�oa who does the legal work for the D. �3. Bell Compaa� and ';
w3th O�to Nova,ek, engineer �d �nsve�or, an.d �rlth aaoi;her attor�aey. j
Ya �heir op3aion, the f'ee sectioa of the buildiag ordinanae needed the
, � s.ddi tion of the word �p1ns�, as follows �� * w '�for constru�ction cost3.ng
less th�a $bOQO, plus� '� '" �° u. as to the matter of whether or not thi�
was a proper fee, it wa� up to the villa,ge to determine �rhat i t wasite� �
to cY�.rge �or permit�. Mr. Novack felt �he ordir►anee ou�t to be ver�
clear oa t�.3s point.
Mr. Frn.en �.1.so we�t intc the ma,tter of f�.�u.ring cubieal coatents. The ;
length of t)ae atuds on the outside �aalls determine th� height to be used
3n f3g�ing cubi.eal coatents of �he f�.rst floor, If' tl�.ere a,re roeme oa
the �eeond floor o£ a bunga,7.ow type house,• l.�.lf o� �he dist�aee from �he
base to �Ghe apex o� the triangle 'formed b� th� roof would be �.sed e.s �he '
laeigh� for f igu.ring cubica,]. content. '�o add the cubie�.l content of @orme�s,
take the width, times �he }aeight �imes �he dep�h erf the �riangle, di�ic�ed
b� two, a�h3ch �ill g�i.ve the exact cubical con�enty j
A complete cop� of the Fee sect3on of the bvildi�ag orriinan.ce, with the
a �.bstit�.t3.on of the word �pluap ia atta.ched to these m3.nutes an.d made a i
_ _ � past hereof. � !
Buggested that recommendatioa be made to the Couacil to amand. the �e��3on if the ofiieial j
administering the or�3.rua.nce hae e;xiy complaints, or that �re get an op�tioa fmm �he villa�e ;
attorne�. Attorney �3delm�an, present at the meetiag, s�.id he 1�ad seea the ord3n�.nce Arior
ta ita adopt3oa• �
; - �Io�3oa m�,ae asid seco�►�.ed -to accept report of this commi�tee. '
, , j
Di�cussiom by cha.�..a�aaa, �uzzell.e as to the or3.�3.aal in�G�tion of the Com�l.ss3oa fn sv.gges�- �
� in� preparr�..tion of �, easd d�.r�c�o� for di��ribv.t3wa �o the ree3de�at� o� the vi17:a.ge. �
; 'I�ion motion ma.de and aecc».ded, 3.t wa� vaaaiimousl� v�o'�ed tn reco-mm�nd to the eounail. the +
i puUlicat3.oa o�' �, card direetor� of v�.11age offieials and other pertinent in#'ormat3on for
j dietribut3.on throv.ghout the villa,ge. � j
- - - __ -- _--- ----�
r ,
Ugon motion ma,a.� �nd second.ed, i� �a� vn�a.�.mousl� �oted tha� the promot3oa booklet
proposed by the �u.b7.3ci�� �ommi.tt�e be presented to the corsacil, ��th a reqne�t
for aa ap�ropr3.�.�ioa for publication of the booklet �a� is to be distribu�ed to �
re�id�nt� of the �3.Z].age, as �e17._:�,e tc� vario�a.s b�n.ks, loaning a�en.c�iee�, real esta.'�e
compaxliee, an�. oth�r� .interested in �h.e dev�lopm�nt of �he �311age.
Motion by Mr. Fxro.�n,;,, second�. by �l�e. L��, �h�,t R�r. B��ze11e, ae chairmari., be the
fina..1 cr�.�i� on the promotion book3.et. .
A�ort b�r �9.ttorne�+ Edelmaat�. on �la.e stai,v.s of �he ,ouit of the George �ollmer Compaa�►
�gainst �he V3.11age of Gc3lden �aile�, auriag which h,e read the Ansarer to �he Coa�a7.a.int
interraaeosed b� h3.m. e
Mr. 5eemaa repor�ed th�.t G�orge Vollmer ha�.. ca].a.eol upoa him, prior to �he 3.nstitv.t3.ora
of the s�u3.t, �nd. at �ha.� t3me h3.s ob�jectioa seemed to �s against a suppoeed building
cost reetx�3.e�iou in the crrdinanee. Mr. 8eem�n �tated �he p1�,ira�3.ff 3n t�e suit a��er
sold �i� proper�y 3.n the area 3n question pr�.or to 193�.
� �.en asked hi� op3.�9.on as �o th� csoastitut3oriality of th� e�9.�tiag ordia�,ee, Mr.
