07-11-40 PC Minutes i��inute� of .�eeting
(Tolden V�,11ey Pl�n�in€ Com�:i��ion
The re�ul�r monthly �eeting_�f� the �Tol�en �r�.11ey Pl�a.r?nin�, �'omF7�is=ion i
� �rrys held Thur�d�y, Ju1y �1��^t thE vill��°e h�ll. The f�llo�in� rt�ern��ers
�rere �r�sent :
n.- �. Bu�zelle sylvester Koon�z
� P��.i1�,En�h�u��r Ger�rude La;enm
� 5?��z7. �ricl,son P�.ul Seem�.n ;
aTuu�;*.�iit� Finn ul�rence Tol�
�?. Doi��ld Fruen Gl�rke Varn�r
John �affney � Ot Vo �iokstr�m
John �. Johnson
j �ollo�ing discussie�n of the communic�tion fro� Lest�r F. Jahn�on on
Y�e��zlf of tlze r�sidera.t� of p�rt o#' the I�. '�u. �,u�rtEr (1�.��3.1/4) of the �
�outhea,st �;u�.rter (�Elj4) of 5ection 3�, Toe�nsUip 118, Ft�.n�e �7.y re- ,'
qu�st�n�; �;�;�rov�l of puttin.g one sic�e of a ro�,d in to se��ve th� revad.e�t�
of th�.� ��re�, it �v�.s �noved by Fr�en, seconded by Lami��, tr�.t th� co�- �
�unic�.tion �na the blueprint �,ccomp�nyin.g it 'be r�fer��d to the co�r��i°Gte�
� on p1�.�Gs for recc�r��ner�.d�tions.
In ct�iznectio�i �ith discuG^i�n of the �r�.ntin� of pe�mits by tae c�u�.�il
�o build: on Lots 110 �nd 11�, :�lenwood A�dcliti.r,n, on v�hich the coi��is�ion
hE.d r�comme�ded cleni�l, it ��� r�oved by Fruen, secon.ded by To7.�, th�t t]�e
� ch�_iru�an be in�tructecl to ro�r3te the counci7� znd in�'oi�n it that the eor�-
� �li�sion v��:s not ���re th.t there a�r�ulcl be �uch interr�ret�ti��? p��ced on
� '�he zon.ing code �E vaa.s pl�c�d in tlzie in�t^nce �E to the nonco�n�la.�nce
�ith �it�ey�rd requirements in pl;�.tted area,s and reco�,menc�in� th.�.t the
i ! tiine h�s �robat�ly no� �rrivec� when �e sh�uld �rite a.n �:�nendmer?t ta th�
� zon.in�; orc3in�i�ce �:ccorc�ing to t}�e nemrest �odel �oning 1?�s �?v �ecomrnended.
� by the i�i:��zesota Lea�;ue of L:unicip�lities, �n.� �.tt�.ch to the lett�r to
th� council t�.e ne�a section referrpd to.
I!�o�ion by L�r�n, second.e�. l�y Johnson, th�t the Go�iseio� �ecom�nen.d th�
�r�?nting of a special permit i�o i�. R. P�r'�er to e�ect e �ous� on Lot 17,
�lack 4, Tyro]. I�ills, on conc�ition tli�t the cor�mittee e�f Tyrol H�.11�,
Inc. , �ppro�es Vhe s�:me.
; A�.endment by rruen, acceptec� "by Lar�n, th�-L the applic�nt for permit reduce ��
I his ��r�,ge -to seventeeri (17) feet �nd o�ait the p���ag;e �*�.y bet�aePn the `
� ��ra,�e a,nd the house �nd re�.uce the porch �i�. (6) inches so the �v�� �11
meas�r�ments Qf the house und �G_r�.�e �ill be fifty-ei�ht feet (58) , ten
' . (10� inche8.
i �oti�n by See�an, cecond b�r �ohnson, -th�t the pro�ose�7 n��v �al�t of
� Glenurb�n, s�cand aaai�ion, be referred to tl�e platting cot��.�-ittee for ;
� consiaer�,tion �nd r�commenc�.ati�ns. _ �
U;�on motian auly mad� �nd. seconded, t�ie meeting m�ae ���ourne�.
' ..
' ' Secre��ry
Ch�irman � �� �
� �� F °�.`�e��a-� ��'�°�� � �. '�J'�✓
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