05-11-39 PC Minutes _ - - --- - --�
' � H�.mute� og Meet3n� , �
(3olden Valley P]�.aning ��mnn3.se3�n
� � l�.y 11, 1939
�'he regvlar monthly meeting o#' the Plaaning Comm3.ss3on was held �'hux�da,y, May 11, at
the �illage hall. 'I'he follow3.ng members were preseatt
8ob�rt T�uzzell� Joha E. Johasoa
Jea�. AJlver Dr. Sy1�'ester Yooatz
- J�n�ta. �'ian Mart3an I+arsesa
Donald Fru� Pa.u]. &. Seeman
John Giaf�neg Olaremce �'olg
- , Hex�maa Held C. I'„ Witt s
Mr. �c1�Tv.].ty appeared 'before the Comm3�eion, represent3.ag the t�estr�ood Hills gol� couxae,
aad. pre�eated a p].�,a �or a sign 20 feet b� 14 f�et proposed to be erected on th� prop�rt�
of Mr. Larsoa on '�a�rz��e. Bonlevard and Louisi� Ave�.u� ad�oining the go].g eonrse.
IIpon mot3on dnly made and aeconded, it was recomme�,ded that the �.tter of the sigr� be
referred to the b�a3lding cc�mm�,ttee 3a tY�at �rea ruith a�thority to act.
Mr. �olg repoated on progrese of plans for the 117.ac eelebrat�oa. He �tated the Highvuay
D�pas�ment h�.d agreed to blccking off I,ilac pri�� and wovld de�a3.l two officera to take
care of the traffi�. We probabl�r wi11 hace a f7.a,g pole and,if so, �rlll h�ve flag ra.iaiag
ceremor�p by the Hol� Croae sea scoti.ts. About 250 childrea will pa.rticipate in the parade,
, together with the Moth�r Singer�, baseball team� stc. There will be �, short program
� by the Moth�r S�.ngers aad a band coacert 'by the Federa.l Arts band. Not3ce of the celebra—
tioa will be ca.rr3.ed over WDGY on their commua3�y �ffairs progr�,m. Mr. 9eeman reported
he had located a �tand for the epe�kere, which con7.d be u�ed as a baad starid as �rell,
at the MianrleapoL7.e P�.rk Board.
Mr, �'a�q:en stated he �revlcl Pollow �hran�.gh in a fvrtlger effort to ge� Czo��rn.or Stass�
to attend. Mr. �Titt ia preoparing the pro�ms fox the oelebratioa�.
'ffpaa motion duly m�d.e and seeonded, the bocklet on wY�.ch the publicit� committee has
be�n workiaig will b� tabled. �
Mr. To1g reporte�l tbat the �8 ba.� been building a, model hou�e,'ba�gd �.pon the mini�m '
requiremente of our b�ld3ng ordiaaace, which will be r�ad3t ia time to be oa disp].e.y
'at the Li1ae Celebra,�ioa. S�baeqn�tly it will be on d�.apla,y in �he �].11age ha11.
C ° 4� �
Discriseion of the eign pro�33.aion of the zonin.g orciiaan�e. It was poimted out that '
�he maia d3fference between the sign �hich Yias been erected in Delph3.aa �eighte aad the �
one proposed to be er�c��ed by Wes�waod Hilla is that Delphia�a Heights is a pla.t�ed ar�.
arid. �he T�arsoa fa,rm 3s not. Tt?��aae s�aggested by Mr. Tolg tYaat si�n� be allowed tc be
put �p for a limit� perio�. o£ t�.�, sa�. oae �rear, at the end of whieh th�� wauld come
�.p; for re�i�w.
, j
7.'he problems in conuection with the proposed p7.�tting of the Second Additioa to R'�rrol j
Hil1s wer� referr�ol. to 8lbert Graber, the engiaeer authorized by the Coiancil to checl� !
ths ple.t aa� m�ke recommeari�tioa�. Cba.irmea �v.z2elle discussed the chaages ia the pla.t i
proposed b� Mr. Graber. �Ir. Buzzelle stated tha$ Lagba.nser and geaaed� ba.d ac�epted ;
;� a11 the re�o�eadat�iana of Mr. araber wi.�h th� eac�ption of road p�p w2aich Mr. Graber �
had inserted oa the plat ae a sereice rt�ad from Wa�rz�,ta Bovlevard to S�.n�et Ra.viae, i
�hieh rosd. the pl�tter� sa,y will deetroy the eqv�valent of o�e lot. Mr. Bnz�elle said !
the pla,ttera had no altera�tive road to suggeat as they had not giQea consider�tioa to
that que sti on.
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r - 1
Mr. �x�uen r�ported he hacl goae over the propert� and agrees w3.th Mr. araber�s
suggestion for a serv3ce road at �'�p. Ia view of the fact that the lota ma.ve not
yet actuall� been plataed, but merel� p�eoposed �rith froat widths of 125 feet, if a
sex�r9.ce roa.d of 30 or 40 foot w'idth were taken out, the n�t difference 3n the width -
of the lvts would be aeg].3.��.ble. Mr. Fzti.�a al�o r�ported tha� �here is �.n ��i,stiz�
opeaing iz� �he �.is1e �'rom the se�vrice x�ad aero�s te VJa�za�a Bovlevasai which 3� cur-
rentl� being ma3.ntaiaed by the Hi.�h�ra�r ]?epartmsn�. He a.lso �t�ted tha� it was eoaceivabls
thk�„t this service road p�p m�.ght d��elop into the major entraa�e into the addition.
