12-14-39 PC Minutes �.. . . . ----- . . . Miautes of P�Ieeting - Gold.en 'Pa11ey Planning Commission � �ecember 14, 1939 lhe ragular month.ly meeting of the Golden Valle�r �7.�,a�.ing Commission wa,s held �'huasday, �ecem,ber 14, a� trie hom� of Cha.irman and Mrs. Zvzzelle. The �ollowing ` members were nresent: - s R. �. ��.�zelle Dr. Sylvester �oo�.t� Jean �lver Gertru.de L�.mm Juan3t�, �'inn Martin Larsen Jol� �affney P�ul .�. Seeman Jahr� �. Johnson C1�,rke Varner I C. F. Witt I � I A letter �'gam Mr. �raber, the villa.ge engineer, suggesting certain changes in the � plat o� �iGlenurb�,n� vuas read. jMotion by Seeman, second b� Finn, that the proposed pla� of f�Glentzrb�.nu subm�tted at the N'ovember meeti�.g be �resented to the CounciJ. �'ox� �.cceptance, sub�ject to t�e reco�an.enda.tions of the engineer as to t�.e contia.ua,t3.on of l�orth Ty-rol Trai1 and tl�e re—faeing of lots in B1oc�. 5 and that the plat�ing committee of t�ie Commission � be permitted to examine the final plat �„n.d ma�e further recommendations, if necessa�ry. � � � Tt was noted tY�.t the submitted plat clid no� sliow s�reet interseetians with round.ed corners. It is un.ders�ood -che f inal dr�.f� wi11 show rounded corners on all streat � ins�ersections. � ��ucat�on�1. committee: The committee attended �lestview School P.1.A.. me�tin.g. NSr. � ; tolg and Mr. Seeman. gave � talk. Mr. Seeman sugges�ed tha.t a perman.ent comrnit'cee be ! . set up to handle such meet?n�s �'or the Pla,�nin�; �ommission. ° � I � � f � The cha.irman el�eted ta disband t�.e existing �}ducational Conm�.ttr,e° and suggeated that the incomin� chairman might either amend the b�r—la��s �n.d pravi.de zor such a permanent comuiittee, or appoi�.t a. new spec3al co�m3ttee on �idu.cation. for next �e�,r. ' � Ilr. �oontz presented the ma.p upon wl�ich he ha.d de�ign�,ted county and sta�e ro�.ds and ; other data. '1'he re�er� of Dr. I�oontz uras a,ccepted with thanks ari.d co�pl3ments. � . � i Repor� os the Pnblic3.�y Commi�tee �cce�ted. � Tt was mov�d ana seconded t]�+.t �he committee consist�.n� af R. B. �uzzelle and Herman. � T�e1�. be disband.ecl. . . � Build�.rsg Ordinance committees Helc? intact. Mot3on b�r Seema..n., secon� b� Finn, tha,t the �a.tter of fees prov3.dea by the buildir�g os�73.nanee a.s charged in the recen� po�.it3 c�.l. campaign be refer�ed to the building oa°dinance comm�.ttee ior fur�cher stud� :}' � a�.d recommenc'la,tion. F I Zoning Commi�t�+e: Retaiaed�as stand3ng committee. � ; S�ecial voning comm�.tees in connecLion ���ith special �ermita. ° I3eld intact. � Mvtion b� Elver aricl seco�ded by I��,Ynm that th.e o�'iicial flo�rer committee be diabanded. � � � . _ _� � ,i � ':� i i, � Motion by Seema�,' second by �lver, tlza.t the special 3ilac com�ittee be disbar�dedo �� I �'ra�a.sporta�ion co�it�ee. Hela intact. � ; f i � Mr. Seem�. reloorted oa the Delphian He3ght� delinq�aent ��,.x situ�.,tion. Mr. Seemaa ' s�ated tha.t �,t �he r�ext �e�ing of t�ze v]].11a,ge council a reeolution wi11 be =j introcluced, requesti�ag the county comm3ssioa�rs to make a re.—appra.�.sal o�' the larsds � ig 1Delphian �eights prior to th.e t3me such lands are placed on pu'blic s�.1e �or de— � ' liuquent t�es. , . . I '� � Origina,ll� the eit� o�' M3nneapolis prov3.ded an ar�ga. fo�° nVal.le�r View Pa.�k", for which ;� ' the�r pa3d '�15,400. The surround.ing propert� was then nu.t on sale uncler cor�tr�,ets for i icleed,. of which �26,000 �aorth were sold to v�;�°ious �eople. Some time subsequentl� the ; � peo�le 'brought suit aga,inst the s�..lesmaTa who, ha.�,dled tlse dea.l a,nd 3nvolving n3.ckinson ' � and Gillespie. �'he suit was settled out of cotart by tr�.isteeing certain la.