04-18-40 PC Minutes -- �€
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� � �inute� o�' �u�eeting ?i
Go].den V�lley Pl�nning Commission
; ` �ipril 1�3, °1Q40 ° `I
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' The regular �onthly meeting of the Go1�.en V�1Zey P].a.nn3.r�g �ommis�ion �
; ��s helc� Tlzursday, April 18, 1�40, �t the vill��e h'11. the f oi lvcvin� ;
�e�ber� �uere present ; '
� .I
� �. H. Buzzelle Sylve�ter Koontz '
° P�u1 En�a,uEer Gertrude L�mm
�an E�ickson Fletcl�er Ol�on
. Ju�.nit�. Finn ��ul Seen��n �I
Donald Fxuen Cl�rence Tolg
� Johr�, Gzffnep ' Cl�,rke Varn.er
John �. Johnson ° C. F. �itt
�r. �illi�� Hollar �ppe�red before �6�i.e com�►ission w ith pro�o�ed
plans for �, grocery atore to be er�eted �,t tY!e corner of Lil�.c Drive
�,nd l�th l�venue North.
In c.�nnection evith the °a.pplic�,tion of I�r. HQllar the ch�,ir pointed. �
! ou� th�.� t�.ere were three courses v�hich`"� be fsbllovve� : the �er�.it I
� may be denied, the �xe� ��.y be reze�ned, or he perr�it coul�. be �grante�.. j
�'i `{�`y �� a� �f '�
� �,-�i'�"d 1 �n r�;:'' � `� =� - �
; � �otion by Seem�,n, eecond. by Johnson, tha:t the co�t��°i��ion reco��nend to
� the council th�.t they ref�ufie all �ermits for �11�e�o�i�^erci�l ente�°prise�
on Lil� Drive, a.nd th�t the chair �,pp�int' a repr�s�nt2�tive �f'_the c��!-
�ission to �p�e�.r before the cou_�cil znd expl�:in ;-�h� pl�.nnin� comm3��ion -�
v ieu� on thi s po 3n°�. . `'
The Sec�et�.ry ev�,s instructed to �rite� to th�e tr�ffic division ofthe
' Highway I�epartment reg�,rding this c�rner. 'I
, . �
; �otlon by �eeman, �econ�. 'by Fruen, tha� � he secret�,ry direct a lett�r '
to the tr�,ff ic division of the Highv�ay Department �ith• referen�e to
�h�,t the l�igh��y depart�ent would. consider a s�,f'e dis��nee from the 1�
Lilac Driv� �.nc? 19th Avenue for �, business e�tablish,°n nd mention th�t
the �atter is cominb up for h��rin� .�pril 30, that t'�e hi�h�ay d,e�a.rt- `i
� �ent be infor�ed of the n�.ture of the business, �nd that the re�ly of `�
! �the t�e��rt�ent be nu t into the ha rd s o f the c��i i�s ion' s repre�ent�t ive 'i
� prior to the tir�e of the he�riz�g before the Council. �
j ;
P,+ir. En�;h�user anc� �:r. 3uz�elle �ointed as re_�,resent�tives of th� '
com:�ission to �,�pe�r before +he council a't t�ie Y�earing on ��r: Holl�r' s '�
�ppl ic�,t ion. i
Tt �v�� r�aved and seconded tliat the P2a,nnin� Co�is�ion recommend to ��
the Council the gr�r,tin� of � permit to builcl without inGi�e plvmbin�
to +�r. T��lf�nz on Lots 169 dnd. 170, CTlenwood. STie�. i
� �otion by Ol�on, second by Fruen, t.hat the pl�nE presented by I��r. Boc?uist �
; be put over until the next rr��eeting, �nd th^t the plans be h?nded to
� the co�ittee havzng juri�diction for th�t �re�., �ith -F he �dc?ition caf i
' �r. 01�on to th�.t com��ittee. `I
j ,I
_...., . _ . „ --- — G
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The pl�,tt3ng com��ittee reported tha� it had correspon�.ed �mith �r.
Zellner at the Universitp.
Dx. FCoantz, �r. 8eema,n �,nd �+r. �3uzzelle called on Prof. B�,ss and , �
� �ho�ed hina the book of �aps and he a.nd his assistant appeared to be
� much interested. As a re�ult of their �ri�it, the �n�ineering 8chool �
�.as a,ssi�ned ta three of the �raduat e student� the probl�m of evor'�ing
out a plan for development. Th�y requested t hat the cor�?ni�sion pro�ride
� them With tl�ree copie� of the big map in ord.er to put �he topogr�.?�hy on
the big r�ap °and to consolidate the aaterial �e h��,�e. It v�as the under-
st�-.ding that the v�ork �ould develop a.s they �ent �long, aad. that �fter '
these �aps a�ere dra�n they �ould then work out some plan for us to help ;
us �rith' f�ture pl�nning of the �illage, euch as puttiri� in roa.d.s, etc. '
� The committee st�.ted they didn'�t kno�r k�w long it would t�,ke to do a,ll
� this, but th�,t the Un3.versity �,ppeared very cooper,ativ� an� the Gommittee �
, ezpected we �ould. get fine results. The student� 2�re �oing to�tart �s
, soon 3s thep �.re prov3.ded w3th the �a1�s.
i �otion by Tolg, second by Johnson, th�t the Co�ittee' s report be, _�,c-
! aepted v�ith thanks. �
�otion by Fruen, secoad by Finn, th��t e�e autYiori�e the camm�.ttee to .
purch�.se the blue prints for the Univereity.
Discuesion of the c�uestian of amending the uonin� ordin�,nce so �� to
° prohibi� anp further buildinge to be used �.e beer p�rlors, egcept upon
� hearing befor.e the council. Suggested ��nend�nent might l�e to p�r�,gr�.ph �
� (o) of 9ection IIT of the �in g ordinance. This �as r�ferred to the
; zonin�; c��icnitteee I�essrs. �'ruen, Koon�z �nc� Torg.
The Lil�c Co�ittee reported th�.t the Cor�ercial Club had contributed
w25 to�r�rd the Lilac Celebration, a.nd the eounci�. un�,nimously �pprcv ed
an appropri�tion of �50. �.rs. Le�uri is gener8,1 chairm�_n. The Hi�h.�*�y
Department h�s not yet granted permi�e3on for u�e af -1i�e parkin� area,
but it is e�g�ected they �i11. �r. �fitt has ag?in t�k�� over the r�-
' fresh�ents and pro�ra�, � s in 1939, �.nd the plans in �eneral �re ��vin�
' �,long r�.pidlp. � �
'i Upon matz.on made and 'seconded, t he �eet3,n ��ras adjourned,. �.-;T
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