03-14-40 PC Minutes �
�iinutes of �:eeting
Golden Valley Planning �om�ission
� �rch 14, la4p .
The regul�r monthly meetin� of the �ol�en Valley Pl�nnin� Com;�ission
�r�s held �`hursd�,y, T�arch 14, 1540 �,t the vi11�.�A h�,ll. The following
members were p��sent :
R. B. Bu�zelle Gertrude Lsmm
P�,ul En�hauser Paul Seernan
Juanita Finn Cla�rence Tol� i
Donalrl Fruen Clarlce Varner
� John Gaf fney � C. F. `�u i t t
� Sylvester K�ontz
�otion duly m�de ancl seconded tha,t the t�ro exgiri�g me�nbers of the
c�m�isEion be notified that'they have not been reap�ointed with �. �
letter by the ch�irman th�,n�in� them for tlieir services.
R. �. F�uzzelle, chair�ian c�f' the tax delinauent pro�e rty co�iittee r
reauested �.uthority to �vithliold �ubmiesion of a report to the FHA '
until �iay � so as to include �.ny �,d.dition2�1 lands in t�e areas that
I m�.y 'beco�e delin�uent, and tl�.e �aorlc af -�he com�nittee �rac �ccepted �.�
" Follo�in� discus��on of the m�,tter of b�,ttin� the IInivere�.ty of
� �innesot�. to �ake �. survey of the village �e a Univ�rsity �roject,
it �ea�s sug�ested th�.t this be m�:de �art of the �FA ��.p revision
com�lit tee.
i�r. Tolg repor�ted th�,t th� Council e��s un�,nimous in it� recorrr�mmend�-
ti��z �hat the village attorney investie�te t�ie step� neces�ary tc� �
I acqu.ire tYre �rop��ty in Bel�nont. r
i U�on mot3on dul� made anc� �econded the chair a�apointed Finn, Roor�tz
and Engh�user �.s � co�mitt�� to ��??�e�r befr�re the r_ext meetin� of
the Cauncil the discuss the m�tter of acqi�irin� the prop�rt�:e� in
Belmont �nd Glen�roo� Vie�r �,�.c�itions.
� Co�iittee on the �ign o�dinan.ce �vill report at the �p�il meeting.
� �iotio� by See�an, seconded b3� La�, that a committee be ap;�ointed �o
j devote its efforts to study �a�rs �,nd i�ean� of seeurino favorable
� public ity far the vi11G.�e. . �ir. Seer�an r�ade ch�,irmar_ of that
couimitte�, s.nd i�rs. Lamrn an� Paul �n�hause�e cae�iber�.
� Upon moti�n dia.].y �ad.e �.ncl seconded, th �� meeting �r�,e �.d�ourned..
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� " �` Secret�ry '
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,� President �� ,�,
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