07-13-39 PC Minutes � � --- - - - ^----- -- --� M3.nutes of Meet3ag of G�oldea Valle� Planning Commiseioa Jtaly 13� 19�9 � � p � �'he reg�u.7ar moat�lg meet3xag of the Pla,�.ning Comm3.ssion was held Th�arsday, July 13, a� the � v�.1la.ge }�all. The folloVr3.ag. members were presents i � � ' Robert 8. �v.zzelle Dr. 5�l�eater I{ooatz � J�.nita H. Finxi Ger.trus.e Lamm � � . J'. Danald F�er�. Paul �.. Seema�. ' Joha Gaf�aey Qlarence Tolg Joha E. Johnaon Heraian Held � � . , Mr. H. E. Chard, Division �,�ineer, of the Minaeso�a Sta,te H9.ghcaay Department, in charge of � ; Dietric�G �Tumber 5, which ineludes Golden. Valle�►, was present at �he mee�i�g' and diecuss�d � proposed routinge of the ne�r Floyd B. Olson Memorial Highway. 8outing of the hi.ghwa� as ; ; far a,e grehibald Aeenne, as propo�ed by the highwa� depe,r�ment, wa� a.pproved b�r the Comn�i ssioa.l Mr. 3eeman repor��d tl�a.t t1�e L�.lac Committee a.�.Cl IIO�, �.Ye �!1 oppor�unit�► �o me�t�, and � the Co�mit�,ee rras held over until the neat meeti�.g �flr a further report. � Mr. Tolg stated he thought �he model home was co�leted, but t�ia,t he ba,d not had an opportun3� � to inquire. He also �ta�Ged tl�at the �'ransportation. Cammii�tee had a letter from the Street � Ha.3.lwa�r Co�any sa�.ng �hat it bad ma�l.e a. re—cheek og the bui.lding and populatioa of (�oldea� � j Va11e� and tl�a,t its �ap had beea brought up to date. Se eaid the le tter is no t v�ry en— co�.ra,�ing, but that the committee wi11 meet �.ga3n �rith Mr. Strouse. Chair�.a Buzzelle � directed that the Trans,00rte,$�bon Co�itteo remain aet3Q8 for the time beira�„ pex�c'�.ag the routing of the ne� hi,ghwa�. � i . . � , The picnic comimittee reported that th� breakfast went 0ff f3ne and tY�at the tour of the vil]a.ge� covered appro$i�.tel� 37 miles. ! I Chairman Bvzzelle �tated �Ghat there wa� urgent ne�. for a 1a,rge map of the villa.ge, wh�.eh i shw.ld be placed in �, loublie plaee, sho�nl.nb the variaus zo��s so t�,� aa�one c�au de�ermine readily the exaet bauad,arle� of commvnit� store, ope� development d3strie�s, etc. 'I'h.e �tter � was referred to the or3ginal zoning committee to g►repare asd br3ag ia such a map at the aext meetiag of �he eomrn3.�s�:oa. = Mr. Seeman auggested that the resideate of certaia are�s be iaro3ted to come ia and go over the �nr��rs a� their property aad disauss pr�posed future p7.att3.ag of �he area. �lor� t1�is ' line, Mr. Fr�en sugge�t�d tY�at e. letter be sent by the Chairman of tltie Co�nmission to all ; reside�t owners of propes��r, sa�ing tl�-a.�G the help of the Plsaning Co�issioa is available. Mr. Seeman suggested tr�3ng it ov.t on a sma,ll area first end then take the v3:llage by sectioas, �elli�g the o�anere that thi.� is �aat a s�,rt �,ud that ot�er sections saill be iavi�ed to come ; in l.