10-12-39 PC Minutes � �Iinutes of A�eeting + Golden Va11e� t lanniz�g Commission OCtOber 12, 1939 � 9 The regul�.r mor�.t�ly meeting oi tlze Goldem �alle� P].�aning Commission was held Thursda,y, ; Oc�ober 12, at th,e v311a.ge l�ll. The follow.ing .members were prese�Z: ' F R. B. Buzzelle Sylvester Koontz J�an H. Elver Ge�tru.de Lamm Juanita Fizin. Mar�in Zarsen . J. Donald I'ruen• Pau.l g. 5eemar� - John Gaffney �en Ste�rart Hexman Held Cl�.rence Tolg Pdr. Pinc3�, represen�ing Tral.ee Trails, appeared bef'ore the Commission with a revised proposed plat for Tralee. Mr. Seena.n statec� thst Mr. Graber had. gone over the nlat origin�,lly preaented. aad h�d. ma�..e certai.n suggestions in eonnectio�. with the build.i�g of ro�cls, drain�.ge��e�c>��;�rrl�ich lzad been iacorpora�ted into the pl�t presented to the �resent meeting. It wa.s mo.ved �nd seconcled tha� the pro�osed pl�,t of �'ralee Trails be recoumended for adoption bv t�ie Cou�cil, sub,jeet to t�.e filing of a satisfactor� com�letion bon.d b� -�he p].atters of the �rea. The 1.8ga,l. f�.89CT'1�t�0I1 of this proPerty is the Southwest �n.�stez of the Southwes� , �,u�a,rter of Secti on 33, Township 118� Range 21. The model home �aas on display at the hall. � P�Ir. Seema,n rePorted that At�or�.e� �delmaa ha.s gottea together with �t. Zoui s Pa,rk in connection with sigr�: ardinances. F�otion by 1olg, second b�r Seeman� tha,t the proposed. sign ordinance prepared by attorney Edelma,r� be seferred �o a eommitt�e for stud�. Dr. �{oont�, Mr. Stewart and Mr. Fru.en were appo3nted as a siga committee. Chairmati. Buzz�lle 3.nstrue�ed the members of tlie platting com�mittee to draw v.p a list oi requirements c+�liich the Con�ission could presen� to prosp�ctive p1�,t�era of propert� ; in the �vil].�.ge. Don Fruea was �,ddec� as a, memlzer o�' t�e platting comm3.ttee. C1a,rence To].g was a,ppo3.nted chairnaar,., an,d Mrs. La.m�► and Pav1 Seeman members of an � �7ducat3on Comraittee, which comaai�Gtee is to bring in an. outline of a pro�osed program of educa�ion on the vaxiou.s ordin�,nces now in effect in the vil].age. Motion by Seeman., second b� L'3.nn, that the Cl�irman of the Comm3ssion write Mr. F'ouq_uette of the Feder�.l Ho�u.s3ng Admini.str�.tion requesti�g th�t he use h3s efforts in securing ior tlie villa.ge the engineering sex�vice available under the Federal �ous�.ng Act. The quest3on of wh�ther or not t�.e Plan.ning Comm3.ss3on can �.c�'e�t a �,oxtio�. of an ind3vidu�.l�s .property as a plat without a de�inite plan ior future degelopmen� of t�.e remaining propert�r was referred to the plat�ing committee. Mr. Seeman wa,s• asked to bri�.� in the r�otio� from the minutes of the Village Counc3l :i � . _ ---. �- - � .. , , , . :� ; � ' � area�ing the Plann,ing Commission �nd aPPointing its members. �' I� , Upon motioa�. duly ma,de and seconded, the meeting was ad,journed. ' . �; Attest: , ���F;✓ ` � � Secretar�' � � �1 � , " �: � ��� s � k � Ch�.i xman, ,� ,� . . f. ,� i . , ° I �� �./ 1 �� a� � �.���' � � � ,e�.,;r +� �.e+. i� e ��� �"`� n+ f�Pb- . I,. _-� .. � ��'�tt":�, Ot�c-// . �/y � �� , �` . ; r�� i..1�,� � �'�.zg°�.���'��. j � � . . � . � . � �� � � . S . . . . . , ; � ., � , - � � � � i � � , . , , , . .� . � :, �S? . . . � . . ..