01-11-40 PC Minutes I�4inut es os S��Ieeti.ug �olclen Valle� P1ax�.ning Co�ur�ission Jan��r�� 11, 19�A � ' ; ! Th.� regul�,r monthly meetin� of tne Golcen 'Palley Pl�ing Co?�issio� �,ras lzeld I Tlau��c3a.�r, Jantz�xy 11, 1940, at the vi3.lag� hall. l'3.�.e foZlot�uing membe�s were �resent; � � �. B. Btzzzell� Pau7. �.. Seer�ar�. i Jean g. L�l�cer �es� Stewart Ju.a�.ita H. T'i�.a. C�areLce Tolg John �aiiney �W�';� Witt I He:r.rilan Held John E. Jol�s3.son ' , �r. S�lvestex� �oo�.tz ` 3�r. S�lnester �oo�.tz �a.d J. Don�].d Fruen �aer� �omin�,ted for chairrnaa for the �rea,r 194fl. ; �r. �oo�za, received 7 votes and Mr. �'ru.en 2, s,nd �r. �oo�.�z tiras decZa.red elected chai rri�. � It was moved a�.d seco�.ded that a unan�mous ba11o� be cas� �or �i� Stec�ra.r�, whb i�ras i nominated for vice-presid:�at, ua��i.ch �Jas done, axid �en St�taart i�as�c�ecl�,red e?ected ! vice-presic�es�-�. � i PauZ �. Seeman and Juan.3.ta i�. �'isaxa. we�.�e nom3.nated �'or sec�etar�-treasur:�x�. t�1rs. �inn � � received 5 votes a.�d. Pdr. Seeman 4, a�.d. Nlrs. Finn r�as declared el�c'ted secr�tary- i �reasurer. � T�.e me�nbers o� 'tlie comTnission oifered a uua.n3mous vote o� t�anl�s to T�Ss. �uzzelle -�'or i his splendid leade�ship �,s chairnan during the yer�r 1939. � � i�2otion by Buzzelle, seconcl b�r I'inn, tha.t �he �duc�,tiosl �o�mittee be d.isba.n.decl. the new c}�.airman �o appoint a.nother �'dv.cation Co�ittee later. P�o�ion by Seeman., seco?zd. bJ �uzzelle tha� ths C�I�U�l�C2Uf7.021 �'�QII'C�c�.7:�=S��ZS071' the i � vil.lage recorc3er, se't�ing forth t�.e rea�poi�.tme�.� o�l C. �'. Z�Pitt, Ben �Stew�,rt, Cla.rl�e Vari�er, P�u.l A. Seeman, �r. S�lvester I�ooxitz, and Jolin Ga,fx"ae� to tl�.e Com- � missio�. be �.otecl in th.e minv.tes, a,nd sa3d cor,�,�maniea,tion pu� in the minute book. � T�lo�ioa cluly mac�e and seco�clecl that the treasurer�s report 1oe acce�ted. i ! fi,� '��u.�,z�l1e re�ortad on the meetin� 4ahich th.e co�3.t�ea, co�.sist�.ng of Mr. Ii-u.zzelle, Ll�'.s.: T�1r. V�Titt a.��. �trs. gixtin, �.ad c,rith P�ir. Ras�.�op. , Mo�io�. duly made and seco�.decl ��.ai, the re�ort o�° l��r. Buzz�lle o�. �lzs activities oi b i i,he commiss3.o�. d�.rin� t�ie year be a,ecepted a�.d that a committee. appear befor� tl�e � �ouncil on Jaa.uar� 16 to pr�s�nt the report �or �hei� cansideratiort, P�fessrs. iBv.zzelle, t^Titt, �{ooutz and ��rs. F'ia�. r���ere a�poi�.ted a cammi��ee to ap�ear. iIt was sugoes�ed b� Mr. Seema�. th�.t a s�e�ort be made to the council reco�merldin� the � a.daptio�. of the am.endme�t to the zoning ordizias�.ce ��hich the commission requested 'the village attor�ey to d.raft, and that the con.mission also subn3.t in�'orma.tion to the council in the Delphi�„n. �eighta t� sitv.ation for its us� in checJ�ing iato the ma'tte� to see �rhet�e� or no t sone�h3ng cou].d be done to a�a.ke tlie area more appealing_ ta soffieone �aho might be tailli�.g to take ?t over, especial7.