11-14-40 PC Minutes � Minutes of Meeting �
Golden V��1ey Plannin� Commission
� November 14, 1940
� .. � , �
� The regul�.r monthl�r mee�ing of the Goldet� V�l1ey Planning Comrnis sion w�,s lleld Thursd.ay,.
l�lovember 14, 19�0, Pt 8 p.m, at the vi�llage 1�.11. The folloc�ing members were nresent:
R. �, Buz�ze].le , S�lvester �oontz
Pa�u]. �rghauser Paul A. Seeman •
, Swan ExiGkson� C1ark Varner . . ;
� Jvanit� _Finn Otto Wickstrom . `
3. i�oria,ld� �'rue�. � . . .
John. G�.f fae�r
John �. Johnson �
Ntr. R. W. Golds�cein appea�red aga�.n be�'ore the Commission �aith engineers� maps ancl_
presented a letter from the 1`vin Cit�r Tes�ing and Engineering �atiorator�r of St. Paul
rela.tive to sou�.d.fngs on propert� which he ?�ro�oses to plat on Xerxes �.nd 16th .Plvenues
Nox'th' together ��ith 8, SU.r'VEy b�V 1++'g21,I1' �'i�ld and �Nowak:.
� Motion b� �ir. Buzzelle, seco�.ded b�r Mr. �Tohnson., that the aeeret�r� secure z co�v of
the anendme�� to the zoning ord.inance ado�te�. by the co�.ncil in Ja�.uar�r, 1940: regar�ing
s3de-y��.rr�'requi r ement s.
Mot3.on bv Mr. �nghauser, seconded b� P�Sr. Fru.en, that Mr. Goldstein r�r��,re the �l�t
ior filing, s�ecifications and restrictions, sho�,ring a �rofil8 of the comnlet�d road
a�d present them to the Platting Commii:tee of the Commission sor their a�prr�val, the
Committee ha�ring �,uthorit�r to act on behalf of the Comr�issio�.
� Following discusaion o� the meeting of the Committee fxrom �he Planning Com�iasion
with members of the cou�.ci1, it �vss moved. b�r Mr. Buzzelle aad seconaed b�* Mrs. I'inn ;
that the renor�c o�' the Committee b� sccepted as *�rogreasive.
Mot3.on bv Mr. Buzzelle, seconded by Mrs. Finn, th�,t a lette� be directed to the
co�uneil ex�l�.inin�; th�,t the or3ginals of the ma.�s of t1�e village were prepared for
i;he Planning Commission �,�d tha.� they. �re now be3.ng used. b� 'the 1'la,nning Commissio�.
in their uuork and tY.�,t the�r �,re 3n the safe de�osit va,vlt of the �. .A.. Rogera Blue
�Prin.ting Com�any, a't 911 Marc�uette Avenue, in the name of the Planning Commiss3.on,
and sugges� to the council` that they �ermit the 1'lanning Commission to retz�in control
and r�oasession of these value.ble origina.ls. �.nd �'vxther suggest that in accordar�ce
with the resolv.tion adopted at the las�c meeting of t�ie council �h�t an ap�lica,nt for
a co�y of the �� nay the �2.0� fee to �tlze clerk of the council and then m�.ke his
� request to �he Presa.d.ent of the Planning Commission, who ��rill �x� turn a.uthorize the
nreparation oi the copy. Tl�t also �, letter be directed to the Rogers Cc2�oany re-
questino that the origir�,ls be released to no one exce�t a duly elected ofiicer ofi
� the Planning Commisafon and tha,� co�ies oalq be released on written orc�er of the
Plannin� Commission.
Motion by�Seema�,, seconcled b� Ntr. Bvzzelle, �hat the ch�irman write to the Attorney
� �General of the S'cate of Minnesot�, rela�3ve to tLe section of the 1�37 enablino act
requirin� notice of intentian to plat nroPert�*, rec�uesting an opinion as to whether
or not nota.ce is ms�.d.a�or� a,ccording to his interpreta,t3o� of the section.
.� Motio� b� Mr. �luzzelle, seconcled by Mra. Fin�., thet the secret�,r� refer �the m�+tter
o�' the Milward �,��alica�cion to o�erate �, lunehrooa at Si.�th Avenue North �a.nci the Belt
Zine bac� to the co�cil with �, letter to the effect tl�a.t the an�plicant has n.ot
'�,, complied wi�h the provisions of the zoning or�ina�ce, that tlie area 3s onen r3e�eloloment
and tha,t it wov.ld be ��eessary �o change 3t to Commercial in order to �ermit the
cons�ruction agd o�eration oi szzch �. comnercial enterprise, �nd th.a.t the Commission
---- - - --- --- ------- �
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f is op osed to the commercialization of property �d�jacent to beautified highwa�s � �
� such as the Olsan Niemorial and the Lilac Drive.
� i
I . /Motion by Mri. Seeman, seeonded b� Mr. �uzzelle, tl�at in connection with the �tter of
�{ a permit for a eh3.cken. hatcher� which Mr. Brown. has requested,the �'la�ning Commission
iinform the council tY�at the request for a commercial ha,tcher�r located on property in ;
an open development �rea �� something upon which the Commission has no right to make • ;�
; a recommenc?ation othertha,n. that no �ermit be granted in aay such area egcept for proper �
� types of builc�ings and uses in eom�liance with the Zonin.g Ordin�,nee. • �
. Upon motion duly made and aeconded, the mee�ing wae ad�o�.rn.ed. �
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