Tn con�aec�3�. wi�h the ob jec'��.on of the platters �0 3 foot cobblestone gw.ttera, i� was
the cons�as�.s of opia3on that if Cement w�re used in the gutters �Yaat auould be acceptable.
Matioa b� Fru.en, clul� secar►dsd, tbat we recomm�n.d to the Cov:nail the �.cceptaace o� the
pl�t �.� suggest�d b� A2r. Graber, a�ci tha.t the details of grade� dra3.tiage, �a.�ter Qoa-
str�ctiox�, slope grades, etc., be determined b� the engineer, if poss3ble. anc� tYu�,t a
. l�tter be deliQered �o the developer� of th3� plat notify�.ng th�m of the specifica�ians
in deta,il 3.n aceordance �r3th th� wishes of the plaan3ng commission.
I� w�s �urther maved and saco�.ed �ha� Artiele � ia the px�oposed ��ifiaa,tions �o the
ple,t be �hanged tm rea.d. a,s foll�arst �'i'}aat no bu2ld�.ag shall be erec�ed on exs�r
reeiden�i�.l lot- �hat does not eomply w3.th the building code and the zoaing ardir�a,�ce
of the �311�ge of Gt�ld�n. Va].le�.''
The vote upoa t]�i� mot3on wa� as fo2lcwsa
� , ,
. Buzzelle y�s ��it� yes
La.rs� �e� � 5eemaa �es
-- Frneaa �es G�at'fney ges
F�.a71 a �BB �OOII'�Z �8S �
Elver �res To].g yes
Held g�s Joha�oa �e�
Tt wa� mo�ed aa3 seco�ded tY,a.t a st,�.tement be 3n cluded �.n the reeo�enda.�Gio�aa to the
Covsicil �.nd the 1ett�r to the deveiopers of this p�.e.t that the de4eloper� b� aequired
to file a eompletion bond for the coastru,ction of streets� gutter� and draiaage.
'T'he vote upox► �h3.s mot3on w�,s aa folle�ss �
�zzel7.e� �re� W3$t yes �
Lar�ea yes 6e�m� yes .
, �ru.�n yes G�ffney �es .
�'inu ges 800ntz �res
E14�P , �rea Tolg yes
�eia �e� an�s�� �s�
t3goa mot3ox► dvly ma�d.e and second�d 3� �a recoa��nded tba.t �he pla�ter� of thi s propert�
be asked to use the name pTirst lctd.3.tiaa to I�est 7'�rol sillep in conaect3oa �r1�Y�. this
�,rea. to canform with be�ter pr�.ctice in separatioa of are�s far th� general publie, aad
also �or t1�� �enefi� of fmture platting of ad�o3.n.�n� areas.
It �r�.s moved and �ecc�nded �hat the Covncil do ao� �.dop� th9.� os a�r other plat until
szuih pi�ts are ia pre�per for°m and. uatil the boad aceompan3.es the propossd, completed
plata. > . �
. � � �
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, Minutes of Meeting - Nlav 11, 1939 - - 2
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' �
It w�s moved �,ad. seconded tY�.t s�amp areas sb.owa on plats be desigua�ed a.s lo�s efther b� �
number or letter in snch a wa,� ae to d3.st3ngu�.ah them from reg�.rlg desiguated lots. '
�ollowing discusaioa by 0hairmsu Buzzelle of the highvaay departmen��s propos�.7. to grade a �
roaci a� �he west boua� of Golden Valleq to Robbia�dale and �rgstal, to 30 feet with a '
10� foot right of urag, it w�,s mo�ved and seconded that the Comm3.saion recmmmead to the
Couac3]. �Gh�.t the p7.an submit�ed by the Henn�pia Cowa��► engineer be aseepted and tk�at
�he Covaail recommerad to the Co�.�g Engineer tha,t p roeisions be �,de for a i'c�t�ure grade
separ�,tion in connection �r].th the con�tr�.c�iag of thi� highwa�, and tha� uat3.1 su�h time
as, the neeessit� ar3ses for such Bepax�.�ion� th�.t antoa�,tic signal� be inst�,lled.
2°he �ote on.thi� motio� was �,s follow�8
Bv.zzelle yes �itt yes
I�.rs�, yea Seeman ges
Fru�em �ea gooa�z yes
�'ix�n yes G�ffney �e�
Elver �es �'o1g y�es
�eld �es dohnaon yes
Followiag e. r�port b�r Mr. Held oa his failure to take ov.t a 'bv3lding permit for coastt�.e�3.on
on Io�.s propert�, it w�.s moced aad seeonded tbat the fee be collected 3n the regu.la� wa.�.
� 'Phe ch�ir appo3ated Dr. �ooatz, Mr. 5eemsa aad CY�airmaa Bn.z�elle to act as a Platting y��^`�� �
Comm3t�ee, to be en].arged in the f�.ture if the aeed arise�, whiah cosmiittee may be con- Cor�°
su].ted ia conaeetioa with proposed plats pending the me�t�tr�gs of the flil.l COIim3se3otl• �s►�yi
�°her� being uo fuacther bu.siaess, upon motion dnly made �.nd �eeogd�i �he meeting was ad- I
�ourned. i
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