�cls irs � � Delphian Heights addition. This particular tru.st was clrawrl up �'or 5� �*ears so �h2 t 'I i D3c�insor� and Gillespie and the othera involved cou�.d no� possibly get out of the ! � a.ct3on b;� cla.iming tha� ,the si$ �ear atat�torJr period had expired. I ' iThe land.s involved a,re. about to go to the state in J�nu�,r,y. lhere �.re del3nquen� ta�es ' ; cahich � �'rom �130 to �140 per lot, including special assessments. The tr�zstees �.re i now endeavoring to ra.ise some money �nd to•go to the auditor�s office �d confess ; i �judgment on the lands. The trustees E,�ill h�,ve to p�,y a11 the taxes to d�te, btt will ', i be permitted to pa� them �.n 10 ar�nual installments by �a�ing 1�16t�. in addition to the , � curren� t�xes leTried against tre �roj erty. P�lr. Ha.l�ersoa, c�ho �.s an attorn.ey, and ! three other �eo�le a,re interested in the trust. Mr. Seeman sta�ed t�at he �a.d beea � in close contact ur3.th the tru.stees, and if tl�e trustees could. con.f�ss �judgment on ' � �ust 130 lots, the village wola.ld �et qbout 5i18,000. � ' � � e . lhere is a third ac�d3.tion tiahich D3ckinson aud G�ill�spie opened by mo�tga�ir�.g ' the second addition. 1he mortgage �aas �'oreclosed, anc the land. wen� to an est�te. ' �.'he est�te does not t2zinl� there is sla.ificient value to permit tih.em �o do an�*�hir� j with the lannd. Mr. Seeman stated tl�t the values on these lots were extremely � low, arad. t�t �,bout �75 of ti�ater main improvements were attached to eaeh lot, � I M�. Seeman. stai.ed that there are abou'� 500 �arcels o� 1a.nd w}�ich vrill go to the � ! s�ate Ja.aua,ry 1 and be removed �'�om the t�.x rolls. Ta this sehool dis�rict tl�ere ' ; was a. drop 3.n valuation of �35,000 between the 1936 and the 1938 asse�smen�. � I . Com�►ittee on �elphiaa He3ghts delinc�ue�t taxes held iatae�. �Ir. �eema,n wa� addecl � � I ; to tl�e commi�tee. � ; � Publicit� Oom�itteet �e1d inta.ct. �; , Li1�c Commi.�tee: Moved aa.d seconc�.ed that the 13.1�.c: committee be cont3x�ued. ' ' Plattir�g Committee« �e1d 3�.tact. � � `'i ' Zilac '�ime Associationt Intac'�. Mo�ed anr� seconded. th�t the Lil�c 1iffie Commi�tee 'j a�d. �r�e T,ilacs Time Aesae�.�.,ti on,Oo�nmf ttee be eombined. , � � Sign Ordina.nce: Dr. :��oontz onZ�r member of com�ittee preaent. Commi��Gee held over i i vntil ne$t meeting. � 1 � Educ�.�io� Oomr,iit�ee: I�.tac�. ; i ' !! I �-- ------- - -- ---- _- ._-_. _ -:-- ==-- --- -_- --- - �i T� vuas moved. and seco�:ded t�ha,t a ��ecial pexmit be gran�ed to (�. K. Halve�son �'or the compl�t�o�i of the buil�.ing eoastruction star�ed b�r h3m `at the coa�aer o�' Zen3.th � a,nd 26th �1ven�tes Nor�h in Delphian Heights, said propez��t� be�.mg Lo� 1, �1,ock l, De1ph3.an fie3ghte, 2r��. Unit.fl ��I� w�s moved and aeeond.ed that a �e�ial pe�mit 'be g�ran��d to Louis Slugman to constsvct a house on �,at 9, B1ock l, Mclda3.r�e Fiaest �.ddition.�� Ta conn.ection w3.th the lettar �rom the FH.�, it shou�cl be noted that Mr. Seemaaz ha.d contact with �he �A. �nd tY�.t �Sae origiaal letter �as written in response to the ass�ara.�ce ef �he � t2,at �t would cooperate axid send its engiaesrs i�.to the villa,ge. � � Motion b� Elaer, second b� Johnson, that the cha�.rman `s�lect a commit�ee �Lo 3�tereiew the n.ew presid�nt of the couneil for the pu�pose of d.iseu.ss$ng with P�Tr. Ra,skop the let�er from the FAA dated Decemb er 2, �.939. The Cha,i�an..�t�.ted b.e would seleet a comm3.tt�� and no���� the members. Mo�ioa by F3.�n., aecond b�r Se�maa, �hat a reeord: be made o�` the fact tha.t the suit of Geor�e Qa11me� aga��,z�st the village, institut�d for �he purpo�e of �e��ing the val.ic7.it�r of' the zoa3,ng and bv.31d.�.1ag o�a.�n�n�e8, r�.a. ��en, a�.s�.�s�a. l�r. aeem�z�. prapo�ed a vo�e cf thsnka to the ehairman fnr h9.s splendid leadersh3p dur3ng the past year, and. to Mrs. Bu�zelle for h�r ent�rtaiument of the Co�ission at i�s December mseting. Upon motfon dul�r mad.e aad seconded� the meeting �aas ad�auraec�. ;� -� F ; ' .�/t/ �' ..... � � Secreter� r r � ; (� i rma� # t �, ��, ��.��c ���� � � : �C.�.� '� " . �,,.�-�`.�`� �,�, � .���.��° � �°��' � � �