02-08-40 PC Minutes P�inutes o�' t�2eetin�
Golden valley Plan�.3ng Co�3.ss�.on
�'ebr�a..a� 8, 19�-0 �
�'he regu.ls.�° monthl� meet3,ng of the :G�o1c�e� Valle�r Plannin� Commiss�.a�: �ras held
Thursda,y, �'ebxua,z� 8, I940 at the villa.ge ha11. �'b.e �ollowing �embers werea�rresen.tt
Buzzelle, R. �. �oontz, S�lvester .
�1ver, Jeaxi S. Lamm, Ger�x°ud.e -
�'3n.�., Jvan.ita 3eeman, Paul
Ga,�fxae;r, Johu Steti�art, �en
Held, Her�zn . Z�Tickatrom, O�to. , �
Johnson, John F.
Ia co�.ection �ith' the committee which was a�pointed to vis�.t the sites af the a.reas
proposed to be acquired for future parL purposes, the follo�,�ing reports were ma.de.
I�trs. �Z�er stated. th�..t the area in t�.e Delmoat acidi�ion �oo��ee1 �;ood for a pla�gro�d,
but that 3t proba.bly ��ras not Ir�r�e en.ou�li. T�r. Joh.n.so�. stated tl�:� the people ?n the
�lcademy Nill area ob�ected to a par�b �here �or various rea�ons.
TJir. �uzzel]:e sta,ted t17a.t 3t �ras his opiaion that �he vi.11age should p�oceec�... a.r�mediatel�
to acquire the �roposed sites if i� was a� �.11 possible to do so. �e s��.ted. the Belmon.t
area taas cen.�ral�y loeated. an.c7 conceivably ti�rould be good for �. children�s �].�.�rgrou�d, ar
co�u.ld. possibly be a ball pa,rL or an ice s�a.�ing rink, etc. '
Y�r. Seema�a. stated t�,t tlie pro�ert�es ma.� not evea be available now, but t}�a.'t the� were
� the last he l���a. e He also stated t1c�,t the Leag�a.e af T��unicipalities s�onsored a b311
in the H�use and Senate of �clze r�ii�n.esota 5tate Legislature-which ti�ould perm3t villa,gea
. to acqu�.re ta.� de7:xnquent las�.ds for municipa.l purrfaaoses, but t1�,t the bill los t in t3�e
Senate. �f�°. Seeman h�,s cor�municated with the �aard of County Commissioners 3n an. e�'�'or't
to have them ta�e u� t'�e m�'ttcer to see �aheth.er o�° not Golden Valle�r cota.ld not a.cquire +
these proy�erties fo:e g��,rl� �urposes. �
MotYOa by �uzzelle, second by I�inn, that the Co�nission recommend �o the �ill�;e council
- that it ta��e im�ed�ate �ction to secure title to the �aropert;�, both ia the Glen�,rood View
d3strict axid. in the Belmont a.d.dition. .
�mendmen� �ro�oseol b�r �Zr. Seern�. that ��ie counc3.l adopt a resol�a.tian requesting the �
eo�.n.ty comm�.ssioners to set up �hese �articuJ.ar ax�e�;s as a county park. �Snezlc�me�.t not
ZTpon discuss�.o� 3t ��as.stated �hat the procedv.�e �.s that la.nd has to be set �.side fir�t
as a cour�.t�r park aud �hen when the co�.ty�.gets �itle it can in tu.�. �.eed it to �he v311a.ge.
The pro�erty in Belmont addition proposec� to be acquir�d is as follo�rs: T�ots 385,386, �
387,388,389,39fl,392,395,396,397,338�399,n00,401,�Q2,�07,408, 13elmant,
The pro�ePt� in �Ien�aood �'few �,ddit3on is �s follo�s: Lots 1,�,3,4,1Z,1�,13;1�-,15,J.6,
�lock 6,' Glen�aood View.
