01-09-41 PC Minutes 's
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1�i3.ra.utes of Meet3.ng
Ja�.�aa.ry 9, 1943
� 17�.e regYu]a.r monthl� me eting o f the Golclen 'Palle Planr�.in Commis s3.on was held
�* �
`1'khux°sd�.�, daxi�.a.ry 9, 1941 a,t 8 p.m. at t1�e village ha11. The followin,g members
�uere presen�$
Jo1aa I.•Brora.ner Fred Stanle�
Juu�an.ita �ir� Clarenae Tolg °
Rc�bert Ewa1� C. �'. Vditt
Joha Ga�fine� '
� �r. S�r1�es�er gaor�tz o `�
� Ge�tz�d.e T,asam
� It was move�. �y� Tolg, seconded '�g I�a,mm, that �he Planniag Comm3.ssio� �eeommend �.
�o �he Covncil that the �p13.cation o£ Filmore NtcCar� to build a gar�ge for temporax3r ±.
134r1ng quarters be denied.
Mr. C7.�a.xe�.ce Tolg �uas nomi.nated for chairmaa, and upoa mot�.mn du].� madc and s�eo$ded '
Mr. To1,� wa� Una�imov.sly eleet�a c1�a.irman for the y�ar 1941.
Mr. Jnh� Z. Brc�nue� was x�ominated for vice pz�s�.d�ra.�, anc9. upo� mot3.on dul� made an.d :
seca�ded Ms�. B�o�.er wa,� une.�.3.mousl� eleet�d �ice pre�3.dent for t�.e �rea� 1941. ;.
Ntrs. �'�aa�,ita �'iain. was nomia�a�ted for searetary—t��astirer, a,nd upo�. motio�. duly �+,de
and seeonaed Mrs. F3nn was uu.a.�,a.mousl�r re—elec�ed seeretar�treasurer.
i � After Nix�. �olg �ook the chai:�, a11 members of the sommissYOn �oinecl in e�ressing
to IIx, �ooatz their deep appreciation of h3s sple�c�.ic� l�a,dership d.uring �he pas�
Upon motio�a b� ?aamm, seconcled b�r �'�, tlae follawia�g is �he lis'� o� �eappoi.ntme�t� t
� ma,cle �o °the commiesion, 'terms to e�p3re Ja�.�e.2y'a �.944�
Clare�ee Tolg
i R. 3. Buzzelle
� �'ua�cl:i�'�. H: ��'i�n.
i ��rt'ru.de��:Launm
The �ollowix�.g n,etia members were appointed �or terms expiring � J�.n�a.r�, 1944t
Rob er'� Ewa7.c7.
W. �. Mc�3.xuio�
Fs°ed. 5�a�ale�*
A. Wi1so�
Mr. Seeman. hav3.ng been remo'ced frcam the Commissio�, Mr. Johxn Bronner was appoiated
- to fi3.1 the vs►e�ired term �o January� 1942.
� �s�3th re�erenee �o the Aeademy He�.ghts ta.z del3nque�.t propert� ori.ginall�r pro�osed '
I to b e �cq�a,3.red fo� grublie pvr�oses, there wa.s a motiosa. b� Bronx�er, second by
� Zarnm, thaa:t �, new com�i�tee be appointed �o inve�tigate the possib313tar of acqu3.ri�.g
� said p�°operties. ar. gooat�, Mr. Eyvald an.d Mr. Stanley were �ppointed to tha.t
� � �omm3.ttee.
Th�re �as a reeommex�da.�ion b� Dr. goontz tma.t the �omm3ss3.on p��ceod v�3.�h. �he
preparat3.on o�' a pamphlet� ao�.taini�.g rule� of p�°oaedure aad general irsforma.tion. �o�
p�ospective p1a�Cter� of propert�;that a conmi��ee be appo3.nted to �.raft such a
-- - - --- - -- -- - �
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, �� Mr. To7.g �olunteer�8 tY�at he would discu�s the matter oP the sign ord3na�.ce with
� the v�.11age �.�toraeyw3.th a v��w �o arriv3r�.g,a� an. a,graemem.t with the co�cil as
to the proper foam the orc'L�.nax�ee shau.ld probably take as a atarte�.
� Ths se�re�ary was dirscted �d write a eommun3.cat3on to Mr..Braclley, �he village
attorney, an.d ask him to seeure a written opin3.o� �'rom �he &ttoraey General as
�: to whether or not the v31�.aa,ge.of Golden �a11ey has a eity p1aa�. aud whe�her or not
i tY�s pa�o�isiou of the ena.'bling ae� relative to pv.blish�d notic� of 3.ntent3.on to
, plat i� matsclatary. o
Upon mot3.o�. dul� ma.de and. seaond�;d, the mee�ing was arl�ourn.ed.
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