06-08-39 PC Minutes � ---- -- ---�
I �
, Minutes of Nteeting of �
, Goldea qalley P]e.nning Gommission .
Jro�e 8, 1�39 ;
i � '
The regu.la,r moathl� meeting oi the P1e�;ning Comm3ssion was held Thuradag, Jvae 8, at '
; t}ze village hat1. The following memb ers were preseat& !
. Bobert 8. Buzzelle Mart3n Za.i°aeu �
Jean H. Elver Paul A. See�man {
Jva.nii:a Finn Clarence Tolg �
John Qaffneg John �. Johnson ,
�erna�. He1d
Mr. Seeman repor�ced t�.t a cleleg�tion had appea.red at the last preced3ng council meet3�g
and proteeted the use of the aa.me nTyrol �Tilla� is connect3on with the proposed nev� '
addition. Mr. Seemaa stated that the developers of the areo,ihad not proceeded V�ith the i
plo.tting. �'he cowicil informsd the deeelopers tbat it would adopt the plat after the� �
l�a.d presented it in proper cx�der �3th the iaclusion of Mr. Graber�s recommeadat io�as.
tdr.� To1g gave a sv�ma.xy of the Lilac Time Celebration auel pre�entad the E�oo3°t to Coa- !
tr3butore, being a statement of 3ncome aad dis�xsemer�tc, which is atta.ched hereto �d '
made a part of these mi,�.ntes. Ntr. Tolg stated that a c�mpa,�,gn would •shortly �et vnder
wag involvigg the distribu�ioa and planting of 13.lace thie fall.
Ms. Seemau submitted suggestione for a praposed permanent organizat3oa of the Z3.lac T3.me �
Qommittee so as to h�.�re a definite purpose for esisti�.g,
� Follow3rig discnssion and egpresaion of opia3on on Mr. Seemaa�s suggestion, it �ras moved j
! a�d seconded tba.t a comm3.�tee from the Plann3ng Commission be appointed to present a �
p].aa of permanent osganizat�.on for the Lilac Time �esoci�t3.on to be aubmitted to the i
next mee�ing of the Planning Commission. Mr. Seeman �as appointed chairmaxi of thie '
comm.ittee, with Gertrud.e Lamm and. C].�,renee Tolg as members of the committee. I
Ms. Tolg �r�.d the model home probably wauld be ready for the nezt meeting of the Pla�n.-
, niag Commissio�.
Mr. Tolg also reported ths,t he h�d a letter Prom Mr. D. J. Strouse, president o f the �
Minnea�olis Street Ra.ilwa� Compaa�r. Measrs. .Tolg, Seemaa and Witt had ealled on MIr. j
Strouse previously 3n connectian with the �.tter of traasportation through the v311age. ;
Mr. S�rouse stated that the compaay cauld not figv.re out an� way 3n �ahich it could aperatel
at a profit into �he village, but th�,t he would be gla.d to meet with the committee a.t aa�y ;
time. Mr. Seem�.a stated that the street c�zr company had a man go3ng throv.gh tl�e east �
at the present time ma.king � survey in coanection with subvsban areae. The comm3.tt�e ;
will meet agais� with A4r. Strouse aFter the man re�uras with h3.s report.
� (�ha3rman Buzzelle read the r�commendations of the Special Committee of the south p�,rt '
of the �1i.17age relative �o t�e sign proposed to be er�eted by the GFest�ood �ills golf �
course. The recommendat3.oas stated that the sign be plac�d in liae aTith signs alrea.d.�
at the 1oc�.tion of tlne psoposed aew s3�n and 200 feet back from Wayzata Boulevard.
Chaix�a� �uuzzelle stated tl�a.� the t`�estwooal Hills protested �trenuou�].�r aga�..nst thi�
reeo�tmend�.tiox�, �u& inasmuch as Nir. Frnen, cha3.zmaa of �he special commit�ee, was out
of town, he aud Dr. 800ntz agaia visited the s3�e. Cl�a.irman Buzzelle and Dr. 800ntz �
w�re agreed that siace th3.s was a direetional s3.ga, 3t shou�d be pl�ced at au an.gle
� in full view of oncoming traffic. Tharefore, Cha.irman Buzzelle ovesa°u.].ed the recommenda.- �
tions of the special committee, Mr. Fr�.en being �.bsent from the eit�, by allov�ri.ng �he
golf courae to place �}�.e �iga a.t aa angle, but to be �et ba.ck B� feet from �he highway.
� Mr. McR�17.ty, of the golf club� agree�..'tk�at if there �.s the slightest b��ection from
the property ownere �he sign would be removed. �
� �
__- -- - - -- - - - - --
Mr. Buzzelle etated that he ha�. l�ad. sever�l ce.11s froffi people in the v3.ciai�y of the
Clover Leaf where a b311board had blovm. dorun. E�ch sta�ed that the� were �uad.er the
impres�ion tha� the zoniag ordinance pro�ided tY�t the sign� be removed if they were �
blown. down. Mr. Buzzelle sugges�ed t}�t the comm�.saion ge� an op3n�.on �rom the vill�,ge
a.'��osney on .th3.� prov3sion of the zoning code, and if �he �ttorney �ee1s t}aa,t we ne�d a
stronger ordin�,rsee or a more deta3.led ordinaace �}�a,t the planning �ommissicul prepare �u¢h
aa ordinaace and sp.bmit it �o the co�cil for adopb3.on. Mr. See�n sta.ted. �hat St. I,ov.is
P$rk and 8obbinBd�.1.e w�re beth p].a�.za�.ng more string�a'� b3.l:lboard reg�.la.tions.
It wa.s moved �.n.d. seconded tha� the v3.11age at�Gorneg be asked to cheek the billboard
sect3.on of the zoning omdinance .�nd render an op3nion as to urhether or not it would be
advisable to amend the zoning ordinance so a� to have better coa�rol o�rer �he 'billboard
Tt was mo4ed and �eco�ded t�}a.t th� recomaaemda�fon of the Chai.rman b� ace�pted i�a. eon�ection
, vuith the b�.l].boar�. pa°oposecl �o be erected b�► Westwood Hi].1a golf co�wrse. •
Mr, and Mrs. Seeman were appo3.nted a commi�tee of twa to org�a.niz� and conduct a �our of
the village for Plannin� Commission members and. their wive� aad �amil3es, eading w3th a
breakfaet to b� served at some epot on I�il�,c Bxi�ref- and �o pick �, con�veniea� da.te.4
'tTpon mot3.oa dul�+ m�de and seQOnded, the meeting v�.s a.d�aurraed.
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