'�he vote or� t�r. Bvzzelle�s mo�ioa ��as �.s follo�,us: ,
� �l'ver no Ste�,ras°t yes Fruen yes ;
Zamrn �es �eZ� �res �:oontz yea
�'i�n �es Wickstroffi clid not va'�e
BuzzelZe ye� Gafi�.ey no i
�Seemaxi � y�es , Jo�.sQ�. yes �
, �
� The committee consistin� o� NTessrs. Seeman. Buzzelle ancZ �oontz m�;t t�ith the head
en�iaeex 3rom Chi.cago from the �.. The eng3.z�ee� i�.sormed the �CO�mi�tee t}aa.t the ,
� did �.ot have the help to m�,ke a su.rve�t of the whole vil].ta,ge. �e e�ined the � �
maps wliich tk�e comrn3.tte� had c�3.th the�a aac� did say he vrou1d be g].�,d �o check same J '
of the old add3:tio�s arra maa�s such recommendatio�.s 3.a connectio� i,rl�Gh. �heitt as the�r t
�s�.w fi�. , �
�T. �uz�elle st�tec� he gathered.�'rom �Lheatr talk va3.th ths F�' tkiat it �rould go as �ar
as it l�gally couZd go. 'T'h.e�r see�ed to lil�e the idea of �tak�.n� �bese PZats and �torkiz�g
them o�er, anc� -G�.t 3�. going o�er the gla'ts it might be �aossible tQ suggest certain !
revisio�s 3r� ��,z d.elis�.quent a�r�as so a.s to mal�e �hem more deairable �ar sa..].e, ancl also 'I
to perm�.t ��e gilla.ge to acqi�i.re some of the pxopert�r. ;
�x. �oontz saic� t�at the FE� would no� coneider �.oa,�.s on 4-0 foat lots, suc�i as axe i�.
'' the I3elmor�t �aditio�:, bv.t that t�,ey ti�ould be va3,ll�ng to do so i� �lae pZa.� caul� �e
r�su'bc�iv�.dGd. i� such a, ��a�r to ma.ke���.e Prog�ert� more deair�,ble. '�
� �
. �
I� �ras sugges�ed that we might be able to get the Uai'�ersity of 1�'�.nxiesota to vnderta�e ,
a pro�ject of thi s l�in�. The �. taiZ1 do�the vaark o� revisin�; �he plats, but they c�J.11
�ot initiate ar�.y sur�eys. � I
Mo�ion by Seer,�an, secon.d 'by �'z�a.en, �h�.t tLe Plarm.i�g Commission reca�nend to the-co�ail �,
the ma.��i�.� of si� �,ps of.�latted areae that seem �a be i�. bacl �a� d�1iq�.ent situa�3a�.s
. �'or t�iie stv.dvr af tlie �"ederal Iious3n.g people so 'tl�.�.t they might ma.ke recom��.datiqns for �
I' im�Oro�remen�s 3n those areas ancl ��.forming the co-�m.cil that a.�i e�en:se o� about �5 �rill j
�e 3ncux�rec� on these �lats: , !
� �
It is the underata�,ding tl�,t t�.e co�mittee on th3.s m�,tter, P�Zessrs. .Buzzelle, Chairmar�., � '
�ee�a�., �oontz a�d.. Fx�zen, are a;uthorized to proceed immediateZy with the makin� o�' the
ma,ps and the d�.scussions with t�.e F�. as soon as tlie council ap�rove� the ex.pe�.di;ture.
�`` I�ption �i�� Bv.�zel�.e, secand 'b�r �ir�ua,, that the commiticee o�. the Del.phian Heights �'lv.rd �
1�dd3.tion r�o�t be;diabanded. � �
Mat�on by Seeman, second. b� 1�uzzelle, that the rep'ort of 'the comr�ittee on �he pro�osed ,
sign ora.��.�ce u� accept�a �,S p�ogressi�•e �.a -�r�t �t �e re�erred back to th.e co�3.ttee
fo�r redre f tir� a.nd completi oa.
T�ot�on b� Seem€�n, second by Ste�a.rt, that �2r. Buzzelle 'be added to the s3.gr� orrli�riee �
c¢mmit�ee. e j
, o
U}po� mo�ion dn.].y.ma,d� axld aeccnded �the meeting was ad�oua�.�d.. '
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