11-09-39 PC Minutes �inutes of �eeting �olden Valley Planning Commission - November 9, 1939 � The regular monthly meeting of the Golde�n Vslley P1an,ning Corrimiseion was held Thursday Novembe,r 9 at the villa�e hall. lhe followring members were pres9nts R. B. Buzzelle Dr. Syleester Koontz Jean �.-Elver Gertrude N. Lamm John Gaf`f'ney 3�artin Larson ' . � ' John E. Johuson Paul A, Seeme.n ° � C. F. Witt Dr. goonta of the Billbo�rd Committee reportefl that the aommitt�e had not met as yat r�nd�that they �ould have something to report e.t the next meeting. �latting Committee - L�r.. goontz of' this oommittee brought in tentative plens for sotion to be tsken by �'uture platters of ground. �isoussion f'ollowed as to pro- eedur.e to Po11ow by-°�he;-P-�anning- Commission in oonn�otion vvith platting - this to be looked �fato furthar by platting aommit�ee. �lotion by �:r. Seeman seoonded by bir. Tolg to aoespt` report brou�ht in ss progressi�e - referred baok to' oomr�ittee, �duoation�.l �ommittes - this oommittee me t with both`Afleadowbrook end Oak G�ove P.T.A. 's. Speeohes by Dr. Koontz, Du°r. Tolg and �tir. Seem�zn on zoning - sho�aved the maps. keported that a 'great deal of interest ws.s showa. t�ext meeting with the �6estview P.T.A, first F'riday in Deoembar . Keport aooepted. - - �ir. Seeman stated that we no�r haee four sets of maps bound in book f'orm and sug�estad distribution .ss followss � �1A PS l. �uilding Inspeotor 2.-�issessor 3. Ple,nning Commission _4, counoil . Building insgactor to d�signate and sho�r where ple:oea are built - assessor's map to sho�r.?�i�era taxe8 oame from and �.11 map to be colored to shovv high�ays, wnes, etc. I�"r. Buzzalle suggested building inspeotor-provide other map holders with his information foz their maps. ' Motion by �rs. L�nun seoonded by bdr. Johnson that a set oP m�ps be ref'erred to the �tapping Committee to bring in a program f'or the ooming ysar. Lettar to" FAA not written - to be held until wre hear from Housing authoritiea as to their methods. There vva.s some discussion as to present proeedure of handling building permits. No definite aotion ta.ken. The Plsnning Comwissian requests the Village Attornsy to f'amiliarize hi.mself with the problems in Delphian Heights e.bd MoNQir �anor with a view to formulate sug- �ested amendments to oux� building ordinanoe e.s ap�ee.rs warrented by the lesaer hae.lth and fira :he.zards -exiating in these distri�ts. Seoretary requested to � write a letter to the v311age attorney to this effeot. : - �lr. Tolg brought in a plat aoeering property in the G1ent+vood Addition loounded by dliest Tyrol Hi11s, Gl�nwood Avenue and Theo. Worth F�rk named "9lenurb�.n�� . mhe map wcs ref'erred to the Fl�,tting Committee with request it ioe �;rought in at ne�t OVER i — -_—_-.T--.�.T--- -----•--- _,— i: regular meeting. � �Faul.Seeman sug�ested a general dee�1 b�e f lled with all f utur�e plats. The Planning Commission members,. hu$bands and wives were; invited to the R. B . Buzzelle home Por the next regular meeting Deoember 1.4, 1939. Invitation , aoceFted with thanks. Upan motion du ly made '�nd seaonded the meeting �djourned. , ,. , / � �oting'Secre ary Attest: '7 � �;..�"� (�F ,�"°�� . . , : ' s " �Y �� ��;.-� ��.� �. . , . � Chai rman �� � ���- � � � - � � �:'�C . �a�a, d�����'�4_� �,t�@ • ��.�..� — �'��• ,'u . _.�a--- . ���.. `�`�. ��z�`�°� � �`�� � _ :� . , � . . . '