�.ter and get the benefit of the information fi�at haa loeem g�,thered tlirou.gh the m�pp3ng pro�lect. � � Mr. Tolg waa a.ppointed �o h�l� Mr. Seemaa get the ma�qa toget�.er and to appear befo�e� th� � i council, if neeeasary, �o get fiulds for co�letio� of the bluepriats fro�► the surve�rs. I � Mr. Tol� stated t�a.t it wa,s h3.s opinion that �he �ps sY�.ould. be fig� up #'irst so that we � ! eaa xeadily see the north �,nd. south and e�z�t and west arteries and thereby determi�.e c�hich � areas to call in fixet for consul�tioa. Mr. See�.n atatecl t�.t t�ie �ederal Eiousing gdm�.ni— i stratioa r�ould eend its engineers ir� to �,as3�t if we made a start. Mr. S�eman will ts�r fA , �provide the map� for the aegt �etiug of the commiesioztp and the commission will go�o� wlth hi a BU.gg@S'��0]1 �POYII '��118T�• � iThe zoning commit�ee reported that Mr. �delm3nn, the �ri.11age at�o�e�, is awa�,► o� vacation. � Mr. Seeman stated that he had. d3.scnased the matter o� sigas with him� and it v�as the opinion � r — --, ' of tl�e attorriey that the preeeat pro vision in th� zoaing or3inaaace gov�ra3ng aigns s�.o�ld � be s�rengthened. The a�torney w3].1 get new �rd3n�aces together e�ad px��eent them �o t1�.s.e comtn3�sian for discmeaion. Se vui11 al�o �v.g�est to o�her munia�p�,lities a.d.jaoent �o � �eld.� ��,l.ley t3�,t the�r �.do�� similar ord3a�nces. Mr. Frueas� stated i� i�c� h3.a o�isi0n that the ordixia.nce ought to be made so tYia,t on �. beaat3�'ed. highwe,y a ai� should be back 300 fee� from the road. FIe ment�.oned tha� the t�s�eral Ou.�door Adver�i��ag Gompa�y ra�.� ex�remely ang3.ous tc eoo�eaa.te is� all �tter� e� this ki�.d. It wa� sugge�ted �hat �here, ehould be reaez�ble pr�vi�ion for si�ns ��a�°be�erected �b�:���3i�n3:�ed'period. Mr. �rr�.en ��ated that the C3.ty of M3aneapo].is, a.f�er a carfi�.ia resi— deatial ar�. g�ts sa.old, a1lo�rs siga�� to b� ereated where �he� w�,re no� pez�mitted previ�.sl�. ; The ��$er of the sign ordi�ce was �ut over to the �ugiast meet3.ag, a,t �h3.ch ti�e the eillage attoaney wovld be back from hi� vacation. � .�'��r Nir. Chardt� depa.r�ure �here vaae much �.isev.ssion of the propos�7. rou�3ngs of the n.e�r 01son M�noria3. II3.g�a�. . Tt aras �oved as�d s�conded that the seereta.ry ct9.�eet a, co�ication to M�. G�ia.rd sta�ing� that to bes� �erve the iuterests of the ma.�ority of the rea3.dents of Go1d�, valle� the high�ay should proceed easterlg and weste�l�r through the ce$tr�,7. port3.on of Golden Va11e�� aad �ieing the rea.sorata diacussed at the P]sxln.iag Commission. meeting for sv�h xeccmmenc'i�,�ion to �he � highc,r�a� depart�nt. . It �vas also the reQOr�ae$c1a.t3on o� the Comm3ssio� �,ha� the Village C�c31 direct a co�nmutication to l�r. Ch�,�c3. reqv.es�3.ng tY�a,t the h3.ghwa� go through the central portion of the village. Upon motion dulg m�c�.� and eeconded, the �eting was ourned. � � .� � �--. �`�x__ � �Z��'� � `� ��-z-�.,-�g, S et ry r, - ��itg8�1Z . � _f� �� ����� , � �y- C IID�23 � . �'� � � ��� ���� � ,� `����--� f� , _ ) ,�'����._�._;''� . �°`��..._ . . /' .y�� � x,�V ` � � �. �� _ �`--� � ��° �. ��t-�-�-�� � . . i � r , .S� �--�-`_"°- j �' ��• � � �� ^ -� b � i I " � ; ; ---=- _. . , J