03-09-44 PC Minutes I
�i�.�.ut�s of Nleeting _ °
�old.en Valle�r P18.nning Com�lission
,� �arch 9, 1544 �
The regul�.r monthly r�eetin� of the Golden Valley Pl�.nning Co�-
�ission �as held Thursd�,y, �arah 9, 1944, at 7:30 p.m. �t the
village h�,ll. The follawing me�bers were present :
Paul �r�gha�ser 9yleester Koontz
S�san Erio�son �eorge Hom'be.rge�
Peter Fau.st Robert Landry
Ju�,nita Finn Ol�,rence Tolg
John G��ffney Ar�id Johnson
. � Clarence 8cherer
�elvin Olmen '
�ot3on by En�.au�er, secsonded by Tolg, that �, record be �ade
in the minutes of the re�so�i for callin� thie mee'tin� in sueh
ahort order, without wTitten �ioti�e, the earne being for the
purpose of considering emergency �,ttere.
�[otior� by Finn, seconded by To].g, that the Co��.8sion arder
�thirty (30) copies, �� fiee CEIIt6 ��Jh� e�,ch of
' recom�ended b I�r. , pamphlets
co��unities, and thatgA�ruBEngh�,usertbearuplanning for suburb2�n
order. �. 'thorized to �lace the
� �iot�ion by Finn, seeonded by Faust, that Dr. Koontz �.nd �ir. To1g,
both r�e�ibers of t he origin�.l zonin� cornmit-tee, be requeeted to
�neet with P�r. �Telson, the village �atto�ney, to discuss a. pro�oflsed
amendr�e�t 'to t�Ze zc�ning ardinance, with reference to side ya.rd
require�ents, �nd if they agree upon 8 form of a�endr�ent the e�me
, be sub�itted to the vill�ge council e�ithout the r�.ecessi�y of
referring the �atter back to �he Co►�mission for hearing.
Upon r�otion dul�r made and seconded, the r�eeting w�,s ad�ourned.,. ;
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