02-24-44 PC Minutes --- - -_ - ---�
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,� � � �inutes of s�eci�l �ieetin� ,
Golden g�.11ey Plannin� Co�i��io�.
� Thursd�,y, Febru�ry �4,1944
s speci�l �ee�tin� of the Golden V�lley P1�,nning� Ca�ission v��.s held �
Thursd�y, Febru�,ry �4, 1944, �t 7:30 p.m. �t the villak;e r�ll. The '
' followin� ���nbers �ere present : �
P�ul En�h�user 41�.rence �ol�
Pet�r F�ust C. �'. �li�t
' � Ju�.nit� Finn �. R. �il�on
, John ��ffney Arvi� Johnsoa
�ylv�ster Koontz l�rss G'pOP�'G �rand.all
The e�eeting �o�� c�,lled for the purpose of electin� officers for
the year 1�44.
�r. �rvic� Joh�.son v��,� nomin�ted for ch�_irman, and upor� �otian duly
m�de and seeonded �r. Jo�nsan wae v.n�ni;�ovsly el�eted. eh�irman of
the �o�ission for 1944. �
. �1r. Ar�hur Hensler �v�,$ nominated for vice-presic�ent, �nd upon
���otion duly ��de �nd secanded �r. Hensle� was un.�,nimouslg re-ei���ea vice ;
� pTesid�r� of the CommiESion for 1�44. 'i
; �:rs. Finn was no�inat�d for �ecret�rl-tre�,surer, �nd upon �otion �
duly m�de �nd s�conded �ir�. Finn �as v.nanimously re-electec�. �ecret�ry- I
tre�,surer of the Co��ission for 1944.
As provided in the By-L�,v�s, it ��.s a�reea�ble to the me�ber� pres�nt �
�h�t business other th�n -Gh�t for which this me�tin� v��,s specific�,lly �
c�77.1ec1 b� di�cus�ed. �
`Th�re v��B � motion by Dr. Koontz, seconded by �ir. �'olg, th�t the �
�,ttentian af th� council be c�lled to the f�ct th�t d�ipin� i� 1Jeing .�
c�rr3ed on e�ten�ively by ind.ividu�ls fro�n the city on v�_c�nt �roperty
in th� vill�ge �djacent to the eity li�its, v�ith � recommend�tion that ;
"No �uY�pin��' si�ns be ereeted on �11 auch vac�n� propertg.
�oti�n by �.r. �'o3:g, seconc9.ed by �:r. Engh�.user, th�t �ve �sl� �he Cc�uacil i
for �a20 to c�ver oper�ting ex�enses of the Co�mi�sion.
�.otion by ��ir. Tol�, seconded by �r. F�uEt, ��i�t �ve �et out the '�illbo�r� �
ordin�nce �nd bring it up ���in for diec�zssion by the �om►nission. ;
� "�
, �otion �bp �r. Tol�, seconded by �.rs. Finn, that the �ttention of the j
' Co�.nci1 be c�11ed. to tl�e survey m�de by th� Highw�y Dep�rt�ent settin� �j
up s�eecl zon�s in the villa�e with the rPr�uest th�t �the r�a.ds ��e postec� '�
in �cc�rda�c�e tller��ith.
� � �
U�aon �otion dul�r m�.de an�. seconded, �he meetin� �as �,dj�u.gned.
' � � �� �
, � , �.
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� ?�' �',9 �! �'::��� � - � �`�-".n� � ;
_ Sec�°et€�ry i
' Ch�ir��n
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