05-08-41 PC Minutes �
�i�u�es of �eeting
� Golden Valley Planning Dommi�sio� ;
�ay 8, 1941 ,
The re�u7.�r monthly meetiag of tlne Qolden �alley Planning Commission
I wae held �ursd�p, �e,p 8, 1941, �t 8 p.r�. �,t the �illa�e hali. The
following membert� �ere paesentt
' Johz� �roaner �yl�eeter goontz
� Paul Lnghauser t�ertrude Lamm
� 8wan Er iok son Loui s �fa.dcle,n�
; Ro'f�rt E��,ld e Fred Stanley
Juaait� Fina t7le,reace 'Tol�
j John �.ffney Qlarke V�,r�er
� . 0. F, �itt
Dt�. J. Henrp 9vhipke, f�radu�,te t�aahisg aseista,nt e,t �he t�iv�rsitg
� of �inneeota Oivil Engiseering 8c�oo1, w�.s presentat t]se meeting
' aad dieoussed at length probleme in connection with preparation
of �,a official ma,p of the v illage e.nd made sever�l voncarete su.g-
� �88�1�I38• He a.lso diBaussed the ho�ae aumbering problem, referred
� �o the Cp�mission by the Cofaumil.
� The eeoretarp iaformed the membere preeent th�t Fletoher �lson,
not �,t �he meetiag, h�d withdra� his original motioa in cannection
i with the petitiog preeented by reeidea�s cf the nei�hborhood of
t�lenwood Avenue �nd Lila,c Drive pertai8ing to Q�,c�.ting the road�ide
; park there, but tha.t hie pereonal opiniog wae still the aame �.nd
i � tha�t the motio� �a� being withdr�,wn onlp so the ffietter oAUld be
i conaid.ered furt?�er by the �ommieei on,
: There w�.� a, motion by Lsmrn, seoonded by Qaff�ep, th�,t on pEtition �
of the v�io� propertp owaers adjaceat to the pianic �r ound� and
ia eiew o� the fe.ot t�.t t�ere a,re ao toil�t or we,ter facilitiee
the c�mmissioa aug�eet to the eounoil that stepe be ta,ken to�ard
the remo4al of the pionic tablee, fireplaces �nd benches.
The vote on the motion ��,e ae folloe�s:
I �riek��a pes E�ald ges
� j
t��s,n��g yes gooatz pes
� �adda.u� pe� �itt ges
� V�rner yes �°ol� �o
La,mm pee Fign �o ' �
� �ronner yes
Eaghauser No
B�r. Jensen �,ppeared b�fore the �3ommission with propot��d plans for
! a �sement bloak fe,etorg to be loca.ted �bot�� ?44 feet ba� frcm
i �e.yr�at� �3ouleva,rd on �he B�. N. � B. Railw�,q right of wap and pre-
se�,ted ooneegt of ad�aoent property ov�ners to the ereetion of such
�. p1�nt.
� 1�otion by Pn�havser, 8econded bp F3gn, that the Pl�,nning Commi�sios
recommend to the (3o�sacil tha,t p�rmit for the co�strut�tioa of �,
aemeu� block factory 'be i�sued, eub�ect t� the bv.ilding ingpeC�or�� '
- _ . _�-
I �
! �
� app�o�ral of the pl�.ns e�.nd speoifie�,tiona. � ';
_ �r. H. Jel�ik s:pp�ared before the;commis�3.on with propo�ed �1�n8
; for a double btv��;alo� and �roeerp store �o be locat�d os the eouth �
i ' si.de of 19th �eegue �.nd Lilac Drive.
B�o�i�g bp �ngh��ser, eeconded by Finn, that there should 'be at '
least a 30� fvo� �etback from the right of way of Lilao Dri��
' for �p oom�eraia,l, building.
�� There being ao further bud aese to eome before the �eeting, upon
; motion dulq m�,d� and eeoonded the meetin� ��,s ad�ourned.
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