08-10-39 PC Minutes �
Minutes of Meeting o�
� Golden Va].ley Planning Commission
Augu.st 10, 1939
The regul.�.r monthl� meeting of the Planning Commission was held Thn.rsday, August 10,
at the eillage ha.11. The following members were present:
Robert Buzzelle Br. goontz
Jeau Elver Gertrude �amm
Jva,aita Fina Paul Seeman
Joha Gaffne�► Ben Steu��art
Hexman He1d Clarence Tolg
Jo}� Eo Johnso� C. F. W3tt
Mr. Piseh, of k��'ra.lee Trails�, appeared before the Comm3ssion with a map of a
proposed plat of the ar�� located at Glenwood Aveaue, one-half mile west of the
Lila.e Drive. The Comm3ssion e,ecepted the proposed plat as beiag snbm3tted to it
for 3ts suggestions,aad Mr. Pinch stated a fina.l plat would be seati�q for the nezt
mee�ing of the Commission. Meant3me the Commiss3o� w311 refer the proposed plat
to t�.e vil].a.ge engineer for suggestions and recommendat3.ons.
The �Iodel House ha,s been completed and furnishiags are now being made.
The tr�,n.sporta'tion commit�ee has had no further meeting with Mr. Strouse.
The Lilac Committee is still working with the Garden Club an d expects to gut on a
f a11 p rogra�, ea,rl�r in N'ovemb e r or lat e in Oc tob er.
� I� was left to Mr. See�e.a to see r�hat he covld do to et tlne ma s recl�ecked aad
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certa3n errors corrected. S blue line or bro�an 13ne map will be prepared for
ase by the commission s,t its meetingp,with othere to be prepased subseqv.ently
for the villa.ge hall, showing the opea development. commercial atore, etc., districts
3n color.
It was �ved and seconded that the pl.at of Tr�,lee Tra31s be referred to the eagineer
for exam3.n�,tion and suggestions. �
�'lae Commissioz� was made s, commit�ee of the whole for the purpose of bringing 3a at
the negt meetiag sugge�tions for new members to be added �o the coffiniss3ox�.
Tt was moved an d seconded that t]se Comn3ssion seeure an opinioa from the village
attorney as �o the proper pro�edure to be follov�ed ia getting revaluatio�a of the
property in Delphian �eights.
The secretary was instrn.cted to dir�et a comffivaication to Mr. Edelmann, the �illage
Upon motiom dv.ly ma,de and seconded the meeting wa,s a.d�ovrned.
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Attest: Secretary
Chairman •
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