06-12-41 PC Minutes , �timutes ef �ieeting
Ci�ldea Valley Pl�.nning Commissioa ��
� � �une 12, 1941
Th� reg}u].�.r m�nthlq meeting of the Golden Valley Planaiag �ommi�sicn ��,e ;
held 2hursd�p, June la, 1�41, s,t 8 p.m, a� the eill�,ge ha.l.l. 2he f011ov�-
i in� memb�re wePe preeent: 'I
E3lareace Tolg Fletoher Olson ��
C. F. �3.tt A. R. Nilsou '
Joha Gaffnep 9ylveatcr gocnt�
, P�u1 Err��e.user I�. t�. �i,ddaus '
I' Bea 8tew�,�t
Swan Lrickaog
I �
here �a� a motion to c�.1,1 the �,ttenti�a of the oouna3l to the faot ;�
� that a tr�.ffic ha,zard eaiets at the drieing �clf tee an �Payz�,t�, Bo�].evsrd
�,nd �inne�ks, as to buildix��a. ,
T,�here 8ae a, motion b �oon�z, eeconded by Eaghauser that the commisaion
sk the cou�icil for �5� s,s eapenses on the sl�ele�og ma,p of �he village,
. �doti4n by Ea�hauser, seoogded bp �Pilson that the �me of Fourtl� Avenue
; �crth be �han�ed to Popla,r Drive in aacord�nce with petition from propertp �
o�ne=g in Gleawood Aaditio�.. ;I
Tbere �s a, ffiation by En�haueer, seQOnded by G�ffney, that the commi�sion '�
reco�mend t},.a.t the ville.ge attorney dra� up �,n �mendment to the zoning ,
Ardinanoe ia aocordance Wi�h the recommend.ation� of 8'�an Ericl�son,�
� �uildi8�, inspector, the s�me beiag �h�.t on 40 fovt lote the side y�s,rd ':.i
� %equirement me.y be 5 feet �n the north or weet sid.e and 9 f��t au the �
'�outb, or east side; tha,t an 50 foot lote the side ��ard be 6 feet on the ?
' north or west side 8nd 14 fee� oa tfie. sou�h or ea,�t side, �sd oa 60 ;
' foot lots the eide y�ard be 7 feet on the nor�� or ��et eide and 15 feet on �
� the south or east side. Aiso, th�te �vae � motior� by Eng�auser, seoonded
b Erickeon, �h�,t there be n eiaty foot minimum �ell depth fr� ang case.
j tioa by EngY�auser, �ecosded by 800atz, that the proposed plat pre- ;
! eent ed by L. �'. �add.e,us be �.pproved. �
i �Referrir�g to the le�ter from the �inneapolis P�rk Bo�r� relatiee to i
' � the a.ea�uieition of property on Zeraes ��enue for gark purpos�s, the
� � lette r to �ir. Raekop relatiQe thereto, it �e,e sugges�ed th�t the letter
i be returned to the council for further coneideration of t�e origine.l
i petitiener�. ;
' Upon motioa duly made and Beconded, the meeting �ae �.d�ourned.
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