09-14-39 PC Minutes � Miautes of RReeti�g of
Go3den ��7.ley P]�e,nniag Commissioa
September 14, 1939
The regc�].ar month3y meeting of the P].a,naing Connmission r��.s held Thursday, September 14�
at the v311a.ge hall. �he following members were present:
� Je�u �. E1�er �Iss�ia Larsen
Jv,aait a H. ��.an Pa�7. .A. S eemaaa
JaY�n (�a,�faey Olarence Tolg
�erman H. Seld C. �'. Witt
Joha E. Johnson '
Dr. 800ntz
In �he absence of Chaix•ma.n Bv.z�ell�, C].ax°ernce Tolg presided as chaix�a�a of the meetiag. '
1�t�� Tolg repor°Eed tha.� c�rtais alterat3ons were being made aa the ��odel Hau�e,
�rh3.eh �rou].d be completed ahortlg. The host�..se waa exhibited at t}ae State Fa3r b�
the �. ix� the ixial.ustrial build3ng.
The I,3.ls�a Qommi�tee reports fa11 aet3.�.ty p1aa� �v3.11 ge� under wa� shor��.y.
�lotion wa� da�7.y made a.nd secoaded that the Plauning COmmission recommead �c the
v311�.ge couneil that the council forwaxd a reaolutio�. to the Board of Cot�.n.ty
�o�.ssiomers requesting tha'� pi°a.or t0 ths time v�hen the ].a,nd located ia �
Delph3.an Heights,Delphian He3gh$s, 2ad, eud Delphian Heights, 3rd, is advert3.sed
� for sal� b� �he etate a revalua�3.oa be made of such propert�.
'�he eo�e of the members present �vas unas�imoua in sec�pt�nce o£ the above motion,
a� �'ollowst
Elver Yes T�z�rsen Yea
Fian Yes �eem� Yes
(�a,�fhe� Yes Tol� Yes
H�ld Ye� �t3t� Yes
Jolaason Yes
goo�tz Yes
Motion was clt�ly made �.d se�onded that the Comm�l.s��.on accept the map whieh Dr. Soon�z
had pr�pa.red at�d on whieh he had located the co�� s�ore �ud comffiercial d3strie��,
aad that a vote of tha,al�s be g3ver�. Dr, �ooatz for h3.s efforts.
Th� above de�eribec� �.p �.s desigaated for �se of '�he P7.�,nniasg Commi�sion at i�s �
I�o�3.an waa dv1� made aiad �ecoaded th� the m�,t�er of �uggestion� for ae� members
for the Gomm3ssioa be 7.aid o�er vntil the nezt me�ting.
Upon motion m�de and seconded .the meet3ng was adtj ed.
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