03-12-42 PC Minutes �_ � i ` i ,� �dinutes of �eeting � Golden valley Planning�ommission i � 11f[a,rch 12, 1942 � 'T�.e regta.7.�.r monthly ffieeting of the Golden Valley Pl�,nn3.n� Cammission was held Thuraday, ��,rch 12, 1942,at 8 p,m. a.t the gillage hall. ; The following r�effibers �ere present : S�van �rick8on, el�,rence Tolg Robert Ew�,la� g,. R. BPils� n Ju�,ni�a Finn Ar�id Johnsoa Joha C�a,ffney B�rs. Crs.naall 1�rthur �ensler Herman Russell Syl�ester Koontz A1 ��rtinsoa Fred Sta.nley In eonnection with the house numbering bein� sponaored by the Co�- mi�sion, it is the opinimn of the Commiseion th�,t onl� the streets be put on the n�umbered map is a.re�,s �h�re property is being Bold bg ffietes and 'bounds. �otion by �oontz, seeonded by Finn, that �he propo�ed plat of IJob Eiill, First Unit, be reco�ended to the council for �ccept�,nce. Uganimously carried. � It �as agreed th� �eetings, in t.he future, woulel be a�,lled for 7:�0 p.m. in �,ccorda.nce vuith �the By-Le,ws. �otion by Eva�,1,1d, eeconded by Johnson, th�,t the council rec�uire th�,t the coach which is bein� used as a eoft drink stand at �ayz�,ta �oulevard and �inr� tka be moved out of the �rs�p so �.s not to cre�,te a traffio hazard before any permit or license ie �r�,nted. B6eser�. 8t�nley and goontz �ere direeted to bring in �. renew�,l of their arigin�,l report relative to the �.cquisition of the tax delinquent property in Glenwood niew Additian for public puraoses. Upon �otion dulp �ade and �eeonded, the mevting wa,s ad�ourned. �� � � i , ,� ; � : �.� � � ��� �i Seoretary Chairm�,n �� � 1 . ,; � � � �_ � �