�delma,nn. s�a�ed there w�re o�d c�.sea holdirig su�h orrc�..�.a�.n,aes u�.aoaa�i�utfonal, but �hat
�h�re w�re also ia�er �a�e� hold3ag them �ons�itut3on�.3.. He stated t��,t Ed. Montgomerys
q�llage �.t�oax�ey �or ��. T,o�.is P�,rk, inte�ded to i�.ter��:�e as �nicus cv.riae ia the
svi� for the prat�c�io� o�' their osdin�cee; likew�.se G�orge Strong of �ldi�. and
At�o�e�r �eterson qf �he T,ea,�,�u.a of Mun.ie3.palities, �or t�� p�rxrpose of sup�ort3ng our
��wer. �
Mr. Seeman reported tha� the �illage of f3s�rsta,]. }�a,d reee�'tl� �nacted bv.�.ldiag an�.
zoning ord3,nas�,ces ..�imi.lar to th�,t of Goldea Yalle�. �
Mr. Trarsea repo�ted t�ro 'build�.ag per�tits hacl. been. xssued by h3m sia�e Jaauar�ql, and
that proepeet� for �r3n.g bw.�.cl�.ng looked bri�h�. q
Mr. Seema�n s��ted �he ou�side �ork oa the m�ppi.�.g pro�eat ��:s �us� e,'bov�t comple'�e, bta.t
th�.t �he a�,�s wovldn�t be �i�.ish�d for a'bout six �reeks. ,
�iscuss�.o� of a proposed �elebrat�.on d.vr3�g Nt�,� ia fvr�he�nee of the T+31a.c a� �he
of�icia7. �'1c�vex of tl� �v3,12�,�e. 'Ih.s fo1.�.owi� urer� �,ppoi.nted. a,s a cAmmit�ee �o
begin worl� aa plaro.s for �he eelebratiexis
Dr. 8oantz Clarence To1g, Cha3.rmari
N�rs. �,a.mn 8ea Stew�.r� �
Chairm�.n Bnzzelle reserved the �eiv�.lege of appaint�g two �re members to �his commit�ee,
��tia� the 7.�.1a� eomm3��ee wau3.d �aork w9.��. the Pia.blic3t� Comm�,�tee aad Mr. Seeman and
c�ith various o�h�r argaai�.tion� in the �31a,�e, such �.s th.e Garde� Qlub, P.l.A., etc,
a.n.d develop the Li].�.ca promotion in�o a per��en� orga�iza.tio�..
D3scussion of the �x de1i��,v.effit situat3or� in �elph3�.0 IIeigh�s. P�otion b�t �'r�sn,
�econded by Mx�s. T� that the committeein �harg� o� spe,cial pes�3.t� fe►r tY�,t ar�a
be 9.x�struc�ed to co�p1�.3.�. to �hE couacil about the condi�ion 4� the dvmp � Delp�i3an
Height�, �dd at lthe same t3me recommemd that the 13ce��e be re:newed for an.other y�r,
pr�v�3ded the cl�unp �s ke�,a� c1ea�, av,d. ia good ord.er, when the meatter cmme� t�p ir� �.pr�1,.
r Mr. Soemaaa was req�.este8. to ree0mmead to �he cour�c31 the �ddi�ion o� ��ro members to �
the Plati.�.i.ng Onmmission to �eplace the members who h�,d. r�.oic t�,kea a,a�axitage o� the
original appo�.atment. �1
�fpoa motian duly s�de an.d �eee�.d8d, tkie meet�.ng evas � n�..
lttesti . � `�f � ��,,��` �
� ��'� � f �' � ,H.a.. �i,� M 1' � ��:-na'F+.,_.
�`N�°''� _r,�. ,� ►S8C3'�c.'�ia.l"�
�x�. �
L_ _ C1�1�.3.2'II12.� 6 __ _ -----�
-- _ - - - ---_ — - ------ -- —---- - -�
: �
�Sectioa 9. Fees. The applic�aat for a �build.3.ng permit
for a �.welli� here�der shall �a� �o the v311age of �olden. 'Pa11e�
a,s fees �'or �he e�rense of inspection and e�a,miaia.tion o� �he build-
ing, platis �nd sPec3f�.c�,�ions � minimvm fee of �"5.00 foa° constz7ae�ion
cos�ing less tha.�+, �5000.�0 plus �1.00 per 1,�00 cubic feet of cubical
eontents ov�r aaad above the first b,000 cubie �eet based on the ou-t5ide
measurements oi first and second floors on1y, �m�.ttixtg bs,sementss
ga.rage, �hi.rd �loors a.�.d porches. The above applies �o private dr�ell-
ings used eze7.usivel� �,s the home or res3.dence o�' not more t}�an two
separate or distiact famil3es. �or a,11 mercantile, inc�us�r3a1 and,
other buildings, �ees will be as follows; �2.00 �or each �;1,OOU.O�
or fraction thereof ia structvres or improvements. d �25.00 clean�r!p
deposit zna,g b� collectea at the diseretion of the Bv.3.lding Tnspeetor,
whieh �rlll be refunded �,11 or ia part when i�ro�vemeats are comple��d
esid a11 ru.bbish an.d tansightly mater3.a1 re�o�ed. �'or a].tera�ions�
adclitions and miaor impro�vements cost3ng less thau $500.Ofl a mi.ni.mvm
fee of �2.00 ar111 'be �h�,rged. �ees for a,ccesso� fa.rm build.ings shall
be f3.�'ty (50) pereent of du►ellin,g fees.H '
� �
; � �
; .
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