10-10-40 PC Minutes i � "�`' Minu�es of th� regular meoting o� t�e Golden V�lleg '� �'l�nning Corn�►issi�n held �'etober 10,1940m at tl�e Yill�,ge H�,11. � I � D��eting Qall�d to order �,t �� 15 P.�iii. i �i�:e �resident Ben Stevc►�,rt nresiding. � The re�ular Sevret�,ry not bein� pre�er�t,it w�s !n���d ', S���i�ded �,nd ��rried that ?'�ul �.Seeman a.ct as tem�aora�a 5��xet�.r�� Th� roll oall clisolosed th� f�llowing me�ber� �r�sent� `'� � Swan EriQksor�,��aul En�IiB�user,�tto �iokstrvm,Claxke �'�,rner,�ohn � raffney,John E,�J�hrason,'�obert Buzzelle,73�n Stewart,�au.l Ao Seem�nn� . ; �b.e minutes o� the �ore�ious meeti��; r�o� bein� on hP,nd `� it ��,s mo�ed,eeconded,and Qa,rriEd the,t l�.e�v� the re�,din� ot' `! the m3nut es o�' th�,t zneeting at s�me ��.ture da.,te, � ��.�� I�2r. ��..��.�:oldstein ;nur3Y�aser o�' the l�nd situated �n the i Eg�t side o� gerxe� �ve. I�o. betc�een 14th �nd 36th A�re. a,p�e�,r�d be�o�� � the Cor.�mis�ion relativ� to the �nl�,tting of s�,id le�n.d for the -�urpose o� building hor�es. ; A�'te� oondider�ble disouesion on ti�e advisibilit�r ot �le.ttir�.� ' thi� �round for build3.ng pur?�o�es due to the faot th�,t this � gro�nd cons�,sts eh3efly of ai �rea which w�,s �ormerly a dtamp �; �nd i� some �le,ces consists o� a �3.11 0�' �,round thirty Yeet in � �_ de�atl�,�,lso the f�;t �1�.8,t it su�h gro��ncl vu�,s to be used �or buildi�g ': . -�txrposes,it would be n�oessary ths.t s,dditior�l grouncl bo 5et asid� ' to brin� the street in. �'ront o� s�,id �ropex�ty to its fiull v�idth, � �r Goldsteirt �as advised tla.at it would be necessar� that he furni.�lh ;i the nlannir,� C�mmission with engineers me,ps ot the r�res �showing i , �.e lines of tne nrea� to be ��l�tted,also engine�rs so�ar�dings �o ; ��texn�air�e the requirements for so��d construetion, �; , 1�Zx Robert �u�zelle �rom the Qommittee o�. ;�latti�� r��aortea �n the �la.t of Glenurban Seoond �ddition,he st�t�d th�,t �, �o?a�.ittr� `, com�a��ed of himsel� and Dr I�ooatz hs,d ms,de �n inspee�ion of the ; proposed. �,re�, to be �lmtted and that tho� he,d sevsral s«�est�.ons ' to make in oonneation with the pla,ttin� o� the �ro�o�ed area,also I se�er�l r�tters o� ini'orm�,tion th�•t the�► desired ir� conne�tion � with the ��id plat�howerer,before such m�tter oould be properly '� re�orted baQk to this Cornmissions �'�ul �'nghauser a mer�ber of this - Corflmission a�x�eared before a meetin� ot the Village Couaoil and � �reQ�iled upom said Counei 1 to accept sa.id �,a].a,�, Com�issioner `; J3uz�elie stat�d t�a�.t he a����a.red be�'or� sairl CoutzQ�.l,ap l�;�d th�ir sttenti_on to the 1ev�rs relativs to nl�.ttin� . : It �r�,s moved Seconded; e,nd Qe,��ied this Coromi�sic�;� ask ;� Mr �au1 Er��he,use�r �or an, eg�l�,nati�on o�' liis aetivities in this � m�,tter? ; P2r. �'n��.