05-14-42 PC Minutes i
,--� PQinutes Qf Mee'�iag
•° G81den V�lley Pl�nnin� �offimiesion
' �I�,y 1�, 1942
,� ,;'
I , �
The regular monthly �eeting of the Golden Y�].ley Pl�nning C3o�mis�ion t
I �a�.s held Thur�day, ��,q 14, 194�, a.t 7.30 �.m. at the 4illa�e hall. TYE
I following �embers v�e�e present :
I -
i P�,ul Enghau�er, Chairman pro A. R. �Pilson
S�an �rickson t�ffi Arvid Johnsoa �
� Robert E�vald �drs. George Grandall ;
Peter Faust Cl�.rence Scherer
Ju�.nit�, Finn A1 �artin�en
John G�,,ffaey Melvin Olmen '�
Arthur Hensler ��
� BylQester goontz '
� .�
� :�
�do�tion by �artinsen, sevonded by Scherer, th�,t the minute� of the
�� , April meeting, �,t which there v��,s no�uo�u�,be �,pprov�d. i
� �otion by �dartinsen, s�conded. by 8cherer,' �h�,t the aotion taken bp 'I
� ``� the �embers present �.t the April mee�ing with reference to the Official �
.�Nu�bering Syetem of th� vill�,ge be and it hereby is approved by the
�1e,nning CA�mission. �
� Discussioa of the m�,t�er of selling l�,nd by met�s and bounds. �dr. .�
j� K�,ne, the �rillage attornep, w�,s present and �uggested eever�,l w�,ys
in which the 8itu�,�i�n might be p�,rti�,lly controlled. It wa,s decided
! to wait until the Le�3.slat.ure meets in J�nuary �,nd �,ttempt to have the
� League of �unicip�,lities �.g�in put forth its bill as preeented in the
! last eessior�.
�� �Iation by Fa,ust, seconded bp �cherer, th�.t the P1�,nning Co�ission
recommend �o the coun�il th�:t �r. Kane be delegated to represent the �
; °�` vills,�e �,t the Le�,�ue of �1uniQipa,litie�' oonvention to be held either a�
i� the Te�in (3ities or at E1y, �ad that the �atter of selling by �etes {
and bounds �nd certain other m�,tter� be �brought before the Lea�a.e by �
I �r. K�,ne.
; Disvuseion of the propo�ed billboard ordinance. b�r. Ka,ne �resented � �
! forr� of ordinanee, �.nd it wa.e suggested th�,t Dr. �oontz, member of the �
� origin�,l oorm�ittee, and �r. Eriekson and �r. �,ne ga oger the dr�,ft �
' �nd briag it in �,t the next ffieeting. ;
i The House Plumbering Co�mittee was left intact to foilow through om the ?
detaile of makin� the systera effective. It was suggested that the t irme �
limit for eompliar�ce wi�h the House Numberin� Ordin�.nce be extended to
Bigty da,yg. The secret�,ry �t�.s requested to direct �, communic�,tion to
� the ec�u.ncil to this effeet, �nd also to request permi�sion to incur
further e xpense in oonne ction e�3.th the fin�l eompletion of the system.
I� Referr3.n to �lae communication from �r.
g Raskop, it was moved bp Kooat�,
seconded bp �Pilson tha�t the village be elo�ed to hunting pe rmanently �d
_, th�,t the ville�ge �� be constituted a Game Refuge �s set forth in �
�r. Raekop's letter. The vote w�,s �,sfollows : Enghause�, Eriak�on, �
�A�,� Faus�, Finn, �ooatz, �ilsoa, Johnsc�n, Cr�,nd�,11, Scherer, �t�,rtinse�. '
! Olmen, YEa, �ffnep, BiO.
UPon motion dulp ms.de snd seconded, t he meeting �.s ad�ourned.
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