04-10-41 PC Minutes � -� � , I '� . 'i i . �iautee of �Geet3gg '� ' t�oldea Va3.ley Plannin� �ommiseion ' ; � April 10, 1�41 �I �� ; �'he �e�ula�r mogthlp meeting of the Golden 4alley Pl�nnisg Commission '; wa� h�ld Thursdap, April �0, a,t tbe viliage hall. The f�llo�ing memb�rs i � �ere present: , John Bronaer Fietcher Ol�on ; Pe,ul Egghauger �'red Bt�nleq ;� � S�s,� Erioksor� Cl�,renc� Tol� � � �tla,nita Finn Clar�e YarAer ;; John G�,ff�ey �. R. �ilsog ' � 6plveeter �oontz Loui� �ddaue � � �ittached� to a,�d made e� pert of these minutes i8 � communicati�n from ' C�,il l�. Wilscn, �eoorder,dated Npril 8, 1941, eertifping th�t �r. �dc8i�tr►on �i � ha.s reeig�ed froffi the Comr�iss3.cn and th�t �s. Lcuis �'adda�s has be�a ; �ppaiated by the Co�,nail to fill �i�. �cKinnag's �.neapir�d term �o J�p�ue,ry, 1944. ; � Dr. �ioore appes,red before the Oomrni�sion and diseuesed �.petition c�hich !i had been preeented to the Qouncil for remova�l of the pionic �ro�s �.t _j Glen�ood �venue aad Lilae �ri�e. I; � �tion by �lson, seconded bp Hronner, ths,t ths Plannin� �o�isei ar� reaommegd �o thQ v311age cou�tctil th�,t it pPOQeed to acquire the picnic '� '+'grounds mentior�ed 3.n th� a,bove petitioa anc� ths.t the village then offer ; eaid. pr�pertp for s�le after its aeQuisition from the state. ; I�r, 9�s�,ley Felth appeared. bef.ore the f#ommiseion and diseu�sed� hie `� , propQeed pl�.t �hic�i h�,d bee�a presented ta the �cunoil for ite e,pproval. ]�o�ion by Finn, seaonded by �nghauser, that a committee be appointed to ! vie� �he prcpertp proposed to be platted e.nd �h�.t the eommittee ha4e ! �,uthority to report direvt to the Couneil a t its next meetiag with t heir ;� �,� reQOmmendations ia order to �,void anp delay. �he chair appointed �essre. �i Olsoa, �ilson aad Gs.ffney on thi� oo�mittee. � ' Referring ta the commuaic�tion from the �igneapolis Park Board �o �Sr. ;i � Aas'�cp� copp of �vhich wae forwarded by �dr. Raekop to the Commission, ; th�re was a motion by Dr. �oontz, se�oaded by Finn,th�.t th� ParY Board {, � be �,�kea to a,cquire the dump and els�o the h�.11side north of the dump up tv the s�e�r �3riz home. ; ; It also W�,s the uaasimouB opinion oF the Commiesic,n th�,t ga permi�s for buildi�s of anp kind � issued for e,gy pt�rpose oa thie propertp for the j indef ini�e future. ' � I � �'ir�t traoin�8 of a proposed ple,t of th� F'red S�,p, part of the �erman � Held �,nd all of the Perc ival �older properties were pr�sent ed bp �r. ;i ; � Engh�user. ;, � I ; �vt3a� bg Finr;, �eoonded by Dr. �oontz, t�e.t the same commit�ee acting ,., � the Stanlep Felth prop��ed pl�t be a,ppoin�ed to vieR thie proper�ps i � � ' � _ — - �ith euthoritg to report direot to the t3ounoil �t it� nezt m�eting �rith their re.s�nmeadation�. �otion by Qaffney, �econded by �dda�.�, that the seoretary dire�t � a commua3.cation to the Golden va].lep Commercisl Club pled�;iag oae hundred percer�t cooperation of the t3o�miesioa i.�. the event the Commeroial alub 8hculd sponeor a �Olean Up� �ee� for the villa�e� �pon i�otion dulp made �d eeoor�ded,the meetia� wa� ad�anraed! ,� i.i `1� � �, �;;� � � � � . � � �" a , r� � �� . �'` ,��,� �� , ,, ,r�`� r �.�,_ , _ � -���. � °c�ets,rp ,� � �'� ��-%��'!c p^�'�;�^ �=�_ �.; �! ..� h�,irm�,a ' . � . d t� � ({/��` F' �~ � m�'�� � i�r`� �`�'' •p/� � p �P9 {� ,;'� � .�� F +,y� 1 �"'� � �� � P,� w,i ,,(+� � / *�! . R.,o• ,:+.sr , r_`:r ��.'� �. f y�:`�,�,.:�4, �' '�'1i� J `�i5 � , � - �:- � � `� �, ` _�` L �� a� ' �, �? � o . �a�- _ - �yy��rr _ � _ . ����a , � ,�,. � � � "! �� � �;, �_;� ? � � ,_ ^;f 'y�e' /�' 'y 1-0 r ` /i-.� � _ � f2B � �� �� ' , i ` i �� � ' , � � � "� �';� • ��__�,�°�' ' �� .�.': ,;'� �'�--� g �� `' ���s�"-°'�"� A� � I • � ( � f � � f' ,�-._ ,� a � �:�''s��f �- � �. '�.� M1 :�ts'�'��'�{� � r���..,�t r � ,4 / ��. M i �`� . i r i � i a I � ' 4 � I � i I ' i i �