�,u�er stPted the,t tYie Comraitte� h�,cl showr� no a�tiv3t� in this �s�tter o� the �latting o� Glen�rbe,n Sec�nd addit�;on ` � he L�rther st€+ted t�iat mer�bers ot t�a� C�unoil h�d �is;ted tk�e lo��,�i� � . oi' the �ro�,�osed �ol�tting without being requested to dv so b� him, he then insisted that t11e act�.ng seoretax� take h�s st�tor��r�t� � verb�t�r� bor t�.e ��rnose of t1�e�e minutes�the �,�ting sec�et�,r� � str�ted th�t 3t was impos�ible for hin to take d�v�� tho sta,teme�ts i �s he va�s n�t skillecl in t�ie �rt o� sho�tl��r�d. 2 gfter whi�h the �ollowit�g motion p:�evailed;mqeed and sea, th�t w� take ap t�iis mc�tter at e, l�,ter dete anci that �, committee be a�poi rat�d ' to meet with the Golder� Valle� Vil,l��e V�ll�e Cour3Qi1 t� �ee if that ; -�!',_ bod� �v_,'_shed the �1�.n�ing Conmission to eontinue t� �unction as ; s Comm�.ss3.o�a.motion oe,rried; the o��.ir �pnoir��eci ti�� foll��ing c���itteE', � �?�bert Buz�elle*''�ul �n�h�,�aser,Be�a StewQrt ,John G�ffne�� � � I . A.Zr 3e�an a�ne�red before tl�e Cammiseion r�l�.tive x� th� j ��rvioe drive Io��,ted on the Norta� si�.� �� the �'],�od B.01s�n �`��°:��ari�.l �3i��l�v�y between P��emor3al Driee and Me�,c�o�r Ie,ne Avenr�.e. �I �'IIe �tated thr�t �, 30 foot se:c�t�Qe 3piv� would be rlesireabg� on tl�e � si.de o� t��e h3ghwQ� �,s th�,t �,rea� wgs a1�,ssif3�d �,s Commerei�.l �, � �ropert� that he understood that the Pl.an� for the serviee drivs �alled Yor a 24 ft. ric�httir�y,�urther that the �illage Coun�il had � �,oce�teci the plan �or the d2eelo�ament o� this �aro�ert� as a hi�hw€�� �itho�at giv�ng th.e intexested parties the o�sport�nit� for th� '� rnaking of theur desires knowr�, ! I II�Ir ?�eg�,n ruas informed b� the 8ommiss�.on that t1�� �lan for the � dev�lo�ner�t �f this highw�,y had n6ver been �resented of�iciall� '�� to the C�mmi��ion �or �heir a � �apro�r�,1,thex�e�oro,the� �er� in r�o ; �os3tion to advi�� him inte�ligentl� on t��is mattep„ ; , It w�,s t��en suggested by the r��mbers o� the �].an,nin� � � Commission,th�,t, if it rvas dee�ed a,dvisable � Speei�.l I�ieetina� �f ! � the 'l�nrzi�i� C��nr�ission be ealled fo�c two �reo��t� fx�om this d�,��. i , � � The Bizilding� Ins�eotox S�van Frioks�n submitte3 t�� i ; £�llo�►in� me,tters. � � � � �ermit b� Geor�e ��..H�,nsor� for �he ereetio� of a �ommer��.�,1 T�o ' ' �ouse 150 �'t. cuide b� 400 �+'t. lon� �ri �rog�ert� Ic�catecl near `! �"wir� ?:�,kes and Zil�c Drive. -� ; The grea on whivh this pro�o�ed IQe 3o�zse is tc� be conutrueted 3.s � j �l�,ssified �s i� the o�en dsvelo�merat distriet ir� �our �onirt� orrlin�r�se � �vhien prohibi.ts the �rectioii o� a Commeresi�.l �tru;t�are in this �,�e�, j i `"h3s �lanni�,� Commission Qoncure� 3n the .a�ti�n of the B�.i].din� ! Ins�eator in re���tin� tl�e permit for� this �truotur�. ' I �I I � ° � n. �ermit b� rJirs ^�e11a o� 18w� Y'oxk Ave. T1o.to conver� a� oy�er� j i drive�a� le�,ding tro?n �or� 1�venue to a b�seme��t g�,x�,ge &°�� t�k�� i alwellin� situe,ted or; th� �bo�e �tated property, into � g�,r���. ' re�,son for �e�e�tin� thi� �� par�it by t'r�� building ;nspectox � was thgt it v�ol�.ted t�ie buildi�n.g setbao3 1ine,�,�d thGt it inpare � the f�ont �ar1 r�;�airenent as establ��h�d b� t�ze �a�nnes eor�stru�tecl a.d��,eent to the �.bo�� stated pronert�. The ?'la,n.min,e� 0on�i�si4� concurr�ed an th� ��tion ��' the Buildin�z ' IriS�6C31a0� iYI. denving; tY�.i: s�eY'ITI��e I l��t�r �. gener�l disQUSSior� �'e meetin� adjo�rra�d, � � i w Ti c;e �.�^e s? r1t � � i - C�'.tiL.��� - p 2.�t�n� Se�r�t�.r� i :� , �,_