02-12-42 PC Minutes � — -----
I �
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�inute� of �teeting �
Golden '�alley Plannin� �ommiseion �
; Febru�p 1�, 1942 �
The re '�
�ul�.r �onthlp and annu�.l meeting of the Golden V�,lleq
Plannin� Commission c��,e held T1�ursday, February 1�, 1942.,
�t 8 p.�. a.t the village hall. �'he fo2lo�in� membere were
, present : ;
P�ul Enghau�er Claresce Tolg
Swan Eriekson C. �. 9�i�t �
Robert E�ald
; Juanita Finn
� John Gaffney
' Arthur Hen�ler
Upon motioa duly �►ade �.nd seconded 3.t was una,nimously
� ca,rried th�t Ol�,rence Tolg remain �,s chairm�,n �:nd Juanit�,
�inn �e secretar�-tre�,su�er of the Gommission. Arthvr
�ensler was un�nimously eleoted Yice President. "
! � The numbering committee was reappointed to serve for the
ensuing yea,r. '�
�otion by Engha.user, seconded by Erickson, that a letter I
; be sent to tbe President of the Council su��estfng the �
� �.ppointffient of the follo�uing as ffiembers of the Pl�nning ;�
' Co�nis�.on.:
�rvid Johnson Cl�.rence 8cherer
J. Donald Fruea�� �r�. (�eor�e Cr�,ndall �
Cha.rles Fra.ndsen Joh� Carson i
Lester dohnson '�
; �
�Tpon ffiotion ma,de and seconded, the meeting ��,s a,d�ourned. '
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