�* the third ac�ditiog of 1�el�l�iar�. $e3.gi1'�s. �— � i , '� i Tt �ras �o�ea �x,.a seconded that the co�ission a,cee�t the pro�osed ar�e�dment to the ��I zon.in� ord3nancs (as�.c� recom�enel iV to the council for ac�o�tio�.) pre�axed b� the � , i village a�torxie� d�zring �ecember, wa.�i�ing s3.cle�rard requi�e�.'ts i� cert�in platted , �.reas. The proposed ame�dment is as �'ollo�as; �'i i fll. Sectio�. 3 o-f' the Zo�aing Orcl.inaa�..ee of the �'il�ag� of Golde�. Valle�, i F�Iinnesota, ad.opted�on t2a.�r 3, 1938, i s hereb� ame�.ided by i�.se�ti�.g' the fQ11ot;�in� a�'ter paragraph 17—h 'chereof; ' i ° I Provided, however, th�t°t�.e foragoing prov3sion with res�ect I� , to side9ard requiremen�s shall no� a�pZy to suc� p].a,tted ' i a.rea,s in �he opeb. d.evelopne�.t clistrict �herei� �aater°mains ', I ha�� been laic� in the s�reets �hereo�, an.d u�rherein �c,rater is ;� ! available in saic3 water m�,3.�s for use of occu.��ts of lots ,I • in said platted areas� an.c� ��rhere the streets•of sa3.d ' i pl,�tted areas �.re equipaed �,►ith �'ire �rdrants. Sir�e�axd • ;i requirements for lo�s in suctiz platted areas sh�,ll be not � �I les� �han five (5) feet in tiaidth o�. e�.ch side o� the buildin���. ; '; i In co�.nection with the discussio� oy° �;he delirzque�.i: t�.x situation� it c�as notecl t�a.t i �der a ta� deed f'ro�n t�.e state all restrictions are remo�red. �; I-c is tlze reco�nendatioa� of the coumission that the coun.cil be iu11y a.dvised on the �i ' situatio�.�ia Del�hian Aeight�, ��ui th the ini oyba.tion incluae�. th� t�ie ado�t3�3�. o:� � the-pro�osed �nendment ta the zoni�.g ordin.a.n.ce ti�rould. -�'acil�.t�,te t�ie sale of lo�s ix� ` th�t area. - i N3otion b�T Buu�zelle, second bg Elver, t�.at the cha�r a��oi r� a commit�ee to ��o�k ��ith � '. the secret�.ry �n.c� such o�her persons as may have infoxnaa.tion to su]�m�t a cora�rehensiv� r�ort t4 the village counc3l at the next meet3ng on the Tlelphian He?ghts deliaac�.tent� ta.x situa.tion, iacludin� the recomme�.d.�,tion.that �the t�ii.r�1 par�ra.ph o2`' the zo�.in� o�cli.na.nce be r�mended. ms �ro�osed by the connm3.ssio�. DZr, Seema�, P�ir. Buzzelle and 1:rs. �'3r�.�g�ointed o�. a cor�n3.ttee to prepaxe the report. � In co�.ectio� taith ths re�port o� t��e si�n ordinax�.ee ca�una.ttee,� it w�.s movecl an� seco�.rled that• t�.e secrstary �v.s•nis3a. members of the com�i.ss3on c,r�th conies of �he proposed si�n. ord?�.a,�ce axtd that t�.e r,�a,t�er be l�,id aver to the Fe'bxv��.r� meeting. P�Ioti�n b� �uzzelle, seco�.d b�r T+'irir►, t�.at a committee be anpointed to i�.vestigate Nfr. Seemari�s recomm�tion.s a,s to acquiring cert�in a,reas for par1� t�u�poses ax�.d b'r3ng in a, report at the Februa�y meetin�. n2rs. Elves�, Jol�. E. Joh�son and John Gaff�e� a,ppoi�.teci to tl�s connnittee. � • Upon motio�. d�.ly ��.de anc� seco�.ded, t;he meotrng ura.s a,djourned. �.Y� a . � ��k � �. ' ��"�� ��A&.,�,�w�' `� - ; ^ �� Secre��,r�* i ,�-, gt 4est s /� . -. . �� �` .�` _ �•�y. ,���= ���� '� � _. ' . , . _. ; . ___.._.�_�= , Cliea s�aa t ( ;i �; L _. _ _ _ _. , .:. __ - - --- �