04-13-39 PC Minutes P�inutes of T�Zeeti�.g
Goldea 'Palle�r Pla�.n.ir�.� Commission
�A.pr3.l 13, 1939
'1'he re�u.lar mori�h].� meet3x�g of the Gol�.e� 0a11�� Pla,�.aain� Comu�.ssian was held
� T3a.urad.a�T, �pril ].3, 1939� at the �i1].�,ge hal1. The fol.lowing ffiembers were present r
' Jt�an3 t� ��.r�. .
� J� DonaZd Fruen �
' Jaha Ga..f�ney
� $e�man �eld
John �. John.son
S�lvester goo�.�tz
i Gerts'ta.de L��nm!
; �TTaptisa Y,�,rse�.
i . Pa.ul Seem�
� �ea Ste��r�,r�
; � O�to S�diekstrom
� '
I �eeause o� illness Cl�a.i xsnas� Buzzelle �ras r�nable to atten� tlae meetin. Pau.l, See�.
, �a.r�s elected eha.irrna.r�. of tY?e anee�ing an�. pres3��ec'3..
� � ' �
� R�essrs. �leo KexLnedy �.�.d Pav1 Enghauser wer� �resentc a,� the mee�in.g and preser�.ted a i
prog�osed plat to be �oua�. as the Seco�d. Adcl�.tion to �rol �illa. The ina.3.:a point u�der j
' d�.seussion �8as the 32 �'oot street �rovided for ��. the pl�,t. �r. gnontz stated that
� he had gor�.e n�aer the a�ea. asad �hat it seemed. o�vioua to h3.m th�:G some cox�cessio�. �roulct
ha,ve to be ma.d.e ia regard to �he �lat. I
I i
�� It �aas mavsd aa��. �econded t}aa.t the questio� o� �Slatti�.g the
� Sout�.��st corne� of tY�e Sout�.west G�uar�er (SW�) o� tb.e
I �'ortheast I�.i.�' (N�I�) of Sectior�. Thirt� (30), l4wnship
� '�u�enty—ni�.e (�9), Rax�ge '�weaty-f'our (24) to tlie Southv�es�
�.i.a�ter (5"G'V'�) of the �Tor�Eheast Qua.rter (�',f��;� of. �eetion
j TY�.��G� (3�), R�ge Tv�e�.t�—�flur; (24� �
' l; (tlae propex�t�r p�dposed to be p].a.tted) be referre�. to the Co�as�.c3.1 �a�.th �, recommend€�tion
that �he vill�.ge acquire �he ses°vices of a compe�e�.� ari�3�.eer to a,d�ise the Planning
Comn�3.ssion in cos�nect3oa� with the p].�.ttir�g of this and o��.er areas w�.th9.n the ��.17.a.�e.
� Mr. Seem�. etated tha,t tl�ere vrere four oth�r �lat� that �ould be com3.�.g to the attex�—
�ion of the commission shortl�.
; Mr. 8eema�. �.lsa sta'�ed tY�.t tlie mappi�.g project is �ract�eall� co�leted �,ad th�,t the
j maps c�ere 3.n a v�.ult �� t�ie He�rsep3n Oov�.t� Court Houae for safekeepi�.g, becav.se of
' f3.re l�zarcl, etc. �
i Following a discussion o� plan.s for �eti�+g5 in cannection t�ith t�.e �i1ac Celebration,
u�o� motion ma,de aa�d s�conded the meeti�.g �ia.s a�jouraed.
� °� � `� � .
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S ec retax�
C�irmar�. � ,